Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
― George Carlin

How will that work? Who pays for the labor for the farming for example?

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Valid question. There will always be those who love to grow crops to feed people they don’t know, and those who love to build stuff, be it machinery or houses.

Aren’t there people even today who do what they do out of passion, be it volunteer soldiers or volunteer doctors?

I agree, which is why the peoples voice have to take over. Citizen journalists is rising to new status today.

Wagner PMC losses are more like 20k and Russian casualties exceed 200k. The Ukrainian Army holds a small section of Bakhmut and is making good progress on the Russuian flanks to encircle the city.Mariupol has been hit by Ukrainian missiles on warehouses.
Unless Russia wants to avoid a COMPLETE military defeat by Ukraine, only a COMPLETE Russian withdrawl will end this war.

More speculation brought to you by Western media wanting to continue the false propaganda that people like you need to repeat. It keeps the money laundering operations going while the criminals you support keep convincing you of more lies. When does it ever end? Total defeat of the west is the only way to humble the old hegemony. The United States can’t win a two front war with Russia and with China. Their fate will be sealed if they continue to poke the bear!

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Not enough to feed an entire civilization. There will always be selfish evil people for a universal income to work.

Russia is using low cost and highly effective tactic of exhausting NATO airdefences by sending wave after wave of deadly Iranian drones at simultaneous military targets. While deluded Ukrainian Joo clown and his awe struck commanders are inventing how many missiles they shot down this time, Kiev’s officials are assessing damage. At night, explosions thundered in the Kiev, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Vinnytsia, Kirovograd, Cherkasy, Poltava regions. The Ukrainians have banned any video footage of these attacks.

Bye Bye Zelensky and Ukraine

A really great break down on how our money is being spent and funneled through Ukraine while our defense contractors are milking everything they can from the US tax payers.

Another perspective offered in terms of what the fall of Bakhmut means

Various news tape on You Tube show Russian troops running from the Ukrainian Army like Olympic track stars.
Yes, Ukraine has received western weapons that are VASTLY superior to the Russians. Ukraines generals are one step ahead of Russias generals using superior tactics.

Can we stop this jooish nonsense???

@2.15 Why were the Russians so obsessed about Bakhmut?

Why were the Ukrainians so obsessed about defending it and kept sending troops and equipment there?

Why? Are you Jooish? Just stating the obvious part out loud. Don’t have to be antisemitic by criticizing who is really responsible for this war.

Lastly you have not provided not one source to back up your assertions here sir. I suspect that what you are watching is western media nonsense run by the Jooish cartels who control 99% of all media.

You really have no idea what is going on and you have not waken up yet.

Take time to watch this, from a Australian special forces commander

“Ukraine is the center of the deep state. It’s the head of the snake and Vlad’s taking the head off.”

“Ukraine has been the center of the globalists for decades and decades
The CIA has been working in the Ukraine for 70 years.”

“Ignore all the chatter about nuclear war and Russia’s attempts to take over the globe. Completely the opposite.
Do your own research and stop watching the mainstream media.”

The Ukrainian Generals wanted the Russians to put their best troops in Bakhmut to fight a battle of attrition. The Russian Generals fell into the trap and lost alot of them being forced to use inexperienced prisoners as sacrificial lambs

Russias Army problem is the lack of a solid command structure, failing to adapt tactics on the battlefield and too many PMCS.

No, I’m not Jooish.I’m a Lutheran and a SOLID supporter of Israel and am Anti Communist

I have previously provided you with some news sources on You Tube which you say are propoganda outlets.

Name them!

And BTW your support for Israel and Ukraine is supporting the Neo-cons of death and destruction, which essentially you are indirectly supporting communism. Russia is not a communist country anymore. You need to awaken from your slumber Rip Van Winkle, its no longer the cold war! Its the 21st century!

Russia made an unprovoked invasion of a soverign country based on votes in Luhansk, Donbass and Crimea. There should be no negotiated agreement between the two only a complete military victory by Ukraine which will take place.
Is Russia a Constitutional Republic and does its citizens have freedom like us.
Why do you ignore the ineptness of the Russian General Staff in their failure to defeat Ukraine.They should have taken Kiev in 90 days.What excuse will you have in support of these Quasi Commies

Why no comment on the caterer turned Army General Genius???