Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

So I guess I stand corrected in regards to depleted Uranium that went off in that explosion. Most of everything now makes sense that Putin wanted to take those out before the fabled spring offensive begins.


See the mushroom cloud?
The Brits openly stated they were going to supply depleted uranium shells.
There’s an ex-Azov parliament member who urged the residents of the area to evacuate due to radiation.

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Yes! That was pretty crazy watching that. I am not sure how the west can be seen having the moral ground anymore.

Putin is being criticized in Russia as being lukewarm, pulling punches.

Those people in the west who want Putin gone don’t know what they’re talking about.

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He still has to negotiate and maneuver in such a way to not give the cause away to the west so they don’t have something to rally for a broader war.

I think they destroyed more than one.

Russia rained missiles of all kinds on Kiev to triangulate the Patriot missile site and killed it by their kinzhals.

Yeah, that is their focus. Taking out the Uranium munitions depots and their air defense system. Russia still controls the skies but for how long? This is the part I believe that I think Russia is being careful about because NATO has been known in other conflicts to want to secure a no fly zone as they call it.


Garland Nixon.
Once he misspoke and said “Uranium” instead of “Ukraine.” Freudian slip? Interesting.

Very smart guy.

If you want to hear him in Russian. LOL The Russians do listen to sane voices in the west, such as Col MacGregor, Scott Ritter and Garland Nixon.

Neocons don’t care how many Ukrainians die.

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WINNING THE ECONOMIC WAR paves the way to winning the kinetic war. Russia, China all know this.


This Brian was former Marine Corps and he knows what he’s talking about.

(He was born and raised in the US, so I wonder where his Slavic accent comes from. But it’s irrelevant for our discussion.)

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This is a strange video to watch!

I think people are scared to saying anything critical. That meditating guru guy was pretty interesting.

Elon Musk’s Father

Zekenksy was a comedian who became President if Ukraine. Reagan was an actor who became a US President. So what !!!
I’m sure Communist China is only interested in African countries natural resources and not to influence a change in government.

This is a false conflation if I ever heard of one. You support prolonging the war in Ukraine by sending billions of dollars of our money to support their proxy war when in the meanwhile we are ignoring our own southern border and the country is being invaded by 3rd world parasites. This last part absolutely amazes me. The US and the UK are not actively seeking to end the war when they are actively seeking to keep sending death and destruction, and you are lecturing us on China? Please! Sounds like you need to reevaluate which team you are on!

I don’ t need ti lecture anyone about Communist China. They are rather transparent about their intentions in other countries like a spider lures a fly to its web. You are lecturing me.
I didn’t say anything about the US or UK.I do support countries material support to Ukraine and training its pilots on the F 16 to kick Russias Ass for its ROTTEN Invasion of a Soverign country on the pretext of uniting Russian and Russian speaking people and the automonous Crimean Peninsula .