Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

More than a month ago Col MacGregor and Scott Ritter mentioned over 300,000 dead for Ukraine. That was before the Bakhmut finale.

If Iā€™m not mistaken, Alexander Mercouris mentioned that figure on 5-24, London time, quoting Pregozhin.
That could include the wounded but Iā€™m not sure.

Overall, the ratio of the wounded as opposed to the dead among the Ukrainians is low, meaning many wounded Ukrainians wind up dying due to lack of medical care.


That would make a lot more sense.

I love this story! Giving the finger to the US and the UK is always fun!

Alexander Mercouris:
5,000 dead among the Wagner group
30,000 - 50,000 dead among Ukrainians
in Bakhmut in the last 10 months.

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The language may be harsh, but at least the Russians are treating this elderly Ukrainian POW humanely.

Getting to the crux on why Russia invaded Ukraine. Just in case there are still pom pom wavers out there still trying to sell us on the BS hegemonic USA rah rah nonsense!

Russian investigating reveals
240 pathogens discovered in biolabs in the Ukraine, funded and secretly ran by the United States.

The most concerning are anthrax and cholera.

Thereā€™s no doubt they were working on strengthening these diseases (gain of function).


Why is this not being talkies about more?

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Certain things are not allowed to mention.
Secret space program, alien presence on earth, true nature of human origin, pyramid cities on Mars, existence of cryptids, and anti-gravity come to mind.

Why? Such information might cause panic.

Things appear to be escalating more!

No surprise. Russia and Belarus might merge. Actually I donā€™t see much difference between these two countries in terms of culture, language, history, etc.

Given Poles want a chunk of land in western Belarus and Ukraine, certain precautions are needed.

Itā€™s like Czechia and Slovakia. I donā€™t understand the disagreement between them to go separate ways.


Something is going on that can not be seen currently and that should worry us all!

I donā€™t know if the Russian public will buy that.
Russia has been fooled twice by the ā€œMinsk agreementsā€ and then once by the Istanbul peace deal.

Of course it has to be on Russiaā€™s terms not the Westā€™s.


Apparently Russia is avoiding to provoke the west to fully engage in Ukraine. I guess it is now, but direct NATO involvement with NATO flag and all that.

At the same time, it is also a war of finances. The finances of the west (based on the fake money issued by respective central banks) are bound to collapse, like many have predicted. It will invite temporal confusion in the west, like food shortages and people running out of toilet paper. LOL

Thatā€™s why the finance gurus have been advising people to buy gold and silver as all fat bank accounts can go up in smoke in an instant, or like in Cyprus the government openly raids peopleā€™s bank accounts and steal from them.

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Media bias, non reporting of the news is a much larger problem!


There is already fears and designs for US banks runs as regional banks are going under now.

We ought to be in the survival mode now.

Instead of thinking about making big money out of this chaotic situation, we should try to survive for a few months by stocking (dried) foods, securing water and safe fuel.

Hopefully money will be useless in the future society.

The Ukraine war is triggering all these changes.

I hope not, because digital currency will be even worse.

I have no doubt that it is serving other unintended purposes. Then again I keep my mind open as to also accepting that this might be planned too.

Thatā€™s not exactly what I meant. In a society in the future (Hopefully not very distant), all food and housing will be free.

No more 9-5. Everyone does what he loves to do, be it helping other people or writing poems.