Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

No that is simply not true. I keep telling you why, Didge keeps trying to tell you the truth, yet you keep coming back with this garbage.

Well that is wishful thinking on your part.

Yes they do. They are no longer a communist country. Do your research sir!

Where am I ignoring it? I never said that Russia is without their faults when it comes to their military strategies, however they didn’t take any where near the amount of casualties that Ukraine has taken, in fact its not even close.

What do you call the fall Bakhmut, and other parts of Ukraine taken by the Russian Forces?

Define what is a Quasi commie is? Please enlighten us.

Like I said, your support for the US and the funding is essentially funding your own demise, because at the end of the day, the United States gets deeper in debt and you will have to pay for it. That is simply dumb and you are virtually supporting the communist state by rooting for Ukraine’s victory which is simply blind ignorance!

Do you want the US to bow down to a THUG like Vlad RasPutin or Communist Chinas Ping Pong???
Both countries want to extort “Protection Money” from the West. Its not happening!!! The West isn’t perfect, but far better than the Barbarious Neanderthals in the Kremlin or the Commies in Beijing.

What are you talking about? It is none of our business what those two countries do!

What the fk are you talking about? What do you call what the Military Industrial complex is doing? What do you call what China is already doing with buying off this administration? I got news for you, they are already doing it, because the rot of our country is from the inside.

We have record illegals coming into the country, Record number of Americans dying from Fetanyl poisoning, Our infrastructure crumbling, we are going further into debt at 32 trillion dollars, and you want to ask people about bowing down to other countries when we can’t even fix our own fking country’s problems? Are you fking kidding me?

:rage: :rage: :rage:

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If the guy on the right triggers you but the politicians on the left don’t …

Congratulations you have been brainwashed by the media coverups

Then why is Ukraine losing more soldiers than Russia?

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I really don’t care except the US is always meddling in other countries affairs and then it affects me. Just like Americans to want to start wars instead of negotiating peace is not a moral position to be imposing on the rest of the world. You should look in the mirror and start asking how many millions of deaths you have caused around the world before pointing the finger at other countries.


How can anyone call himself a Christian and support a Pharisee state at the same time?

Its an oxymoron! Like saying your both a New York Yankee and Mets fan!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That is not true at all. Russia has taken more casualtiesthan Ukraine because of their inflexible battlefield tactics.

Israel has a right to exist as a secure country free from Islamic Terrorism.The Palastinians nor Iran will ever conquer Israel .Hell will freeze over first.

Actually your statement is false and RW’s is correct! Ukraine has lost close to 400,000 soldiers compare to Russia’s 75,000 including wounded. Check your sources. Western Media who is saying that Russia has suffered much more is reporting inaccurate numbers for the sake of pushing the Propaganda line to inflate moral for Ukraine who is and has been losing the war to this point.

Why do you keep shilling for the real communists by buying the lies being fed to you?

I agree that Communist China is getting its greedy fingers into the US by buying companies ( Smithfield Meats) to influence different parts of the economy.
The Bidet family has taken countless millions of dollars from Communist China thru their shell corps.
Do you believe that I dont know how money is thrown around DC like confetti?? DC is worse than a swamp its more like a cesspool where the excrement rises to the top. I know the Military Industrial Complex FUKS the taxpayer with so called cost overruns and VASTLY inflated prices of military equipment and gets away with it thru" campaign donations" and " CONSULTATION" jobs to retiring high ranking military officers.
You should know from my past posts that I support legal immigration.The tsu ami of illegals comming across the border makes the Oklahoma Land Rush look like a holiday parade which the Dems use to increase their edge in voter rolls and fuk real citizens out of needed social services and is enabled by the govt controlled mainstream media.
There is an obvious reason why the Mexican Drug Cartels have not been declared terrorist organizations and have taken over the Mexican govt.
I respect our differences but there are some lectures from you I dont need.

I agree the US should stay out of nation building. We havent learned from the past and continue to make the sane mistakes.
We have to stand up to countries that want to dominate regions abd eventually the world like Communist China and Iran whatever the cost.

Today’s Judaism is Pharisee teaching, whether you like it or not.

The Rothschilds created Israel and communist China.


Really!!! General Prigo has PUBLICALY told the Kremlin, Wagner PMC has had 20k killed in Bakhmut because of the " ammo supply " issue.

Israel has no right to exist.

Israel is Gog and Magog in the Bible, who as Zionists invaded the peaceful land of the Palestinians (who descended from ancient Israel) from the north (Eastern Europe) to rob and to murder.

Ezekiel’s prophecies match to a tee.

Yevgeny Prigozhin is a civilian.

It is likely that 5,000 Wagner troops were killed and 15,000 wounded.

It fits the general military killed/wounded ratio of 1:3, thus making the number of Wagner troops taken out of action 20,000.

Wagner PMC is a private security company. They defeated the Ukrainian Army in Bakhmut and other surrounding cities leading up to the complete take over of Bakhmut. Let that sink in for a while.

Half of the casualties were conscripted prisoners who were given a choice to either fight for Wagner or serve out their sentences.

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The real victory in Bakhmut was the crushing of Ukraine’s army and exposing Zelensky to the humiliation of being a loser in the eyes of the world. So, now he is turning to terrorism to keep western arms and money flowing. The Ukrainian people would likely depose him in next year’s elections. But he has already promised to cancel them – and he outlawed all opposition political parties and non-supportive media. So, he’s now a dictator ruling over a terrorist organization that the U.S. is supporting.

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