Ukrainian war and peace

Yeah, as Napoleon and Hitler found out, so too is Zelensky!


As Afghanistn is dubbed “the graveyard of empires” (due to the historical facts that the occupation of Afghanistan brought down the British Empire, Soviet Union, and US?), invasion of Kursk somehow is bad luck and leads to the downfall of invaders.

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Looks like your previous observations proves to be correct. Ukraine’s strategy backfired big time and Donbas has finally fallen.

I think the NATO has given up on Ukraine.
Germany isn’t sending any more money or arms to Ukraine.

The recent recrimination of a certain “Volodimir Z” for blowing up the Nordstream alludes to Zelensky. He is going to be ditched one way or another.

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I was trying to find a better separate video of the Lavrov presser where he pretty much called out the US as being little children but also warned the west that the Kursk debacle while using US weapons along with the threatening prospects of using US manufactured long range missiles to target Moscow will solicited a escalated response. Particularly European cities.

This is getting pretty serious and many people have been warning about this igniting a WW III. Crazy! I am also pretty sure we all know why the Biden puppet being controlled by the MIC wants to provoke a broader war.

Of course Macron is another story about deception that deserves a separate thread. If true that will be pretty shocking in many respects and a line crossed too far.

Mark Sleboda
More than one F-16 may have been destroyed.

[Ukraine Conflict Military Sitrep - Operational Crisis for Kiev Regime Military Forces, Collapse in Pokrovsk Sector, Kursk Firebag, Kiev Regime Loses First F16(s) & Pilot, more… ]

The US population is more than twice as large as that of Russia, if I’m not mistaken.
There is no racial or raligious hatred in Russia (unless cooked up by the CIA).
Large cities in Russia are safe and you can walk around anywhere in Moscow or St Petersburg without worrying about violenet crimes.
Public transportation is safe and reliable: subways, buses, street cars (in Russian tram-vai LOL) and trolley buses.
Complete different ways of life.
Just saying.

I know all of this, and the US population stands around 340 Million compared to Russia’s 138+ million. Russian culture is a singular ethnicity, verses the US which is a Multi-cultural society. By comparison Russia a 1000 year old culture whereas the US is only 248 years old. Its no wonder that the west and its media shitheads always talk about breaking up Russia thus always wanting war with the nation. Its nothing new though, many years ago in the annals of history many countries tried to invade Russia to conquer it, and all have failed. Why is that? Because when a people are singular in their identity they will defend their land at all costs. Can’t say the same for the West in today’s terms. Of course there are other aspects and agendas at play here in the current discourse of the anarcho Tyrannical globalist elite. Just ask people like “Jungle Jospep” or Macron, or Keirs Starmer, they are all the same taking the marching orders from the WEF and the UN in order to usher in the NWO.

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A Russian soldier’s account of seeing many foreign mercenaries including Americans.

Ethnic Russians account for about 80% of the population. There are other Slavs, including Ukrainians and Belarussians, and Germans. The father of Sergey Lavrov was an Armenian and that of Sergey Shoigu — I forgot the name of the ethnicity — a Buddhist from eastern Siberia. (There is a large number of them fighting in Ukrainian in relative terms.) I believe Vladimir Putin comes from a Jooish family.

Yes, they are all united.

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Moldovan man meets American soldiers doing something in Moldova.

US soldier: “I’m helping”
Moldova dude: “You helping? You make the war here”

Wherever Joo-America goes, there is war and destruction.

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Now Ukraine is trying to bring troops back to key battle areas in the Donbass from Kursk, and they are targeted by Russian forces. I guess you’re vulnerable while in rotation or transit.

Anyway, there is only one way for Ukrainians to save their lives: Stop serving their masters in the US and Brussels.

Russian precision strikes reduce civilian casualties (collateral damages).

Scott Ritter says in WWI and WWII, the ratio of civilians killed vs combatants was 100:100. For example the number of French civilians killed in Normandy (60,000) during the 1944 invasion equals to German and Allied troops killed.

In Ukraine, the ratio of combattant vs Ukrainian civilian casualties (killed) is like 100:5, which is very low because Russia is extremely careful to avoid collateral damages.

Ukrainian forces, on the other hand, purposely target civilians who live in the areas controlled by Russia like Donetsk, and/or use them as human shields as in Meriupol.

Sports Palace in Kharkov hit, several arrivals at once.

A gathering of Ukrainian military personnel was taking place there, including AZOV.

It is necessary to follow the obituaries in the next days. it’s a big blow.

Three Himars units less for Ukraine in one night.
I wonder if Americans operating the system were killed.

Why in the hell are there Americans there in the first place ?