Ukrainian war and peace

More good news for Ukraine. The G7 unfroze $ 50 billion in Russian assets to aid Ukraine which they should have by the end of 2024.
Ukraine has surrounded Russian soldiers in Voychansk as the Russians are running low on resources ( great wotk hitting logistical areas).
Russia has increased its barge defense of the Kerch bridge as they may have some info on when Ukraine might hit it. They probably hot the Intel from UKRAINIAN TRATORS.Yes the bridge is still important.
Russia had some success on the Western front making dome good gains, and hit an airfield maybe near Kiev .

          SLAVA UKAINE!!!!!!!!!

スクリーンショット 2024-06-12 100456

AI controlled drones?

Everyone now knows Zelensky’s Swiss peace summit is total BS

The Ukrainians did the right thing.
Just surrender. They may not see their families for a while but at least could survive.

Hey all you Russian Cheerleaders , how about all those ORCD( Russians) trapped in vovchansk.Time is about to run out on them !!! Ukraine had stopped Russias assault on Karkiv.So all of you get out the crying towels.

       SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!

Russia sent a small number of special forces troops into the aggregate plant in northern Vovchansk, knowing they will be isolated, surrounded by the Ukrainian forces from the get-go.

I think the Russians used heavy duty drones to supply them with food, water and munitions.

In other words, the Russian troops are neither “isolated” nor “trapped” by the actions of the Ukrainians.

I don’t know what the aggregates are. I suppose they are small pebbles for construction purposes made from large rocks.

Revised numbers from another You Tube video put the number of ORCS trapped at 50-100 and being supplied by drones but mot gettimg enough supplies.

        SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!

Vovchansk / Kharkov is nothing more than a meat grinder Russians carefully set up. That’s why they are not moving but waiting for the Ukrainians to come to them.

Ukraine is now losing 2,000 a day.

I don’t listen to this Colonel or whatever much, but he’s probably right.

You don’t have to be a military expert to know Ukraine and the US (and of course Israel) are run by a bunch of sick people.

Keep on convincing yourself.Russias loses FAR EXCEED Ukraines.On AVERAGE Russias daily loses are near 1k.
The " GREAT RUSSIAN ARMYOF LIBERATION" has only moved 27 km in 2yrs from the ORIGINALBORDER of the Donest Oblast. That is real progress by an Army that size and what a statement it makes for their command and control. Russia LOST their chance to defeat Ukraine when they failed to take Kyiv at the start.Besides the OFFICERS INCOMPETENCE, Russia has problems supplying their Army.Also, those GREAT 155m artillery shells from the DPRNK are ruining the barrels of Russias artillery guns. So much for the " ENGINEERING ABILITY " of the DPRNK.
So keep on DELUDING yourself and others on how good Russia is doing and keep believing their BS propaganda.You and others like you are nothing but FSB PROXIES for TSAR RASPUTRID 1.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump quotes are great.

He met Alex Christoforou on the street of Moscow as he was doing his video.

His English is not the best, but he has interesting info

He is too pro-Ukrainian to my taste, but I guess a broader perspective always helps.

Mark Sleboda has been criticized for having no experience in or knowlege on military matters. He said, for example, that the Ukrainian conflict will drag on for years to come, but the west simply has no materiel for that.

Alex in Florida in an interview in French.
Well done.

Its no secret that TSAR RASPUTRID 1 is dragging the wrongful invasion out to wear down the West to ABANDON Ukraine or force them to negotiate ( CAPITULATE ) with Russia which would make them a PROXY STATE of Russia like Belarus. Russia will only accept a TOTAL UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER from Ukraine.
The West should MAXIMIZE its support for Ukraine to defeat Russia instead of the BS games by the US CONGRESS and after defeating Russia FAST TRACK Ukraine into NATO just to SPITE TSAR RASPUTRID 1.

        SLAVA UKRAINE ALL !!!!!!!!!




You got the three major points right, and yet you fail in the overall analysis.


Make it four.

Now that the Nazi-Zionist Zelensky regime has refused to accept Russia’s latest proposal, there is nothing to stop Russia going all the way to Kiev.

Why is the regime in Kiev Nazi-Zionist?


Ukraine is slowly pushing Russia out of Vovchansk inflicting heavy losses on the Russian Army whose casualties are close if not over 1k per day .
I concede that Russia os making slow gsins in the East.Russias days in Crimea may be numbered as Ukraine has destroyed most of Russias Air Defense systems.
For all of Russias numerical advantage in manpower and wespons they are no closer to defeating Ukraine than they were in Feb 2022.

        SLAVA UKAINE !!!!!!!!

The hunt is on!

Several F-16s have finally made it to Ukraine, or at least Ukrainian air space, and have been spotted over Odessa.

Russia is putting big prize money for shooting them down.

Yep, some soldiers made a lot of money by blowing up Abrams, Bradleys and Leopards.