Ukrainian war and peace

Putrids sole aim is to recreate the former Soviet Union and threaten Europe and everyone else .

I wish it was really Putin’s aim.

Gold-backed monetary system in Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia including very important Kazakhstan and the Caucasus opposing the corrupt Jooish-run and dying system in Europe and America…


The Biden regime is run by the Khazarian mafia.

For them, the US is only a tool. Hawaii or Ohio, they don’t give a damn.

Khazars only care about their ancient homeland: Ukraine

However, Khazars consider Slavic Ukrainians to be squatters in their homeland and therefore wish that all squatters are dead.

(That’s exactly what’s happening. Billions of dollars Biden sends to Ukraine only end up with more dead Ukrainians)

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You must LOVE the former KGB man and communism that in your opinion can do no wrong.
Ukraine will win its fight against Russia and retake its RIGHTFUL land and cause the fall of the RUSSIAN FEDERATION

SLAVA UKRAINI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two heads of the state.
Guess which countries.

Alex Christoforou thought this photo was funny… Maybe what they’re wearing?

On Prigozhin’s death.
Putin didn’t do it.
No surface-to-air missile involved.
Prigozhin committed treason against the Russian President.

Putin’s strategy in Ukraine is radically changing.

Somehow Ukraine is not becoming Russia’s Vietnam.
Poles and Lithuanians have a historical claim on Ukrainian soil.

Ukraine started its “counter offensive” early June without any air support. It was doomed from the get-go.

Mark Sleboda

Yea, to get the FUK OUT SOON!!!

It’s very hard for Russia to get out of Ukraine, because Ukraine has always been (part of) Russia.

Russia and Ukraine are the two sides of the same coin.

Where do you think the great Russia dish borscht comes from?

America is in great decay.
The two party system is a sham.
Ukraine already lost the war.
The DC bubble is the true enemy.

Man are you lost!!! Have you seen the military maps of Ukraines successes???

No. I can’t see anything that doesn’t exist.

Why dont you go to You Tube and watch Pioneer, Divine Justice or Davy Davidov???

Americans have been lied to.

Only the moneyed you know who want the war to continue.

Security zone = grey zone = crumple zone

Ukraine has not reached the Russian first line of defense and lost God knows how many men and tanks and other materiel.

Why else was the Ukrainian defense minister sacked?

Hey Didge Poo, dont look now but Ukrainian Army has entered the trenches in Verbove which is just past the second line of defense and Russia has no more reserves moving front line troops from one place to another stretching their defense thin .

    SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!

Turkey has lost credibility as a mediator. Its reputation is in ruins.
Ukraine’s former Defense Minister was a very corrupt individual.
The Ukrainian army is on the verge of collapse.