Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

According to the computer-generated translation from Indonesian, the Russian tank fired twice, causing the Ukrainian tank to explode after its ammunition caught fire.

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At least it was fun watching one blow up another.

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I didnā€™t know you could see so much from inside a tank. Special fortified glass, I guess.

I wonder why the Ukrainian tank didnā€™t shoot back, instead of just sitting there.


Bakhmut served its purpose in the Russian strategy.
The winter was not cold enough for Russia to conduct an offensive.
Ukraine has fallen into the trap in the playbook written by the Russian military.
Russia attacked a major bridge connecting Odessa with Moldova/Rumania

Putin believes he is Stalin and wants to recreate the Soviet Union and retake the Eastern European countries to remake the Warsaw Pact and threaten Western Europe. Ukeaine isnt a threat to Russia but has suffered under Russian leaders.

Your entire statement is false and there is not a shred of proof that supports it either. It actually sounds like someone from the CIA such as a director would say when giving a presser to the media.

There are plenty of reasons as to why Russia invaded Ukraine, you just need to lift and suspend your bias to see the truth.

Ukraine BECAME a threat to Russian as Zelensky said late 2021 or early 2022 that the Ukraine military would get nukes and place them near the Russian border.

This talk was given after Ukraine murdered 14,000 ethnic Russian civilians, women and children, in Donetsk city.

Go figure.

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So they say?

Putin constantly plays cabinet members and oligarchs against each other to prevent an alliance for ousting him.
Prigo tries to woo Putin by blaming Russian Generals and the Defense Minister for his bakhmut losses.

Pigo Prigo is a military genius in his mind not having a military background.He is a friend of Putin and has interfered in US elections and has said he will continue.He is gooda blaming others for his mistakes.
Source for this is Wikipedia.

Its politics! If you donā€™t think the same things happen in the US government then you are seriously misinformed or seriously naive!

BTW, US is a killing machine and has been in a state of perpetual war for the last 230 years. It kills and maims many in the world including its own people and I am suppose to be moved by someone who wants to prop up the USA as some savior on the hill that is a moral standing in the world when compared to Russia? Please!

There goes EU and US Tax dollars up in smoke.

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Im not that naive. Polititical infighting goes on all the time. I dont believe the US has a halo over it. We supported bad governments in CA thru the CIA( United Fruit Co) and Vietnam. At this time we dont have a Prigo causing a divide between Generals and the DOD. We have had Generals in the that let egos and views cause problems whether they were right or wrong . Most of our oligarchs see war as an economic benefit . On the battlefield our Generals tend to avoid excessive causualties but it occasionaly occurs.
At least you didint question my source on Prigo.

I think the US became a rogue state after the creation of the Fed in 1913. There were sane voices like that of President Monroe.

No coincidence that WWI started in the following year, and before it was over, the Russian Revolution took place.

The Rockefellers were dubbed the ā€œfirst familyā€ of the Soviet Union, because it was the slave state of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds who own the Fed.

The Soviets had to do what these banksters ordered, including the mass murder of Christians and invasion of Afghanistan, creating the illusion that there was a ā€œclash of civilizationsā€ Ć  la George Bush, who comes from one of the oldest Jooish families in America.

Slow thinking Ukrainians better realize fast that Russia is not their enemy.

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When I think of the Rockefellerā€™s I think of the one who disappeared in Guinea named Michael, who it is assumed was eaten by cannibals.

As the saying goes all wars are bankers wars because most of them are over commerce. This one is different however, and yes you are right they should realize that Russians are their friends, but they need to stop the puppet madman before he goes further.

Zelensky started out as a ā€œharmlessā€ young comedian with zero political or ideological ambitions.

In fact, when he ran for Presidency, he promised peace with Russia, but you know the rest of the story.

Its not hard to conclude long before Zelensky started his political ambitions that Ukraine was already in the hands of the puppeteers. Zelensky knew what he was getting into. I wonder if he regretted that decision?

He can buy expensive mansions in different parts of the world and his wife can go on shopping spree in Paris and elsewhere.

Makes you wonder where the money comes from. :joy_cat:

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Its just money and can be liquidated pretty fast if were to meet a very unfortunate accident. Remember Hitlerā€™s prized Wine and Art collection at his beloved "Eagleā€™s Nest in Bavaria?

Besides he canā€™t take his wealth with him where he is going next.