Utah High School Football Players Accused of Burning Gay Pride Flag

Of course you’re going to say that about your own statement.

They are immune to their own hypocrisy and completely blinded to it.

Completely unsupported, you have no idea what every flag burner knows or thinks. :roll_eyes:

Hog wash, there’s no equation between political dissent and the bigotry of discrimination. This is why flag burning is and will remain a matter of free speech and burning the LGBTQ flag will not be.

Exactly, keep your bigotry in the shadows…

Both are free speech, the only difference is that you approve of one and not of the other.

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We get that everyone is entitled to free speech and if someone cannot condemn a statement that is obviously hateful and intended to provoke a negative reaction that says a lot about that person.

I would be surprised if you were so accommodating and talking about kids will be kid if he had made the statement and directed it at the President. Both statements from my perspective are despicable.

Perhaps you should have read what I was responding to.

This is why flag burning is and will remain a matter of free speech and burning the LGBTQ flag will not be.

The SCOTUS will never rule that the discrimination and bigotry of burning the LGBTQ flag protected under the first amendment.

Of course they will because it is free speech. They are not protected classes under the 14th Amendment.

I read this as teenagers being teenagers and the response to teenagers being teenagers is overwhelmingly heavy-handed and ridiculous.


Wait what? :joy:

Did you just try to argue that burning the American flag is fine but burning the globohomo flag isn’t?


Apparently it’s fine to hate the country but not any of the left’s favored victim groups.

I think that burning the flag is stupid. They go down to Walmart and buy a Chinese made flag and burn it…:roll_eyes: I can think of more valuable forms of protest.

SCOTUS however has protected it. SCOTUS has not protected burning the LGBTQ flag. So we’ll have to wait and see how this ends up.

They have not protected the burning of the jolly roger either. Your logic implies that it might be illegal to do so since SCOTUS has not ruled on it.

Then stand in opposition on the same grounds to those who claim to know what the high school kid knew or thought that night when he was 16.

But watch your absolutes. I never said EVERY flag burner. Your injection of that word in reply to what I said is disingenuous.

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You are burying your arguments in libbery. The rest of that post is pure libberish hogwash.

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Need clarification here.

Are you referring to MY bigotry?

Or was that just a generality you were making there?

I don’t see how you would know what most flag burners are thinking…:man_shrugging:

It’s a generality…