Ukrainian war and peace

The Kiev regime is throwing away lives of Ukrainian troops.

The US has a serious intelligence problem.

Hey DIDGEE POOH, CHECK out UKRAINES latest successes today. You may need a SEDATIVE!!!

F35 goes missing.
I bet Ukraine hijacked it electronically.

Whose agenda is it to kill as many Christian Slavs as possible?

A slightly different view.

It was the Ukrainian missile that killed 17 civilians in a Donbass village (still occupied by the Ukrainian military)
New York Times: Evidence Suggests Errant Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Deaths.

Yes, I have seen that on You Tube and unfortunatly maybe correct.

Welcome to New York.
The New Yorkers are an outspoken bunch.


The Biden administration has already determined that Ukraine is lost.

Question is, how to disentangle itself from the mess, while blaming the defeat on Zelensky and, of course, Russia.

Some decades ago, maybe in 1990s, a very old Ukrainian immigrant was stripped of his US citizenship because he worked for the Germans during WWII. I forgot his name.

Naturally his children and grandchildren were very upset and appealed to courts but it was to no avail. I don’t remember what happened to him.

Compare that to what’s happening in Canada today.
We’re not allowed to name or criticize these people who control the finances, governments and media.
They are responsible for the bloodshed in Ukraine.
Right. Christian Ukrainian lives don’t matter (for them).

An old Ukrainian former Nazi SS gets standing ovation in the Canadian Parliament during Zelensky’s visit.

Why make a big stink out of it? Zelensky didn’t mind.

Zelensky’s associates in Ukraine are Nazis, if not all.

What was Russia’s objective in Ukraine? Removal of Nazis from prominent positions in Ukraine.


Ukrainian Nazi (Waffen SS) gets Turdo in big trouble.

Skip the (Swiss) German intro.
Threat of WWIII with nuclear use.
Russia has already won.
The US and Germany are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians.

Swiss neutrality shaky?
Scott Ritter

It’s no longer a question of if, but when.
When will the big Russian offensive come?

This is already old news, but the Ukrainian Nazi received standing ovations in the Canadian parliament at the time of Zelensky’s visit. Of course the Canadian government knew that he was an old Nazi, a member of the Waffen SS who committed war crimes.

These Waffen SS guys were captured by the Allied forces in Germany and sent to the UK. But the UK didn’t want to keep them, so it sent them to Canada.

Putin at Valdai:
The Ukrainian conflict is not about territory.
It’s about the security of the people who want to be part of the Russian Federation, and we consider them to be our people.

Who is he BSing. Its all ABOUT restoring the former Soviet Empire . If Ukraine would fall, Poland and the Baltic countries would be next.
I would sooner believe SLOW JOE before RASPUTRID.

The Soviet Union was the brain child of the international banksters. The Rockefellers bankrolled the Bolsheviks and it’s no secret that Trotsky stayed in New Jersey and in New York and was sent back to Russia with tons of gold by the Rockefellers in time for the “Revolution.”

The Rothschilds stayed in the background, and were not clearly visible. Thus the Rockefellers were the ruling dynasty of the Soviet Union.

Nobody in his right mind wants to go back to this anachronistic system.