Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Some (former) US generals are not very smart.

More Scott Ritter

I’m a little puzzled about this Richard Medhurst guy. He lives in Israel and yet he was laughing, in a different video, at the Israeli army getting its butt kicked in the occupied Arab area.

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Klitshko, Kiev’s mayor says there’s internal fighting for power in Kiev

The beginning of the end.

He’s Victoria Nudelman’s man, but he’s being honest.

I can’t believe the “narrative” didn’t collapse months ago.

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“We” put our heads together and visualized the war, if NATO would enter the conflict.
→ See for yourself, I don’t think they have a chance …

The Music was my idea

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ukraine’s “pause” in its offensive.

Who poses the biggest threat of a nuke war?
What’s the real purpose of F-16 (taking off from Rumania).

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This is what happens if you have no air force

He seems to genuinely care about his country and city.

The tragedy of Ukraine is that it has never been a country per se.

It was always a part of Russia. (“Ukraine” literally means “border area” or “frontier”)

The Ukrainian nationalism, which has been on steroids since 2014, combined with a bizarre form of Nazism, has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of its young (and not so young) men while millions of Ukrainians fled the country, 5 million of whom to Russia.

This latest development smells like a CIA operation designed to disrupt and create dissension among the Russian Military ranks.

First question is: Why would a Russian Military Helicopter fire on their own killing hundreds?

Second Question: Is it possible that a clandestine operation infiltrated a Russian Helicopter and carried out a special operation targeting Wagner forces specifically?

Third question: Will this latest development escalate the war with NATO to a new level?

Other reports now saying that Wagner Troops are carrying out a coup. Totally bizarre!

Here is another explanation, but not sure of the source and whether or not its another propaganda ploy. I guess we will have to see.

Everything started when Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of the Russian mercenary group Wagner, accused Russia of bombing his military sites in Ukraine.

Despite the Russian Defense Ministry’s claim that there is no truth to his allegation, Prigozhin stated that 25,000 mercenaries would participate in a military coup organized by him.

Igor Girkin, a former member of the Russian Federal Security Service, confirmed that the military coup attempt “had begun,” and now we know he wasn’t lying.

Wagner has confirmed that they have indeed initiated their coup.

Here’s EVERYTHING We Know So Far:

  • Reports the Federal Security Service (FSB) has allowed Wagner to enter Russian city of Rostov without any resistance. This JUST came in and could mean the FSB is part of the coup, OR they are trying to save face after Wagner was able to enter without resistance.

  • Prigozhin JUST CLAIMED the Russian “Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov gave the command to open fire from aircraft on Wagner columns mixed with civilian vehicles. The pilots refused to follow the order”

  • Roadblocks have been established by the FSB & SOBR on the Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov-on-Don highway.

  • Wagner has accused any Russian military personnel who don’t assist them in their “cleansing campaign” of collaborating with the Ukrainians and stated that they will be dealt with accordingly.

  • Multiple Russian military generals have made videos urging Wagner not to proceed with this attack.

  • The OMON and SOBR units of the Russian Guard are on high alert, and security in Moscow has been significantly intensified.

  • Allegedly, a clash has occurred between Wagner and units of the Rosgvardia on the Rostov-Moscow highway, near Kozachi Laheri.

  • It is estimated that only 25% of Russians currently have access to the internet.

  • Armed vehicles have filled the streets of Rostov, and dozens of aircraft filled with Russian special forces are flying to the region.

  • According to Russia’s defense ministry, Ukraine has “taken advantage of Prigozhin’s provocation to destabilize the situation” and is attacking Russia’s forces along the flanks.

  • Russia’s Ministry Of Defense has REPEATEDLY asked Wagner to stand down.

  • Russian media has reported that “there is panic in the Kremlin; no one can reach Putin” and that the current mood among St. Petersburg elites is “When choosing between Putin and Prigozhin, Prigozhin is now the preferred choice. They support him.”

  • Prigozhin says he and his men are ready to go “all the way” and that “he and his men will destroy anyone who stands in their way.”

  • Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov: Putin receives reports 24/7 about the measures taken related to the attempt of an armed rebellion

This situation is INSANE and is bound to have MAJOR repercussions.


Without support from within the Kremlin, this will not succeed. We have received reports of various members of the Russian military that are turning against the Kremlin, or standing by and watching the developments. We have also heard that Wagner was able to enter the Russian city of Rostov with NO RESISTANCE. Rostov’s main city is home to the headquarters of the Russian Southern Military District and the general headquarters for the Russian military operations in Ukraine.

I do NOT think this will succeed and I think this is Prigozhin’s desperate response after learning or his potential arrest. Prigozhin has been likely planning this for a long time, smuggling Russian weapons to his forces and building alliances from within the Kremlin. There is an ongoing investigation by the Ministry of Defense into these allegations, and we’re heard reports that an assassination attempt against Prigozhin took place , likely leading to this response.


We are discussion this in the space and it is too early to speculate, but any instability is NOT GOOD NEWS. Anything is possible now.

(Updates BEING Shared In Current Space & Being Added Live in Thread BELOW)

I understand that many Russians are frustrated at Putin who is a moderate.

The western media portrays him as a crazed dictator hell bent on destroying the civilization as we know it.

But this is a total projection of the neocons who run the western world. The neocons want to destroy the entire world, unless it comes under their rule.

I have no idea or what to believe at this point. This story seems too incredible to be believable.

Here is what the official Russian Military is saying

I don’t know what political aspirations Prigozhin has, but it is not a very good situation for the Russian military.

He is very close to Putin and that Wagner Group is much more than a Private para military security company. They rake in Billions of dollars all over the world in mining operations.

Despite WSJ being another propaganda rag, this video has some good info, even though some of the details seems obviously bias

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This is not a coup.

This event will entice Ukraine to mount more “counter-attacks.”

And this is the end of Prigozhin’s “career” and will solidify Putin support.

Prigozhin’s actions could be expected months ago.
His narratives are full of holes, and he’s telling bizarre stories.

The timing of this latest development seems rather strange, especially when they are just beginning summer months where the most action is suppose to take place.

End of his career? I seriously doubt that, but I think he will be forced to take a break for an indefinite period of time because clearly he is having a melt down. As for the Wagner forces, they are simply too big of an operation to scrub them. They are making Putin’s funding operations too invaluable with their other activities in other parts of the world.

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