Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Most Russians believe the Wagner fighters are heroes but can’t stand Prigozhin.

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That is probably accurate but I would imagine having built up an elite force like Wagner there would be a personal attachment to it such as what Prigozhin has shown so far. I think he cares about his soldiers.

Maybe the restraint on Putin’s part is part of a bigger picture?

A taxi driver in Vladivostok said that he didn’t like Putin but his policies have been good for Russia.

Maybe Putin still knows the judo technique of using the opponent’s power to your advantage.

Ha ha! Lol! I forgot he has a black-belt in such disciplines! I am inclined to think that there is a broader strategy at work here and as with any war time action involving a nation where its fighting for its very survival, cards are held close to the vest to not give the hand away.


The Pentagon: We don’t know where $6.2 billion went.

The CIA: We don’t know where $6.2 billion went.

The White House: We don’t know where $6.2 billion went.


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“I am Russian” — “Я РуссĐșĐžĐč”
The biggest hit in Russia right now.

That is a rough take on something everyone is trying speculate on and maybe that is the point?

I think it is safe to say that Western media outlets are pretty useless in terms of reporting truth and accurate info. Everywhere we turn we are seeing misinformation being used as a way to create more distractions.


This article supports some of Alex’s earlier comments on the analysis of what is going on with Progozhin and the conflicts with the military leadership being to slow to prosecute the war in order to bring it to an efficient end. His question is: “What are we waiting for?”

Looks like the build up and prep work is in progress

The Ukrainian military believed their government’s lie that Russia was out of missiles. What a surprise when they were attacked by Russian helicopters which they thought were out of missiles.

I thoroughly enjoyed this video! I have seen this guy in other videos before as he visits air museums of the world and gives a history lesson on the military vehicles and aviation machines he features on his channel. He knows his stuff.

The Alligator is similar to the American Apache (AH-60) and uses the same techniques such as hovering below the tree lines and then pops up to strike its target without being heard by the enemy.


Ukraines progress is slow but steady in pushing the Russian Army towards Crimea. Ukraine has established a bridgehead across the Dnieper and fighting to expand it. Ukraine has hit more ammunition storage areas deep inside Crimea and is making progress to encircle Bakhmut.
Thank goodness European countries are training Ukrainian pilots to fly F16s which will help them in the air war. They eill only be challenged by the Su35. Any F16 is better than the other Sus and Migs.
I suppose the Ukrainian SFs mined the nuclear power plant to have Russia blamed for it.I guess here on PB Ukraine is the new THIRD REICH!!!
Ukraine will get back its rightfull land including Crimea ni matter how long it takes.

Prigozhin played the double agent.

Thank you for the fake news media report update. Supporting Nazi regimes and sending our American tax dollars to further dirty corruption while our own people starve to death is not a pretty look! We now know where your priorities lay!

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New What? Gets it right? Not going so well for Ukraine right now.

Meanwhile what the media is not reporting is the reinforcements that Russia has made to their war front and are waiting to pick them off when the time comes.

The Ukrainian tank crew went on the offensive under the false sense of security that Russia was out of missiles. Little did they know the Russian helicopter gunships were waiting for them.