Ukrainian war and peace

The burning question…

This war would stop As soon as we stop funding it…

NATO body bags coming home are bad.
Said in 1990s.

Same old trench warfare as in WWI, but the appearance of drones has made it more dangerous

This English reporter is with the Ukrainians

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These morons going over there to fight, FOR WHAT!?

Btw F that other Ukraine post

There was a large concentration of western mercs at the Odessa port. They thought it was safe to hang around there because Russia had never attacked the port.

There are two types of foreign mercs. Those who want money no matter what the job entails. And those who are genuinely misguided and think they are fighting for a noble cause (Ukraine, that is: one of the most corrupt countries in the world)

Kiev is said to be the mother of Russian cities.
Russia was built by Swedes.

Hard to wrap our mind around these concepts.

However, before the arrival of the Slavs and Swedes, there were Khazars. And the descendants of these Khazars have not forgotten about these news arrivals and consider them to be squatters to be gotten rid of.

Medvedev is now playing the role of a hawk and it gives Putin a more peaceful appearance. LOL

It is now the Russian law to use nukes or whatever means, since the oblasts, Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaparozhe, and Kherson are integral parts of Russia as per the referendums last year, if they are attacked.

Saint Petersburg Sunday evening.
Notice the (tourist) boat traffic on the river.

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SLAVA UKRAINI !!! to you all.

The Rockefellers are a dynasty of crypto-Joos and have been intermarrying with the Rothschilds for some time.

And these are the people who are pushing for the war in Ukraine — at the expense of Ukrainian lives, of course — through the MSM which they control.

As for Henry Kissinger, he doesn’t have any power. He is just a representative of the filthy rich who have accumulated wealth through satanic means.

Gonzalo Lira live and alive after extensive mistreatment in Ukraine

What does global warming have anything to do with the war in Ukraine?

Except the promoters of the global warming hoax stand with Ukraine.

This war needs to end asap!

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A ceasefire under the current circumstances will not bring about real peace, given the repeated betrayals by the west. Ukraine / US necons will doubtlessly use the time window to rearm Ukraine.

The “Ukraine” war is actually the “Jooish” war against the Christian civilization: aka the war of Gog and Magog.

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A moron’s perspective.
Never thought MSM lies.

Ukraine supporters are the worst

According to Scott Ritter, Gonzalo Lira is a Ukrainian intelligence asset. I know they had a falling out last year, but I just wonder…

I have followed Lira’s tweets and videos (mostly videos, podcasts and roundtables) but I don’t think he said anything suspicious. And judging from the video of his arrest last May, his fear appears to be genuine.

Nothing new here, but it’s a good thing people are talking about him.

These guys disagree with Scott Ritter who says Gonzalo Lira is an agent of SBU (Ukrainian intelligence agency)