Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Actually Russia became a colony of the west in 1991 under very corrupt Boris Yeltsin (whose Jooish name is Baruch Elia, which may or may not be irrelevant, but colonization of Russia is what the neocons want).

Not if Putin can help it. Yeltsin did a lot of damage to Russia’s interests and no doubt the NEOCONS have been trying to capitalize on those mistakes ever since.

I’m afraid thing are going the way of Ezekiel’s prophecy.

(Chapter 38)

I am not sure I am familiar with that author. Is that a biblical reference? I am assuming that it is.

You assumed right. He is a prophet in the Old Testament. Some claim he was taken on an UFO.

As you may know, UFOs are time machines of sorts, so it’s not hard to imagine he saw a possible future.

You also heard of Billy Meir who was an alien contactee from Switzerland and he was taken aboard alien ships, he claimed. He predicted in 1960s, I think, that the US would wage a war against Iraq twice within the 20th century, and the US Presidents would be father and son. Who would have thought of that? (OK, he was off by a few years, but it came true.)

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This channel is some kind of Russian propaganda with bad English. Nonetheless, it’s illuminating.

Scott Ritter with Duran guys


Ukraine is making slow progress in this offensive as Russia has had an extremely amount of time to prepare defenses. Although progress may be slow, Ukraine will succeed in Liberating Crimea.
Good Old Slow Joe made sure to FUK Ukraine by delaying support for them to have the F 16s to challrnge Russia.
Once Ukraine finds the Russian weak point , it will be curtains for them. They have made good progress around Bakhmut and in Belgorad.
PUTRIDS days in the Kremlin may be numbered.

God bless Ukraine? The most corrupt country in the world? Give to a country while bankrupting your own? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Ukraine is not making any progress at all.
It’s losing its men and machinery en masse.
Old F-16s will not make any difference.

Russian defense lines are east of Bakhmut and Russia will give up destroyed Bakhmut any time, if it’s strategically advantageous.
If that happens, it’s the Ukrainian meat grinder all over again.


This doesn’t sound like winning to me.

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According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russia lost about 50 tanks (as opposed to about 150 tanks on the Ukrainian side) during the Ukrainian “counter-offensive.”

The loss ratio appears to be high at 1:3 as opposed to troop loss of 1:10 in the last 11 days.

However, we need to pay attention to the fact that Russian tanks may be repaired (unless they are totally destroyed) relatively easily nearby, while damaged Ukrainian tanks must be brought back to Poland, Germany or wherever far from the battle grounds for any possible reuse.

(Thus it’s much easier to abandon them and beg for replacements from the west)


Who the Fk is ever going to believe the CIA who is still trying to produce propaganda blaming Ukraine for the Nordstream Pipeline incident? What a bunch of nonsense!

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American made equipment getting destroyed.

This video is a pro Ukrainian leftist produced one but it does shows how effective the Russian Lancets are at destroying their targets in the military zones.

Dutch intelligence?
What were they smoking? Or drinking?

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Exactly! They are still operating with propaganda from the 80’s. People are much smarter these days than to fall for this crap!

The quality of their lies has gone wayward from an outdated playbook.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


This is rather interesting.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Another kind of war is going on, while the media is silent about it.

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Its true, but they don’t want the attention for obvious reasons. Word is getting out that they purposely were planning to expand their already genocidal acts on humanity.