Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Sorry dude that is not a morally just position to be advocating for. You forego the diplomacy by trying to broker peace talks route and go straight to promoting to WWIII by selling death and destruction to Ukraine? Holy crap! That is a morally bankrupt argument if I ever heard of one!

As far as China is concern, they are not trying start wars and bomb countries into submission like the US does and has for the past 200+ years. Yes I brought up the US and the UK because they are no better than Russia or China so please stop with the gas lighting. The US is killing its own people, you also are being obtuse with how we are spending US Taxpayers money funding a war we have no business being a part of while ignoring our own countries needs such as securing our own southern border. Let Ukraine fight their own battle and stop the US interventionism of the MIC!

In fact you are ignoring a lot of facts when it comes to the particulars of this war for the sake of promoting US hegemony and rah rah “let kick Russia’s a$$” nonsense. Stop living in the past! This is not the cold war era!


Ukraine lost sovereignty as a result of the Maidan coup in 2014. It became a vassal state to the corrupt US politicians such as the Bidens and Clintons, and of course Pelosi. The new junta no longer represents the interests of the Ukrainian people, especially the Russian speaking and Hungarian speaking minorities.

The junta also shot down the Malaysian plane over the Donbass, so that they could blame the Russians for this heinous crime. Everything is upside down.

The people who staged the coup behind the scene are, needless to say, Victoria Nudelman and Blinken and other neocons with the financial backing of Soros, who represents the Rothschilds.

Col MacGregor.
Updates on the Ukrainian front.

There won’t be peace in Ukraine until Vlad RasPutin withdraws his Russian, Chechen and PMC " Liberation Army" .
The only benefit Pigo Prigo has is creating dissension within the Kremlin which has benefited Ukraine.Luhansk and Donbass is Ukrainian land. The 3rd rate country of Hungary should stay out of it.
If WW3 were to happen ’ it will be because of Communist Chinas desire of world dominance. They don’t build countries infrastructure out of concern for its people. They select countries based on their natural resources. They don’t want the Republic of China because of their FALSE claim that its part of China ,they want it for its semi-conductor production to extort and control the world !!!
We have Cold War and it now is Russia and Communist China.

The Chinese never dominated the world and they have no intention to do so. They want business and money is their name of the game. That’s how the Chinese are.

The Tang Dynasty (7th and 8th centuries) dominated the Far East militarily but it was because they wanted to subdue rebellious nations that surrounded Tang China, threatening its trade.

The Yuan Dynasty went on military campaigns against Korea, Japan and Vietnam but it was the Mongols who ruled China.

China is not dumb. Dominating the world militarily — like the US is doing by having 800 and some military bases around the world, and maintaining very expensive fleets — is sheer idiocy. Proof that the US is the brainless Beast in the Bible run by the whore of Babylon, symbolizing the neocons.

The current war in Ukraine is the war of Gog and Magog. We know the end result already.

Gog = Gok-turks = Khazars
Magog = Mongol/Mongolia = racial origin of Khazars

Khazar-run Ukraine is doomed. There will be no more such Ukraine and Hungarians and Serbs will get cheap energy from Russia via pipelines that will run through former Ukraine along the Rumanian border.

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That is simply not going to happen, and if you think that it will by force then you need to wake up from your outdated slumber. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was very much to do with the west provocations and not honoring their treaties such as NATO’s creeping encroachment to surround Russia. Being Native American, I know or thing or two about our country’s history of not honoring treaties, its one of the reasons I became a lawyer. Our own Government needs to pull the plank from its own eye before intervening in other sovereign country’s affairs.

As the saying goes beadencup49, “Measure twice cut once” or “those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” That much is true not only for every day average Americans struggling to survive who don’t give a rats ass about Ukraine and just trying to make ends meet, but for the feckless leaders in DC who is selling out their own people in the guise of a 3rd world war. Why? Because for the American elite war is big business and they don’t care who is going to die! Read up on worm wood in the bible. A 3rd of the Earth is going to die soon, then people like you and me will be desperate for clean drinking water.

You really don’t understand the Chinese or Asians for that matter. China wants to live and establish a multi-polar world, while the west wants to continue with the hegemonic system of commerce where all laws and finance is through the west, and if countries don’t follow this order then they are bombed into submission. The latter is not only immoral but a position that eventually will spell the west’s demise. You just aren’t seeing this yet.

Yeah, not an enviable position to be in while China and Russia move on with their own economic system and not relying on US dollars anymore to conduct transactions and that is what is most upsetting to the United States. So lets start a war! :rage: :rage: :rage:

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This is spot on and couldn’t have said it better myself!

