Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

The Kiev junta and western media are run by a tribe who don’t care about Ukrainian lives. So idiotic to believe in their lies.

Tucker Carlson is back

Imagine the future. War is over and the US sends hundreds of bilions to Ukraine to help rebuild the country.

War, the gift that keeps on taking.


It has nothing to do with the US as imperialism continues.

We have no vested interest in the Ukraine.

Unless your name is Biden, Pelosi, Clinton


Supplying a country needed weapons is imperialiasm???

Why should we provide any weapons to Ukraine??? We have zero vested interest, we have no alliance or treaties.
We have stripped the weapons from our military to supply Ukraine which is beyond irresponsible.

And the taxpayers foot the bill with no oversight where money is spent.

Why would w walk away from Afghanistan to put ourslves in the middle of Ukraine???

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Ukraine is the old Khazarian homeland, home of heinous crime and corruption.

That’s why the Khazarian regime in DC hates Christian Russia.

The old Soviet Union was ruled by the Khazarians. (The only non-Khazarian leader was Gorbachev while the rest were all from the tribe, from Lenin to Andropov)

I disagree! Excellent Military men don’t compromise on who they serve especially their own country. Patraeus is a political animal not a military one.

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First Leopards!
→ It is the counteroffensive!

As far as I understood these were abandoned during the attack.

They had to go via the roads in columns, due to mines alongside the roads and fields.

And when the aviation bombing and shelling escalated they were abandoned.

A picture is sometimes worth a thousand words.

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Current events that could be the counteroffensive:

  1. A tank group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went on the offensive in the Orekhovsky section of the Zaporozhye Front - between Malaya Tokmachka and Novodanilovka.

There is a high-intensity battle going on right now. The Ukraine fires continuously from artillery and tanks at Russian positions, trying to raze them to the ground.

In response, Russian artillery and aviation works in full intensity.

  1. Also, the Ukrainian army in support of this offensive operation attempted an attack at a building in the city Tomkak with HIMARS.
    → It is reported that the HIMARS strike was intercepted.

  2. According to the received radio intercepts, at least one unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is ignoring the order to advance and attack Russian positions. The Ukrainian losses are very high.

Ukrainian tanks getting obliterated!

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As the Duran guys point out, the answer to the question “Cui bono?” about the destruction of the dam is Ukraine. Russia has nothing to gain.

First, it’s a diversion tactic from the embarrassing failure
in the offensive on all fronts.
Second, the flood will free up the troops on the right (west) bank of the Dnieper River in and around Kherson city to be transferred to other contested areas. (Maybe too late for that, because Ukrainian already failed.)
Third, to prevent water supply to Crimea
Fourth, Ukraine planned this terrorist attack beforehand by opening the water gates upstream to raise the water level in the reservoir.
Fifth, Ukraine had been shelling the dam/bridge since last year. This time they may have used submarine type drones.

Yeah they read the same article from Zerohedge. It pretty much spells out the same thing and it makes sense as far as what they are trying to do both on the propaganda front, psychological and Military one. Whether it works and if this is just another tactic that will fail is another matter altogether.

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Many weapons are great, but once you introduce them to the battlefield, the other side learns how to counter them. That is a general observation, not only related to HIMARS.

And Russians are:

  1. Jamming GPS, making them basically super expensive MLRS
  2. The Patsir AD was updated specifically to intercept HIMARS missiles by now, it was trimmed to prioritise and intercept them. So where you can’t just jam, they are intercepted. But that is not 100% interception rate, but pretty close.

No wonder weapons stays a wonder weapon for long. That is essentially why, the best weapons are kept back for as long as possible, since the clock starts ticking once they are in use on the battlefield.

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Kirby is the typical snake in the grass who blatantly tells lies to the public and doesn’t have a second thought about having a moral conscience. Total scumbag!

Wow, who’d have expected that?!

Ukraine is now demanding $1 billion from the US, so that a new hydroelectric dam could be built.

If you believe Zelensky would immediately build a new hydroelectric dam with the $1 billion, you must be smoking something funny.


NATO was forcing the Christians (Serbs) to live under Muslims (Albanians).
Where was the indignations in the churches of America?

Russia will be the ones rebuilding the dam, or not. Depends how long this war continues as the places where people live have already been vacated and will soon be in the past.

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