Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

It will be embarrassing for Ukraine to admit it gained no territory for thousands of its soldiers dead.

I bet the air is clean there, with spring and summer fast approaching. Such a shame there is a war going on there right now, because looks like a beautiful place to experience nature.

This reporter is feeling the intensity of danger is pretty obvious. Everyone is smoking cigs at this point.

Good coverage.

Neocons really don’t care about Ukrainian lives. Or Russian lives for that matter. Dead Russians — the best money we spent.

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Why is Ukraine doing this?
To cover up and distract from their epic failures in their “offensive”.

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Ukrainian armored division getting absolutely obliterated!

In the picture below highlighted with the red box is a US supplied Bradley destroyed by a mine which you can see lost its track.

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We are still waiting for this great spring offensive that everyone keeps talking about.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

The great leopard hunt commences shortly.

Lancet Drone $20,000

Leopard tank $9,000,000

Which one is more cost effective and getting the job done?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This drone sounds a lot cheaper.

Moving vehicles are at risk because nobody is watching the sky to shoot down drones.

Two American MRAP’s (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) around the Zaporozhia front destroyed

Zaporozhye direction - the situation morning 11th June:

Last night was the first in four days when the AFU did not advance on the positions of the 291st regiment south of Orekhovo. It is obvious that the forces of the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the AFU (famous pile of leopards and Bradleys) are not endless, and the almost complete knockout of the American M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles over the previous days and tangible losses in its tank battalion make further breakthroughs without the involvement of additional forces impossible.

That is why attacks were made yesterday a little to the west, through Malye Shcherbaki. But in view of the fact that the terrain there is more rugged, the attack was carried out by infantry, which was brought to the place in light armored vehicles. All this was seen by drones, and usually the enemy did not even have time to engage in battle and rolled back. (Burning MRAP video)

More serious was the reconnaissance of Russian forces in the region of Velikaya Novoselka (much east of Orekhov). Here the AFU tried to pass quickly to the settlement Urozhaynoe and probed our forces in the direction of Ravnopolya and Neskuchnoe.

To understand the “geography of the fighting” and why both sides are doing what they are doing, a height map of the area is attached.

The raid on Urozhaynoye which, was declared as a breakthrough, is not a breakthrough. The fact is that to the north of this settlement Russia doesn’t have positions. And any move of the enemy between the heights to the settlement is doomed to heavy losses, since the moving column is shot not only by artillery, but also by ATGMs, from two sides at once. Therefore, this “assault” from a tactical point of view is practically meaningless.

It is also clear from the map why our units, as soon as the fighting began, left the settlement Neskuchnoe. It is located very low, and therefore there are only military spotters and guards, which immediately move to the heights if a battle starts.

And now to the situation. Russia was not driven out of the heights that night, and the raid on Urozhaynoye turned out to be pointless from a military point of view. Though it can be used as a PR victory (video).

Essentially the AFU did not introduce large forces that night, so where the new big attack will be, is not determined yet.

— Source yurasumy

AFU Propaganda of a destroyed building

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This is serious business!

Pre-flight prep

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I guess its official?

“Ukraine drain.”
There go the US tax dollars.

Does Biden care? — I don’t think so.
What about Ukrainian lives? — We know the answer.

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You might find this interesting. Things that I didn’t know.

The history of when Ukraine became a proxy state of the United States is an interesting one dating back to 1991

Is there going to be an “off ramp” for the West soon? This does not look like this war is going their way.