Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

It isn’t a defeat. Ukrainne caused Russia to use troops held in reserve weakening the flanks in urban warfare in Bakhmut. Russia paid to heavy a price in losses of men and vehicles over a city with litte strategic value and fell into Ukraines trap.
Russian generals are clueless in how to conduct mobile combined arms warfare with out having needless casualties.

It depends how often they talk about it, but the situation is very real. They have been looking for and or wanting to create any provocation.

Good summary of Ukraine’s debacle in Bakhmut.

Truth vs western media mantra.

(People really need to stop watching CNN)

Who is the HOT!!! Russian female host of a political TV show with long brown hair , tied into a ponytailand wears a pantsuit. I see her on You Tube videos about the Russia Ukraine war.


I don’t know what you are smoking brother but don’t pass that spliff to me! All indications is that Ukraine is just about done and why Zelenskyy is not in Ukraine anymore. When will you accept reality?

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Money laundering, dangerous biolabs, human trafficking
 You name it.

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Ukraine is far from being done .This war is like a boxing match between a fighter that is quick , agile , attacks from all angles and avoids the knockout punches of a slow , ponderous power puncher.
Ukraine has made Russia use up alot of their reserves.

A disgusting country. The sooner it disappears, the safer the the world will be.

Organ harvesting from wounded and dead Ukrainian soldiers.

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You keep saying Russia used up most of their resources then why is Zelensky begging for money? Why did Ukraine lose Bakhmut ? I don’t think you know the facts or are being honest with them or you keep smoking very strange tobacco!

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I wonder who is more disgusting at this point? The west or their proxy whores?

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Smart criminals don’t dirty their hands.

Cats hide their claws.

Don’t judge a book by its cover.

etc., etc. “Western democracy” is not what it’s cracked out to be.

“Neocons” is mere euphemism; we know who they are.

The vehicles used in the Ukrainian invasion of Belgorod have the slogan “For Bakhmut” written in Russian.

Needless to say, this suicide invasion was staged by Kiev to divert the world’s attention from Ukraine’s debacle in Bakhmut.

Can you read, I said RESERVES as in troops and equipment!!!
The various news sources on You Tube say this. Again , Ukraine will surround and cutoff Bakhmut

Reserves? The entire Ukrainian military is a conscripted one! Where are you getting your information? Ukraine is toast!

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Check news sources on You Tube.

I do, just not your biased ones apparently! :rofl:

Oh I read all the time and see what everybody else who has been paying attention but you sees.

Estimate for the Ukrainian losses in Bakhmut alone ranges between 40,000 and 50,000, which is an enormous figure.

The Wagner losses are about 15,000 which is a high figure for the Russian side overall, but given the close range combats that took place, it is understandable.

Ukrainian men between ages of 15 and maybe 55 (Some of them appear to be older in some videos) are arrested on the streets, bars and collage classrooms and taken against their will to become cannon fodder after a very short military training.

That’s not what a winning army does.

That seems pretty high and weird at the same time given that was total casualties for US forces in Vietnam over almost a 10 year period.

That also seems high, given Wagner is an elite force and one casualty is usually a higher loss than a regular soldier.

That much we know, but its the amount of foreigners fighting that makes up the conscript army of Ukraine.

How many casualties were taken on the Ukraine side?

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