Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

This story is everywhere and all over the news. Currently in Shanghai and that is all they are playing in the airport here.

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Scott Ritter has a different take on this Prigozhin saga, and while I was first suspicious of the CIA creating a conflict designed to set off something, but now have to consider I might have this wrong with the wrong angle on this one.

Yes, end of his political career. He will be in prison or executed.
At the same time, this is the end of the Wagner group as we know it. They may physically exist in Africa and God knows where, but they will be under a different command structure.

Yes, Scott Ritter says it’s a coordinated action by the Ukrainian and British intelligence. This is the complete interview.

The situation is still fluid.

The other thing to consider in all of this as well, is that the Russian ministry of media could have staged this entire event for propaganda purposes too.

This is also the weird twist

House arrest and then when the war in Ukraine finally ends, they will release him with conditions that he retires in the sunset quietly. He still gets to be friends with Putin.

My .02 in how I see it shaking out.

Russians are never good at propaganda.

In the 1960s during the Soviet era and the Cold War, I sometimes listened to Radio Moscow in English on short wave, but I never believed a word.

I was more of a sucker for Voice of America, which was total BS if I reflect on it.

This whole Prigozhin episode COULD be used to their advantage if Russia comes up a plausible narrative (with some proof) how CIA, MI6 and Ukrainian spy agency manipulated Prigozhin and his fighters.

In the past yes, but like all nations in the modern era technology has improved such usage.

I don’t ever recall listening to that garbage. I was more into Art Bell back in the day.

Perhaps. It remains to be seen what Russia and Putin’s next more will be regarding Wagner, Prigozhin, and the Ukraine war front.


I like this one though! 6.2 Billion reasons why!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Latest development. Now you see what is going on?

David, Chamath, Jason, and Brad from the


talk about the US and NATO’s refusal to accept a peace agreement at the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine War, citing Naftali Bennet, Fiona Hill, and a Ukrainian article:


: “They chose to fight an optional proxy war of choice that was easily avoidable if they would just take NATO expansion off the table because they thought it would weaken Putin.”


: “There were ample numbers of off-ramps that we chose, frankly, to not take so that we could engage our enemy in some long, drawn-out war on the hopes that it just depletes their resources. That’s kind of rolling the dice, I think, in a very dangerous way.”


: “If we look at the wars since September 11. It’s estimated 3 to 4 million people have died. In Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, we spent $8 trillion. Inflation-adjusted, we spent 4 trillion in WWII. 8 trillion represents 25% of our entire national debt. And I’ve yet to meet a single parent who has said to me, I care so much about this Ukraine situation, I would be willing to put my children in harm’s way to fight… Those data points tell me we need more of this discussion, more of this debate, not less.”

Lavrov just laid waste to Biden and the EU’s President Vandercrazy.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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In St. Petersburg took place the “Scarlet Sails” fest for school graduates with fireworks on the Neva River

Can you imagine if the US did this for their graduates? Russian culture places great pride in their youth and educational achievements.

Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin from Rags to Riches: ◦Born in 1961 in Putin’s hometown of St. Petersburg. ◦Was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for robbery, fraud and organizing prostitution at the age of 20 and ended up spending 9 years in a penal colony. ◦Opened up a hotdog stand after his release from prison, then a convenience store, and later a chain of swanky restaurants and casinos. Putin often celebrated his birthday at his restaurant which led to lucrative government contracts to feed Russian military and host state banquets. One estimate that Prigozhin’s company got government contracts amounting to over a billion dollars over 5 years. And with that Prigozhin became known as “Putin’s Chef”. ◦This windfall allowed Prigozhin to form the mercenary Wagner Battalion. even though mercenaries are technically not allowed under Russian law. The Wagner Group has fought U.S. back Kurds Syria and now controls gold and diamond mines in the Central African Republic and lately it has been involved in the war in Ukraine, which he has called on Putin to take an even harder stance against Ukraine. So, did Prigozhin really betrayed Putin or did we just witness a successful PSYOP? Did Russia fed an image of Prigozhin to the West and they bought it? It very much look like the Media was tricked and Prigozhin and the Wagner Group played an important role to help the Russian Federation. There was NO spilling of blood, western propaganda machine was exposed, and Wagner ended up within 100km of Kiev. If indeed this is what happened, let’s not forget that it’s the NAZI Ukraine and NATO that are committing genocide in the Ukraine to make way for Western companies. War is one of the ways to keep the money flowing in Washington DC. Also the Ukraine has been supplying to the western elites for years child trafficking and human organ harvesting. The Ukraine is and always has been the #DeepState #TuneOutMSM

The dirty truths about the “counter-offensive.”

Obviously Prigozhin didn’t recognize Patrick Lancaster during their brief encounter.

People are cheering the Wagner group… Goes to show many Russians are frustrated by the suppressed (by the Putin government) military operation in Ukraine.

What can be believed anymore? Too many layers to this to know the real truth.