Ukrainian war and peace

Expect a lot of Russian military activities on Saturday, Ukraine’s independence day.

Ukraine cant hit all the oil refineries the country is to large and Ukraine doesnt have the Air Force or missiles to do it.Im not that dumb.
Russia will have to mobilize their conscripts but that will cause a labor shortage . Russia will also exhaust their stockpiled tanks etc within 3 - 4 yrs.
Russias centralized command structure doesnt allow them to quickly adapt to Ukraines change in battlefield tactics.You see how well trained and equipped the elite conscripts and border patrol are in Kursk as Ukraine has adopted SEMI - BLITZ KREIG tactics by bypassing heavily defended areas cutting them off and having the following units defeat them and having fewer casualties. In short Ukraine is capable of out smarting the Russian general commad staff.

        SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!

Which country is press-ganging men on the street? One Ukrainian father can walk in his city only with his toddler. He knows that way, the kidnappers will not grab him.

Any moron knows not to attack the most heavily defended spot. However, Ukraine did exactly that in Zaporozhia in 2023 and suffered heavy losses where German Leopards and a bunch of American Bradleys went up in smoke.

Ukraine loses 16 US-made armored vehicles, group says, but Kyiv’s forces still gain territory | CNN

Why respond to this freaking loser? Total waste of space here.

This is a perfect example of this poster making erroneous claims without one cited source in order to back it up with! Reason I have zero respect for this individual.

@Patriot @KVN

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I also little respect for someone that wants to control to content becsuse of their sources of information.
I should be able to cite sourced on You Tube without your criticism. Go on other threads and see that we do have similar views

I’m not taking sides here, but I don’t understand why you won’t give links to your sources??? It is standard procedure for forums like this to include links to sources.

Do you not know how to do it? I can help if you want to PM me. It is very easy to do.

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Why dont you criticize others here for not ACKNOWLEGING Russias military INCOMPETENCE which is worse than me not posting links.How hard is it to go on You Tube!!!
No one here accepts the fact that despite being outnumbered and depending on Western aide Ukraine has embarrassed Russia.
Does anyone care that TSAR RASPUTIN 1 has wasted thousands of young mens lives because of his unwillingness to accept Ukraine as an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY. Look at how many lives were wasted by us in Vietnam ?.Look at how he reacted to the Kursk sinking and didnt accept help when it was too late and we are supposed to like this guy
This Ukraine invasion could have been solved without an invasion but he allows his OVERBLOWN EGO to fuk things up. Is there any basic military knowledge here . Im not claiming to be a military expert on tactics but it doesnt take an expert to see Russias incompetence.
Ukraine has suffered loses in tanks and Bradleys but id quick to change tactics to reduce losses.The Bradleys are doing well in Ukraine and causes heavy Russian losses.

      SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!

Who is everyone? According to who?

You do know that your previous claims of the Russian military having more casualties than Ukraine is a statistical impossibility? Maybe your facts are wrong which is why we would like to know your sources on where you are getting your information from. Why can’t you provide links to your news sources? What is the reason and logic for not doing so?


If you haven’t noticed, I rarely post anything about Russia and Ukraine. I simply don’t care about either country… one way or another. I don’t like that both countries are experiencing losses of lives, but neither country seems to care either. I’m not in any way an apologist for Russia; I grew up in the Cold War era and I acknowledge that I harbor some “feelings” toward Russia… even if they aren’t warranted today.

IMO, Ukrain is a corrupt, money laundering country that panders to the wealthy of the world, with a large percentage being our own “elite” and politicians.

Still, if I were to get involved in this thread with opinions and/or what I deemed to be facts, I would post links to my sources. I don’t understand your reluctance to do so.


Your respect is not something that means anything especially coming from someone who lies regularly, posts fake and misleading information, is purposely obtuse, and makes false accusations in order to play the victim here all the time. This has nothing to do with controlling content.

You haven’t cited not one single source here yet.

I don’t want to have any association or interaction with you and would like it if you stop posting in my thread. That was a request that you continue to ignore. You are just too incredibly stupid for me to continue wasting my time with. I don’t have tolerance for people who likes to post fake news and continues to be a cheer leader for the leftist propaganda news agencies.

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That is what most of all of us have been asking and is the main reason of this conflict with him He posts in other people’s threads and then when asked to post a link he then skirts the rules here and ask others to search for his sources. Who does that? Its pretty retarded especially when many people asked him multiple times to stop posting his fake propaganda without citing his sources.

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He’s a former US Marine and lives in Thailand.
In this video he doesn’t say anything spectacularly different from other cool-headed commentators but confirms them.

The Kursk incursion may have caused political embarrassment for Russia initially, but now it’s working very well militarily and benefiting Russia.

Im the only one not cheerleading for Russia and aknowledging Ukraines success despite being outmumbered and outresourced by Russia.
Im the only one that criticizes Russias command incompetence and wasting valueable young mens live and equipment.
My sources on You Tube should be good enough.

Which one?
It’s like walking into a bookstore and saying to the clerk, “I want a book.”
Or maybe into a drugstore and saying “I want medicine.”


The Kursk invasion is a disaster for Ukraine.
It has been very profitable for Russia.
It gives Russia an excuse not to negotiate with Ukraine, which China has been pressuring Russia to do.

You are conflating while misappropriating the facts. We still don’t know where you are getting your information from because you will not provide links to those sources. Not an unreasonable request. So you can stop whining now about being a victim.

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Seriously? When have you read anything from me cheerleading Russia? I have said I believe Russia will win… and I still do believe that. Is that cheerleading… or just my expressed opinion?

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I know right? Lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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No body has been cheer leading for Russia it only seems that way to him because most of us with the exception of him have been pretty objective with the facts when it comes to this war, but because its doesn’t favor his alternate universe of make-believe views suddenly its every one against him. He doesn’t bother reading the threads but he insists he has a right to post in them. Doesn’t that sound like a liberal, loonie leftist pretzel logic argument to you? It sure does to me!

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