Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Russia may retreat from Bakhmut, if necessary, because Russia is not interested in gaining territory but in a war of attrition.

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Some pretty stunning photos in this article.

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Many Japanese believe that being nuked is their “monopoly.” Zelensky’s comparison of Hiroshima with Bakhmut SHOULD offend them, but there has been no voice of dissent. What a sheep nation!

Russia has taken many NEEDLESS casualties with their poor tactics. Urban warfare is BLOODY and slow . They choose to fight house to house . The Ukraninians are smarter by their attempt to encircle and cut off supply routes , gain the surrounding hills and play defense in Bakhmut.
This is similiar to Stalingrad and the Russian Army will have a similar fate to Von Paulus 6th Army .History will repeat itself again.

New song released in Russia today: I’m Being Hit by a Storm Shadow. Remember Cat Stevens song Moon Shadow???

You do know that Bakhmut fell to the Russians the other day right? Bakhmut is no longer called Bakhmut, but now under total Russian control and called Artyomovsk.

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Ukrainians are participating in a real life Hunger Games where they have to perform exceedingly suicidal actions so Zelensky can get more cheese from NATO. It’s a total waste of human life that accomplishes nothing tangible except to make headlines on social media for a day.

Ukraine sent about 50 men dressed as Russian militia, in a few vehicles and one tank into the villages on the outskirts of Belgorod, a city near the Ukraine/Russia border, 50 miles northeast of Kharkiv.

39 of them were killed, and 5 taken prisoner.

The Ukrainians are parading that this is a massive achievement and proclaiming that Russia is under siege.

They have convinced themselves that this publicity stunt is a military victory, and that Bakhmut was not important at all.

The Zelensky propaganda/cope machine is working overtime.

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There were two Russian jets and two helicopters shot down in the region last week. I heard Alexander Mercouris say it was a case of friendly fire.

I guess anything is possible in the fog of war, and Russia makes stupid mistakes too. At the same time, Russia should never become complacent after the fall of Bakhmut with relatively small casualties, perhaps a tiny fraction of Ukrainian losses. Russia’s enemy, the western bankers and their proxies, Ukraine and NATO, are still fighting on all fronts.

For those of us who live in the west in relative peace, it is not a war of bombs, missiles and artillery shells. But it’s the war of propaganda and lies.


We live precariously in the age of misinformation.

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Yes, there will always be accidents not caused by the adversary during times of war. Man with machine is fallible.

I think they realize that when viewing the next objective which is targeting Ukrainian forces west of Bakhmut.

However, significant Ukrainian forces still remain to the west of Artyomovsk, having seized a number of positions during the May counteroffensive. They have established a foothold in Chasov Yar and hold the line between Krasnoye and Minkovka, thus preventing Russian forces from stabilizing the front along the Seversky Donets-Donbass canal. With the Russian flag flying over Artyomovsk and Russian soldiers in full control of the battlefield, the priority now is to inflict maximum damage on the Ukrainian forces massed for the counteroffensive, and drive them out to the western bank of the canal.


Great discussion

Russia took excessive casualties in Bakhmut and will not defeat Ukraine !!! Russias generals still be believe in leveling cities with artillery and rocket fire and fighting in whatever buildings are left standing.They are barely semi- intelligent barbarians.
I can’t wait for Ukraine to have the F 16 Fighting Falcon which in capable hands will out class most Russian fighters and I hope the A 10 Warthog will be next for Ukraine.
Russian casualties are so low, they have resorted to conscription and empting prisons.
Vlad RasPutin has banned negative from the media and websites.

Yea, their equipment losses are that low that they’re using “updated” T 62 tanks from the 60s.

In my opinion, the less we talk about (the possibility of) the nuke use, the better. It is clear that the bankster-owned western media talk about such possibilities endlessly in order to desensitize the sheeple.

Einstein, Wall Street (thus the code name “the Manhattan Project”), the Rothschilds and FDR are from the same tribe.

Incidentally, what the Japanese do is completely upside-down, so typical of sleepers. There is a Hiroshima survivor who talked to Zelensky on Sunday about the bomb without knowing he is just a puppet of the dark force that threatens the world with nuke bombs.

At the same time, there was a small crowd of Japanese who demonstrated in Hiroshima with the placard “G7 is the source of nuclear war” but these people were quickly whisked away and never made the headlines, although they were 100% right.

For months Ukraine shelled the largest nuke plant in Europe (I still can’t spell it) and the western media constantly accuse Russia of doing that. Why on earth should Russia shell the nuke plant which it has been occupying since March 2022? :crazy_face:

The dumbing down in the west is so severe, the sheep will believe any BS on their TV.

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I don’t know if you can view this but there are good points made.

Grift at the top. That’s what Ukraine is.
Average Ukrainians are nothing more than canon fodder.

Grift at the top and that is the main driver of this. Money laundering.


Unlike Russia, Ukraine had been careful to avoid shelling of civilian residential areas.

Very silly operation by Ukraine.
Its sole purpose was to divert attention from Ukraine’s catastrophic defeat in Bakhmut.