Ukrainian war and peace

NATO troops / mercs in Kursk?
No surprise.

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I will start posting in this thread because I requested that the mods close the other one.

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This was a report from the Washington Post and republished by RT

Interesting that the Russian Defense Ministry is silent about it.

Instead of lying about something, the Ministry sometimes remains silent when it deems silence is a better policy. I think Kremlin wants more Ukrainian/NATO troops to be sent to Kursk to be decimated.

1 K per day? How come you are the only person making that claim and not every media outlet that supports Ukraine? I think we are beginning to get a better understanding as to your reluctance to post any linked sources to your wild speculations.


Where is the best resource for checking on updates on this conflict? I may have asked this question before but I am sure if it was you or Dr M

I listen to this German guy who lives in Ukraine. He updates daily the front shifts (now it’s pretty one way).

(You may need to get the PC translation into English)

I don’t know where he lives. He sounds like a Russian who speaks English with Russian accent.

And of course you can listen to Alexander Mercouris but his videos are way too long, and he covers other topics.

This is rather an interesting development.

US Air Force sergeant fights for Russia!

Will from Boston came to Russia in January, received Russian citizenship, signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense and became a drone operator with the call sign “Boston”. Now he is fighting in the Pokrovsky (Avdeevsky) direction as part of the Center group.

“This is nonsense, this is propaganda… Mainstream media in America… Where was their outrage when this terrible terrorist attack on the beach in Sevastopol happened? The attack on Kursk, the death of a pregnant girl - I do not see any outrage about this in the Western press! This is exactly what I was talking about when I talked about the reasons for my decision to come here.”


Exactly. The US and Russia are not at war.

It’s the neocons and the mainstream media whom they control want YOU to think that Russia is the enemy.

If you ask me, Russia or Putin for that matter, hasn’t done anything wrong since 2014 when the coup d’etat — which the neocons, CIA and Mossad planned and executed — ousted the government of a constitutionally elected President of Ukraine.

This new illegal government run by Zionists and Nazis in Kiev banned the Russian language, shelled and killed 14,000 ethnic Russian citizens in Donetsk alone and intended to place nuclear missiles close to the Russian border in January 2022.

Actually, Putin acted too slow after 2014 with the exception of his intervention in Crimea because people there asked for an immediate help.

This a choice he made and has to stand by it. Will tears be shed if he is killed or captured and will those here blame Ukraine.In your eyes he will be a hero either way

    SLAVA  UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t care either way. I have no dog in this fight… and no love for either.

Well, if nukes start to fly, Ohio is gonna see more severe pollution. (There are Air Force bases)

Americans should pay more attention where their troops are, be it Poland, Romania, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Korea… too many places where they have no business.

I agree, but that has nothing to do with how I feel about either country.

Your kind of stupid can’t be fixed and you prove that each time you post here.

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Guess who he is voting for? Hint, its not Trump.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are WRONG it was TRUMP in 2016 2020 and again in 2024.

It doesn’t matter, you already proven many times that you are a liar and no longer can have the benefit of the doubt or can be trusted. In other words you have zero credibility here! As far as I am concerned, you are another dumb ass disgusting liberal disguising themselves as a conservative.

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Well then why do we have SIMILAR opinions on other threads.

We don’t have similar opinions, yours is fake!

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You can listen at 1.5 or 1.75 speed.

The Kursk incursion was a disaster.
Even the western mainstream admits.