Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Another thing I heard was that the Zelensky regime wanted an excuse to let the UN (Read NATO) troops in the flooded areas to do a “rescue” operation and let these troops stay.

Next, they will claim Russia has attacked the NATO troops so that there will be a full-scale war between Russia and the NATO.

Wouldn’t warring with NATO be a sort of catalyst to broaden the war that would give false justification for the US and UK for sending troops?

The idea is to paint Russia black and say “Russia attacked the peaceful western troops who were there to rescue the afflicted residents. Therefore, we have all the justification to declare war against the country of these sonofabitches.”

There is every piece on the chess board that is in play right now including this gambit by the West.

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There is more to the conflict than tanks, artillery and missiles.
I wonder who the interviewer is. A black guy for sure who understands the situation.

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“When EF Hutton Speaks, everyone listens”

Russia is indeed fighting for its own survival. The US keeps thinking that they are dealing with the old Russia from the cold war. Russia manufactures “pedal bombs” and is an ingenious design to look like a piece of garbage on the road but is deadly when someone mistakes it for something else. Russia has many of these types of war innovations should boots on the ground from the west decided to go after Russia in a larger scale of war it will be disasterous for the US and the UK.

Ukrainian soldiers are taken prisoner and a MaxxPro MRAP is burning behind them … very symbolic for this counteroffensive

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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At least they managed to survive so far. They need not to die, unless they get back to the Ukrainian Army.

There was no need for a war to begin with.


When Russians retreat, it often means a death trap. When the Mongolian army invaded eastern Europe in the 13th century, they attacked and retreated making the defenders of cities think the Mongols are weak.

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It was weird watching that. After saying those things on video they know they can’t go back!

More getting destroyed!

Ukraine lost 68 tanks in ONE day.

And a bunch of infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles.

(I don’t know the difference between them)

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It must suck knowing that with each so called advance by Ukrainian troops are hollow victories. Psychologically speaking of course most of these troops seen in the photos look as if they know this to be true.

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American (dumba$$'s) fighting in Ukraine parts 1 & 2

I assume it’s an Indian channel.

Of course the Ukrainians (with an ounce of brain) don’t want to die for Zelensky and other Joos who rule Ukraine since 2014.

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Stupid Ukrainians, wake up and stop fighting!

This is not sound Military doctrine and is being driven entirely by politics

No truer words spoken that sums it up pretty succinctly on what this entire war in Ukraine is about!