Ukrainian war and peace

[Trick or Treat? Zelensky Begs Door to Door for Candy in DC, Fallout of Time “Nobody Believes in Ukrainian Victory” Piece, Kiev Regime Officials Are Thieving Rats Fleeing the Sinking Ship, more… (]

Blinken and Nudelman (plus her husband by the name of Kagan) are all psychopaths.

The dream of a new Khazaria is dead.

Russia would benefit from ceasefire as it would give them time to replace their OUTRAGEOUS loss of tanks and armored vehicles and BRAINWASH men through propoganda to enlist in the ARMY where they will have a SHORT SHELF LIFE.

Zelensky out, and Zaluzhny in?

One lunatic out, another lunatic in.

There is no such thing as “wonder weapon,” as burning Leopards show.

As Scott Ritter said, advanced weaponry without proper logistics means little.

At this stage, Russia will no longer accept any cease fire.

I never heard this lady before.
The short answer yes.
The long answer, yes and no, depending on who in the US. For Khazars, Ukraine is not only their homeland but Palestine, which they have illegally occupied for some time, is getting lost. Therefore, the Khazars need to activate their Plan B which is Ukraine. Now the Khazars may have to resort to Plan C which would be a Jooish state or an automonous region in northern China, a very ancient homeland for the Khazars (i.e. Gog and Magog, or Gok-Turks from Mongolia)

Lets cut the ETHNIC CRAP and talk about Russias military FAILURES in Ukraine. Putanistas on PB are BLINDED by their ETHNIC HATRED and REFUSE to accept that Russias General Staff is Incompetent in fighting Ukraine by using MEATWAVE ( HUMAN WAVE) assaults wasting valuable lives . This is WW1 all over again.
How can you.PUTANISTAS brag about Russias battlefield successes with their total casualties exceeding 300k with Ukraines far less.
Why no talk about how Russia FUKED up the invasion to take Kiev only to retreating because of POOR logistical support. Russia could have taken Kiev in 90 days if they were anywhere competent.
All you PUTANISTAS keep the blinders on an keep talking about your ethnic hatred while Ukraine is defeating an army many times their size. Ukraine has also made Russias Black Sea Fleet IRRELEVENT forcing them to move further away because of the missile strikes.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ukraine is lost.
The story (in the west) has changed after Russia defeated Ukraine militarily.
So says Scott Ritter.

I pretty much stay out of this war shit… Ukraine and Israel. If I can see that Russia is winning… why can’t you?

I’m not a fan of Ukraine… nor a fan of Russia. I don’t really care about either one. I will say that if Ukraine falls, I won’t shed a tear. The biggest money laundering facilitator to the U.S politicians will be gone. Boo fuckin’ hoo.

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You see what Im talking about!!! What drug are you on !!! You obviously are blinded by your DELUSIONAL belief Russia is winning.
Ukraine has opened a new front , crossing the Dnieper in Kherson, expanding the beachhead , bringing armored vehicles across and is threatening Olesky. Where is Russia going to get reinforcements and not weaken other areas to defend this area , without.Ukraine attacking the weakened area.
I guess you missed the picture of the beautiful sky near the Kerch bridge lit up by the fire from the missile attack on that 3 yr old missile ship.
QUEENS ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST should have alot of air time for the Russians.

        SLAVA UKRAINE ALL !!!!!!!!!

Final days of Ukraine as we know it today?

[Is the US Looking to Extricate or Escalate in Ukraine? Netherlands Sends F16s for Kiev Regime Pilot Training, Avdeevka Front Sitrep, Patrushev Signals Russia Focused on Regime Change in Kiev, more]

Russia is NOWHERE in a defeat Ukraine. Russia has no mobile reserves to reinforce their positions. They have to weaken one area to reinforce another
Once Ukraine expands the Kherson bridgeheads, they will be on the way to Crimea.
Russia will be lucky to encircle Avdiika given the casualties of around 7 k men and and over 100 tanks and armored vehicles.
Russia has to beg countries they sold helocopters to , to return the engines. Russia is loosing more equipment than they can produce. Maybe we will see the old T34 tanks on the battlefield.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just don’t understand you Ukraine fans. Ukraine is the most… if not one of the most corrupt countries on Earth. American politicians launder untold amounts of money through this POS country. Do you really, honestly think this POS little country can/will defeat Russia??? … LOL! You voted for Biden… right???

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No, I voted for Trump who may have prevented this. corruption in all countries, some worse than others.
Yes , I believe Ukraine will win because their General Staff is FAR SUPERIOR to Russias using tactics that mimize losses and attacking Russias supply areas and have made the Black Sea Fleet irrelevent .

Ukraine winning is an open.

Russia will never surrender the port

They will likely not leave the current territory

Winning is having your country bombed into the Stone Age and most of the population gone

Winning, US wasting billions for nothing

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Last chance!

Last chance to steal money before the country collapses.

(For corrupt Ukrainian politicians and generals to steal money — coming from the US, of course)

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When Israel disbands, where would Israelis go?

Ukraine. Where else? Nobody wants them.

Russia probably will accept a Jooish republic in former Ukraine, after its division into Russian, Polish, Hungarian and Jooish parts.

The Ukrainian collapse is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Anybody supporting Israel is complicit in war crimes.

More good news in Ukraine. Russian troops retreating in Kherson Oblast in the face of the Ukranian Army success in establishing the bridgeheads. Where will they weaken areas to reinforce Kherson.
Other good news , 2 Russian landing ships now sit on the ocean floor after Ukrainian missile attacks. Russian Navy continues to be IRRELEVENT.
Ukraine contimues to hold Avdiivka despite Russias human wave assaults .No comments on Russias horrible casualties here and elsewhere in Ukrauine , over 300 k total casualties ( klilled and wounded) and Ukraine around 170 k total casualties .I guess PUTANISTAS approve of Russias battlefield tactics.

             SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s no longer a question of if but when the Zelensky regime will collapse. A coup by the military led by Zaluzhny is likely.

In the meantime Ukraine is being depopulated so that displaced Israelis can settle there, after the criminal state of Israel is erased from Palestine.

Defeated Ukraine will be dumped on Europe.

The Maidan coup, financed by the CIA and Mossad, started exactly 10 years ago, cost hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives and brought nothing but misery to the people of Ukraine.

Zelensky and his wife made themselves rich through this process but may see the Trotsky moment. (He was “axed” in Mexico by the Bolshevik assassins)