Utah High School Football Players Accused of Burning Gay Pride Flag

Of course you don’t.

I don’t expect you to.

Life is not like a box of chocolates but like a plate of chilies.

What you do one day can burn your butt later.


Nearly all speech provokes a negative reaction in someone today and without a doubt all political or patriotic speech will generate animus on the part of some.

Too bad, get over it both are free speech and as such protected under the First Amendment.

No one is arguing thar but free speech does not come without consequences.

By definition protected speech cannot be sanctioned or prevented by the Gov’t. Study up on constitutional law sometime.

Where I am saying government they are; however government does put restrictions on free speech.

Anyone is free to say that they are going to harm the President but they will face a consequence for that act of free speech. And it is right they should do.

You could be my employee and are free to publicly state on Twitter how bad my company is and how no one should do business with me and I am free to fire you.

You of course didn’t specify so I clarified.

The limits are defamation, incitement to riot, and communicating certain threats.

As for “free to fire” that varies from state to state and whether or not you work for a gov’t entity.

Not all private entities can do so lawfully.

Not to mention the cheating!. Why is it that “found ballots” always favor the left?

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The end justifies the means. I think they get a lot of votes from dead people, live people that vote multiple times, unregistered voters that vote under someone else’s name, unregistered voters that use a driver’s license ID to vote…

…any method they can think of and get away with to stuff the ballot boxes with illegal votes.