Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

How many non corrupt countries do we support? I support Ukraine as they were a soverign country needlessky invaded by Russia. Vlad Rasputin a former KGB agent has his eyes set on
Russia intimidating Europe possibly invading other countries to reestablish the former Warsaw Pact. He like Prigo has the warmth and charm of a TRANTULA.

You can’t be serious when asking that right. Seriously?

That is the entire crux of the ignorance of people like you who blindly support something they have no real understanding of only what the legacy media has been feeding you. No wonder why our country is circling the drain, people like you who sit on their worn frayed couches watching Fox News while sipping on diet soda, eating cheetos and corn puffs bought the lies and now you support Ukraine because you we were taught to hate Putin and the Russians forgetting altogether that the Russians are people too! Holy crap talk about being brainwashed! Putin is just another leader who is looking out for the interests of his own country who for the most part honors his agreements, but you with your myopic sights can’t see that because you can’t force yourself to accept that maybe your view on this subject matter is completely wrong.

Meanwhile you are not only being disingenuous with your responses here by ignoring valid points such as: Why should the American Tax payers be forced to spend billions of dollars to secure a foreign country’s borders while ignoring our own? But you are also being purposely obtuse because like most of mainstream America they refuse to look at themselves in the mirror and confront their own ineptness by taking care of their own people, because they are too busy trying to decide whether men should pee in woman’s bathrooms while supporting proxy wars with Russia.

Your entire support for Ukraine is not only ignorant but pathetic as hell and for the first time in my life in saying this but I hope the US suffers the most humiliating defeat in its history then that way it will get Americans like you to actually wake the fuck up and start embracing what the truth is.

Hey Lindsey Graham is that you?

Now Mountain Dew the fuck out of here! :joy: :joy: :joy:

Just so we are clear, you stand with these morons?

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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You really going scorched Earth! :weary:
Go easy now!:sneezing_face:

Still not clear to me why these Democrats insist on supporting Ukraine.

Its all about the money laundering that both RINOS And democrats are doing, especially Biden.

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Now NATO is trying to sound alarm bells.

Ha, the Wagners have been defanged. They have no room to maneuver in Belarus. In Russia (and in the Donbass) they will be fully integrated into the Russian Army.

What is Zelensky’s recommendation for the stress of war?
Smoke pot.

Pot is a gateway drug so what he is really saying that doing drugs is ok.


Follow me!


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For now, but I suspect its par for th course as their force was a spent group and need to recoup “lick their wounds” and convalescence.

Possibly or another incarnation with more clandestine assignments.

He should do as much drugs as he can before he is taken out for good. Eventually his demise is not going to be to one of those mansions in Florida, but a 6 foot hole when the West deems he has worn out his usefulness.

I guess you and the rest of the Pro Russians here believe the pizza shop was a Ukrainian Command Center or a ammo storage area.
The Russian Military continues to act like the IGNORANT BARARBARIANS they are . Its real brave to destroy a cafe and pizza shop.
I hope this increases Ukrainaian resolve to CRUSH the Russian Army and taje back their land!!!

You mean just like how it was real brave on the Ukrainians part to destroy a Hydro Electric dam and destroy thousands of lives living in small towns causing a catastrophic environmental disaster?

Lets add being obtuse to the list as you seem perfectly fine ignoring facts and only feeding your own myopic views which are baseless in reality! You know that thing called Humanity and the the West’s actions of destroying innocent lives with regime change in foreign countries while false accusing Russians for everything with more nonsensical false conflation your part. Bravo! Good Job!


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Is it any different if the Ukrainians are bombing and killing innocent civilians? What part of this argument are you justifying murder by anyone? Are you not a Christian or just in name only? You sound like a typical Liberal the way you are arguing your shallow points.

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You know from the past Im not a Liberal.
The Russians themself blew up the dam and lost valuable military equipment because of their stupidity.
Since Wagner is not in the equation , we shall see the results of Putrids mini Valkyrie scenario while losing on the battlefield.
Im not being obtuse but Putrid wants to reestablish the former Soviet Union and make Ukraine part of it . If that occurs, other republics will be next and he believes himself to be a Tsar.Probably TSAR DELUSIONAL 1.
NATO isnt a threat to him. He is a threat to NATO.

No they did not and that has got to be the dumbest thing I have heard from you so far.

Nothing you said or predicted has been correct so far

Also incorrect! You have been very obtuse in all your responses and ignoring the hard cold facts. Why is that?

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