Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Actually, the Biden regime might do that because it does not represent real Americans and American interests.

When they say “to the last Ukrainian,” they really don’t care about the Ukrainian people. They want to maintain the corrupt system in Ukraine, so that the politicians such as the Biden crime family, Pelosi and the like keep making dirty money in exchange for the suffering of Ukrainians.

This evil regime is run by the rich movers and shakers around Washington DC and Wall Street who support the Dems, and have enough resources to finance the media as well.

I havent said anything recently about US troop involvement.Ukraine is defeating Russia with alot of the same equipment but with better tactics. Ukraine is using mobile conbined arms units to out flank and isolate Russian units with less casualties.Similar ro a Blitzkreig. Russian Generals are still.beleving in mass artillery bombardments and human wave assaults and have failed to adapt to modern battlefield tactics and have left supply areas vulnerable.Ukraine has caused heavy losses in ammo fuel etc limiting Russian actions.
Combined arms units are the future as the US Army is organizing alot of Combined Arms Brigades.

The US fared better in Afganistan because of better tactics but was stabbed in the back by Benedict Arnold Bidet.

Were you personally there in Afghanistan to see for yourself?

No , but they were bettee than Russia. The US Military is able ti adapt to the enemy.

I have no idea what fantasy you are buying but it must be feeding some serious BS to shape your distorted view. I am not sure if you know this but Ukraine air defense system is practically destroyed! They do not control their own air space, ( they don’t have an air force) They don’t have a Navy, therefore they don’t control their own ports. The are out numbered by an almost 7-to 1 ratio and are surrounded. How the hell do equate all that to predict that Ukraine is going to defeat Russia?

US military is a tired and outdated Defense force and wouldn’t and won’t win another war especially against China or Russia ever. Russian soldiers right now in their prime are far vast superior than anything the US can throw at them and will decimate US military resources. That is just a fact! The days of US hegemony and being a bully of the world are now over. If the US decided to get involved with fighting against Russia, it will be the biggest mistake that the US has ever made in its entire history! Your know it, and I know, the world knows it. The US are losers in the bigger picture of things as the economic balance of power is shifting away from the petrol dollar and trading goods in RMB.

Our current Military

VS. A fit Russian Military!

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Col MacGregor said over 300,000 Ukrainian dead. It was weeks ago. Scott Ritter mentioned a similar figure also weeks ago.

Russians don’t seem to believe in blitzkrieg

Russia never conducted such assaults. They exist only in the fancies of the western media.

Russia is cranking out ammo faster than all western countries combined. Russia will never run out of fuel because Russia is, after all, a gas station masquerading as a country. :disguised_face: :joy_cat:

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“Counteroffensives” seem to be coming from the Russian air force.

I don’t know who launches Russian long-range missiles, but I assume it’s their air force and navy. Short range missiles can be launched by anybody.

Air force is launching their long range missiles.

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Then I guess all the various news sources on You Tube have a movie studio to create war movies.The drone videos must also be fake showing the fuel storage tanks in Sevastopol on fire All fake news .

I believe you under estimate our military.The Army today is more physicaly fit than when I served and fewer recruits meet the physical standards to enlist.
In Ukraine, Russian Generals have shown how incompetent tacticaly they are. Im no military tactical and strategic scholar, but I can see how inept they are. They should have beaten Ukraine like a drum and taken Kiev in about 6 wks.
This is like Nazi Germany with the in fighting between Hitler, the Heer and the Generals on the battlefield.

The fuel storage in Crimea got hit. No doubt about it. Ukrainians got in trouble with Indians by making a meme with the Hindu deity Kali.

The fire there was no big deal, because other storage tanks were operating. The Russian strike on a fuel depot in Odessa was much, much worse.

No! That is patently false. Why? Because? 1. I am a vet and know that this statement is simply false having served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Mogadishu and know what type of soldiers we are fielding 2. I am probably a lot younger than you and a lot has changed since you were last in the Military.

The US military and its equipment is seriously outdated.
Military recruitment is at an all time low in the nations history
Morale is low as the DOD feels its more important to focus on gender studies and Diversity training than actual military combat ready training
Training standards? Not even close in comparison to Russian military fitness training the Army’s test is running the 2 mile and that is it. Marine corp has a 3 mile run with a time limit. Marines are better trained and more fit than the Army but allowing women and trans to fight in the military is def a weakness for the US and it will be exploited. Army is the worst when it comes to current soldiers who tend to be more fat and lazy and will probably get killed if they were to be thrusted into battle. They are def not fielding their best.

I don’t underestimate the US military because I already know its turned to shit and there is no way they will be able to win a war with Russia or China. Our younger population has been decimated by COVID and Fentanyl poisoning and thus recruiting young men would be next to impossible to even fend off a home invasion if Russia and China decided to invade.

America’s military is shit and is toast at the same time and will be defeated should they decided to start a war on two fronts which is pretty stupid when all things are considered!


I am not a military strategist but I do know that the Ukrainian Army is in fact a conscript one. There are already American mercenaries being killed there. When Russia decides to make its move and Ukraine has run out of soldiers, where do you think they will turn to for help?

You didn’t answer my question. If you believe so much in the Ukrainian cause are you willing to send your soldiers to die there?

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I would not send US troops to fight unless Ras Putin makes the mistake of attacking Poland. We should continue to supply weapons , vehicles and better fighter planes to Ukraine along with other countries.There is no need to send our troops at this time.

Right! We should keep sending money into a black hole while driving up our debt, bankrupting our treasury, and ignoring Americans and homeless vets at the expense of the US tax payers while sending our hard earned dollars that should be helping Americans to a foreign country we have no interest in whatsoever! That sounds like a really moral and wise plan! (Sarcasm)

:rage: :rage: :rage:

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The West is not interested in peace negotiations but escalating the war to a new level.

Hopefully the same fate awaits them.