Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Something the western media intentionally ignore.

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Yes it is true including killing and wounding their top commanders. That is why they are trying 30,000 conscripted troops to train because their own citizens are fleeing in record numbers.

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Patriot missile hits highway in Kiev 

Must’a scared the shit out of the drivers.
When the Ukrainian military shoots something up in the sky, be it missiles or shells, they don’t care where they land and what happens afterwards.

Is crazy just watching the cars go about their business as if this this was an every day occurrence and its no big deal!

I know he is a civilian. He was a caterer and restraunteur before organizing Wagner PMC and being a General in his own mind. Let him go FUK up other country.

Ukraine targets military supply depots,roads and bridges etc. They havent sent artillery shells into a maternity hospital and blasted innocent civilian targets.Ukraine attempts to avoid shelling non military targets but sometimes its unavoidable but its common Russian military strategy.
No one gave a FUK when Russia targeted innocent civilians homes etc. and Im supposed to feel bad when Ukraine brings the war into Russian territory. Well BOO HOO HOO!!! This is what happens in war.Let them experience what Ukainian people have.

The problem with Russia is that it is a very poor propagandist and does not seem to care what the rest of the world says.

In other words, only the smart people can understand what Russia is doing.

The stupid believe in the western MSM lies hook line and sinker.

It may be a good thing that the neocons are beginning to focus on Thailand, away from Ukraine. The Thai are a strong and intelligent people and they will get over it with minimum damage.

The Russia vs NATO conflict is much more dangerous than China vs US over Taiwan and in southeast Asia.

The West has been trying to escalate the war since it began. I don’t even think that Russia has begun to mobilize their air power yet and I suspect its because of cost and not wanting to risk losing their pilots before the real action starts with NATO.


You mean how the US has fked up so many countries in the world? Maybe take a look in the mirror first before trying to call others out for which your country is egregiously guilty of!

Problem is, current Biden Dem regime in Washington DC doesn’t care about Ukrainian lives or NATO (US soldiers) lives.

What the world isn’t grateful for American Imperialism?

Look at the stimulus the world has received for the never ending wars.

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They don’t understand how the world starts to resent America for its interventionist adventures?

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The US leaders are clueless and live in a bubble.

America’s enemy is inside.

I understand he is a Russian living in Florida, with some military background.
He pretends to be neutral, and thus manages to stay on YouTube.

Or maybe it is purposely to make it appear they are clueless but they know what they are doing?

Its most probable that it isn’t him calling the shots, thus you are correct about him not caring much who lives or who dies.


I would love to believe that.

Clearly after the debt limit circus and their insistence on spending, they are clueless. To spend trillions and not think about the ramifications is proof.

The money spent in Afghanistan and walk away.
The military not to mention the civilians that died for nothing.

It’s about power and maintaining power at any cost.

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