Ukrainian war and peace

Eventually the debt is going to be called in and its a huge price to pay!

How many HIMATS got blown up in exchange for some stupid bridges?

It looks as though Zelensky gave up on the Donbass.

Ukraine and Israel are not separate issues.
It’s all about Neocon/Jooish hegemony of the world.

Ukraining POW thanks Russia for sparing his life.

Can we stop this JOOISH BS.


This is where you’re going if you don’t stop following your satanic Jooish masters.

The Literary Corner and Philosophers Thread :orange_book: :open_book: - History - Political Bullpen

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It’s always the jooos, they love money and war!

Early in the Biden days, I watched his videos with interest regarding frequent flights to Gitmo, assuming a lot of activities like arrests and military courts.

Now, I don’t know what to make of his info. Maybe it means something.

Expansion of battle field in the Kursk area?
We know Ukrainian troops cannot stay in the Kursk region very long, due to logistics.

I understand many Ukrainian armored vehicles have been destroyed. War is hell.

Russia agents destroyed military convoys and store houses in Poland and Romania?

Russias casualties and equipment loses are at least 3x Ukraines.Stop.beleveing Russian BS.
More good news a Russian oil depot is now burning for 6 days. It must look good at night. With Ukraine destroying bridges ( including pontoon bridges ) Russisan troops are trapped in the Kursk Oblast.Ukraine has hit the Marinovka airfield in the Volgograd Oblast heavily damaging planes and hangars.Ukraine has sunk a ferry carrying railroad cars with fuel and has hit Murmansk with drones.
With Ukraine severely damaging Russias Air Defense systems they are imcreasily attacking Russian logistic areas which eventually severely slow down if not stop them in Ukraine.
Ukraine has showed Russia that they can out fight them at maneuver warfare. Where as Russia can only fight in.static warfare in the trenches a throwback to WW1.

The whole idea of NATO remains:
Keep Americans in Europe
Keep Russians out and
Keep Germany down.

Absolute Neocon Joo ideology.
Czech President Claims Nord Stream Pipelines Were “Legitimate” Target, Georgia’s Ruling Georgia Dream Party Pledges to Outlaw Pro-Western Opposition (

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You need to wear glasses when you read the news.

So? Russia has virtually unlimited amounts of oil and gas.

Of course. Kursk is part of Russia.

Russia is not slowing down. Au contraire.
Ukraine is collapsing very rapidly. The war may be over before the US election in November.

Expect a lot of Russian military activities on Saturday, Ukraine’s independence day.

Ukraine cant hit all the oil refineries the country is to large and Ukraine doesnt have the Air Force or missiles to do it.Im not that dumb.
Russia will have to mobilize their conscripts but that will cause a labor shortage . Russia will also exhaust their stockpiled tanks etc within 3 - 4 yrs.
Russias centralized command structure doesnt allow them to quickly adapt to Ukraines change in battlefield tactics.You see how well trained and equipped the elite conscripts and border patrol are in Kursk as Ukraine has adopted SEMI - BLITZ KREIG tactics by bypassing heavily defended areas cutting them off and having the following units defeat them and having fewer casualties. In short Ukraine is capable of out smarting the Russian general commad staff.

        SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!

Which country is press-ganging men on the street? One Ukrainian father can walk in his city only with his toddler. He knows that way, the kidnappers will not grab him.

Any moron knows not to attack the most heavily defended spot. However, Ukraine did exactly that in Zaporozhia in 2023 and suffered heavy losses where German Leopards and a bunch of American Bradleys went up in smoke.

Ukraine loses 16 US-made armored vehicles, group says, but Kyiv’s forces still gain territory | CNN

Why respond to this freaking loser? Total waste of space here.

This is a perfect example of this poster making erroneous claims without one cited source in order to back it up with! Reason I have zero respect for this individual.

@Patriot @KVN

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I also little respect for someone that wants to control to content becsuse of their sources of information.
I should be able to cite sourced on You Tube without your criticism. Go on other threads and see that we do have similar views