Utah High School Football Players Accused of Burning Gay Pride Flag

They dont live forever.sorry.

All gays do die. Free speech means people get to say things you don’t like.

Today I saw a guy wearing a T shirt with the wisecrack
“Life is a bitch
and you DIE!”

Especially for gays who hate life.

Do you really believe that the intent was to make a factual statement? I never said he was not free to say whatever he likes but we both know free speech does not mean free from consequences.

No, I think your sole intent was to bitch about it.

My intent was to talk about it. Obviously the person who made that statement is a pretty despicable person and I do hope his comment have ramifications.

No that certainly isn’t obvious. He’s a kid showing off and running off at the mouth.

Doesnt matter, he knows right from wrong. Anyone with half a brain knows you dont make idiotic comments like that especially on video.

But i am sure you wouldnt be saying hes just a kid running his mouth if his statement had been directed at Trump.

My ethics and morals don’t depend on who’s being talked about.

he’s a kid, just a fact.

He’s showing off, just a fact.

He’s running off at the mouth, yet another fact.

Other than this video you don’t know squat about him so you can’t possibly say with any certainty you know he’s a despicable character because you know virtually nothing about him.

You’re just virtue signaling and patting yourself on the back.

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Your very good at deciding what everyone is thinking and doing.

As I said my opinion is someone who said what he says is a despicable character. Like in my previous post you would not be giving him the benefit of the doubt if his comment had been about Trump.

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You make it easy to read.

The US flag is burned in protest and political dissension. That is why the SCOTUS has protected it. Not sure SCOTUS would protect this.

So Monty , why the need for a flag for sexual orientation , why the awards ? Is there a flag or an award for straights ? You want to compare the flag of the United States with a F-ing GAY flag ? :roll_eyes:

Despicable if you disagree with the speech, innocent adolescent mouthing if you agree with it. The coach is right and the school won’t tolerate such, even in Utah.

Actually, the lib kids on boards like this one do it all the time. For me, I’m more saddened that they’ve been brainwashed than by their stupidity and hatred.

But more generally, kids do and say stupid things all the time. Always have. Always will. I was lucky we didn’t have camera phones back then recording every moment like today. Moving forward, no adult who was a kid in today’s world will be immune from blackmail or opposition dogpiles because today’s technology never forgets.

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Wait… That’s precisely what you are doing with this kid.


Most people burning the flag have no idea what they are doing it for except for ginned up group hatred of the moment.

Do you honestly believe antifa rioters believe they are making a political statement?

And after all I’ve said so far, this is actually my overarching sentiment about this incident.

Ok, not sure the authority for such a comment. But nevertheless SCOTUS has protected it. I doubt they’ll protect burning the LGBTQ flag similarly.

No not really, he made a hateful statement in conjunction with the act of destroying a flag that represents the gay community. Those two acts together give me an indication of the intent

Go ahead and defend this kid, thats your right just as its my right to decide what I think he meant.

My authority is truth.

Right there. The duplicity of special rights.