Sad but true. Americans are good people, but need to learn a thing or two from history.

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I agree with you about how Native Americans were Fuked over by the US Government by breaking treaties and nearly killing all the Bison attempting to starve. Native Americans also respected the land they used and didn’t take more than what they needed. If any group in this country is owed anything its them. Living on reservations is a kick in the testicles to them.Imagine if blacks were HUMILIATED this way wgat would happen.
Most wars are about whose corps will make the most money and control the vanquished natural resources.
Outside of the Republic of China, Communist China is intent on acquiring valuable and sometimes rare natural resources to control the manufacture of the end product and to EXTORT everyone else . Eveyone will suffer if Communist China controls the semiconductor industry.
I agree our Pols are pigs feeding at the trough of Corps and lobby groups giving voters a few crumbs to keep them quiet and kiss voters ass to be elected.
Americans are dumb as we allow history to repeat itself.

I will say this because I don’t want to get off course with our discussion thread topic here: Much like Blacks where introduced to crack and cocaine to which served as a destructive measure to keep their communities dependent, so too was alcohol and alcoholism in the Native American communities across the country. Its nothing new as the saying goes, but its motives were evil and sinister from the beginning on what our Government has been doing for the last couple of hundred years. The difference is, unlike blacks most Native American communities struggled with their addictions like meth, alcoholism and never claimed victim-hood status but kept to them selves for the sake of not shaming the family. Family is everything in our communities, but to Blacks? It has led to their demise with great devastating results. I have contributed a lot in this area over the past years by helping with recovery outreach programs, establishing pro-bono legal services, establishing a option to offer schooling in trade so that opportunity in the jobs that will be in demand tomorrow will be something for a lot to look forward to and help motivate young kids to finish high school.

If blacks did the same for their communities and stop voting for the plantation Democrats that only serve to continue their enslavement, these race narratives being propped by the MSM would soon disappear!

You half right about this, and the reason is: its the west demands for tech products that China manufactures and seeks to exploit rare natural resources. This isn’t China’s fault, but the insatiable need for consumerism of the west that drives that demand, and its why Africa is being exploited.

This is not a certainty, and I am sure China wants to be in control but they are simply not there yet

I agree with you on this, which is why we need to mind our own business and stay out of meddling in other country’s affairs and focus on fixing our country first.

American first is really the mantra going forward otherwise the country will collapse if we keep allowing the NEO-CONS to rig elections, create false flags that is aimed at taking our guns away, poison our food, our air, our water, allow illegal immigration and plan fake pandemics designed to enslave us and reduce our population. We need to address this now or it will be hell is where the country is going!

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When asked to comment on why Ukraine maintains its position on not revealing its losses in the conflict, Pristaiko replied: “internally, we understand how many of us are already killed and lost.”

“We understand that it will be extremely difficult to fight with a nation that is 16 times bigger than us,” the envoy said. “But we are determined to do it and we are not going to tell Russians how painful it is – they know it is painful and we know it is painful”.

While G7 bullshit is going on in Hiroshima, Japan, Russia pounds NATO targets in Odessa (while Ukraine targets Russian-speaking civilians in the Donbass).

What’s wrong with this picture?

To make the farce more farcical, G7 want to invite Zelensky to Hiroshima who seems to be spending more time outside Ukraine recently.

Why Hiroshima, and not Tokyo or somewhere more convenient? What’s the message?

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When ever its democrats in charge its always the double standards that is their projection.

Probably because he knows there is a bounty on his head if he stays in Ukraine.


Its great to discuss our different opinions together that you provide information others here should digest , understand and not sensely argue or provoke you. I respect your stance on issues and as a lawyer , you must be excellent representing your clients.
There are world conflicts I see more from a military strategic and tactical view than a political view though they are intertwined. Countries politics and economic views cause conflicts to occur.
All things about Ukraine aside, I enjoy looking at the map to see where I would attack , if I was on the General Staff. Its one of my interests.


You only know the half of it. Some people here are simply too self loathing that their projection is to provoke others than engage in meaning discussions.

I really appreciate that Beadencup49

I like that aspect too and it fascinates me, but as I get older I tend to care more about the innocent people who are caught in the middle of wars than the countries themselves. I have seen a few wars in my life time and they suck!

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Bakhmut is about to fall as Wagner group advanced on 500m of territory today.

Caption this though, Zelensky is aging quite fast before our very eyes.

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Zelensky really doesn’t like it in Ukraine anymore.
Well, he can follow his parents and migrate to Israel.

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Why is it so hard for some people to understand that their TV is a lying machine?

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Bakhmut the still smoldering ruins of a destroyed city