Ukrainian war and peace

What does this have to do with my post ?

You said it. Not me.

Two guys versed in military affairs talk about Ukraine and the Middle East.

Russia is against the woke “culture” and the climate change “religion” and that’s why Russia is being attacked.

No more aid for Ukraine from NATO.
The reason.

This is CNN. Take that with a big grain of salt

It’s not guaranteed that Poland ditches Zelensky’s Ukraine, but it may mean a step closer to its total isolation and (hopefully) to peace.

Leopards go swimming.

OK. I should stop mud slinging

How about that BIG KABOOM on the Russian airfield in BERDIANSK. Beautiful fire that lit up the sky!!!

Europe is in big trouble because of the Ukrainian defeat.
Money cannot save Ukraine.

Former Ukrainian soldiers are now fighting for Russia.
Ukraine is a fake state. It’s a huge money laundering operation, masquerading as a country.

F16s from the Netherlands are junk.
Why Ukraine is losing men.

OK , Mr. Aviation authority, what model F16 are you talking about!!! An inferior plane in the right hands can be as deadly as a superior plane.

Scott Ritter is an authority on weapons. He says Ukrainians cannot fly F16s right, because they lack years of training time.

They will.have to learn quick. The F16 is better than most Russian planes

By the way , all I see here is UKRAINE this and UKRAINE that . Maybe they will be accused of the SAN FRANCISCO earthquake and the JOHNSTOWN flood .
I say, FUK RUSSIA and FUK RASPUTRID and the horse he rode in on. He apparently is a GOD that is WORSHIPPED here except for me. No one is perfect and that INCLUDES Zelensky but he is doing a good job considering the level of corruption in Ukraine and MOTHERFUKING Russia is FAR WORSE and at least he doing the best he can.
Ukraine is a FAR BETTER country than RUSSIA

What’s wrong with Germany allowing politicians like Scholz and Baerbock do their stupid things?

Even Germans know she is dumb

Hopefully with Scholz , Deutchland will take its RIGHTFUL place as a leader on the Euro Continent.

Europe is going down. Countries like Hungary and Serbia might survive by virtue of their relationship with Russia.

Need to constantly consult with a map.

A Russian offensive is coming, whether we like it or not; it’s a matter of when, and not if.

But “where” is easier to guess.

Russia will not agree to any ceasefire because Russia has been fooled by the west three times.
(Minsk 1 and 2, and Instanbul accord last year)