Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

They are the ethnic Russians. Same thing. The Donbass should never have belonged to an artificial country called Ukraine either during the Soviet era or today.

The people in the Donbass had no choice. They immediately realized that the new junta established by the Maidan coup d’état was an American puppet which would kill them, bringing nothing but tragedy.

As a matter of fact, this illegal Kiev junta shelled the innocent residents of Donetsk for 8 years, killing 14,000 citizens, women and children, which was never reported by great CNN and the like.

The American Civil War was the work of the Masons in the South and the banksters in London (Rothschilds). During and after the War, whites in the South were massacred.

Ukraine became independent in 1991 and the Donbass is Ukrainian land. The Crimea was seni- autonomous until Vlad Ras Putin seized it.

There’s history older than 1991

Crimea was not seized, the people of Crimea voted on a referendum to become part of Russia. No different with people of Oregon voting to join Idaho or if California decided to leave the union.

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Are there any legal procedures, if they decide to join Canada?
Or even become independent countries?

I know there’s such talk in Texas, which was an independent country briefly.

I am not sure about the issue of joining other countries. I am sure that is an entire different can of worms legally speaking of course.

Yes Texas known as “Texit” is still very much a real possibility, and for other states with similar designs, such as Arizona, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, and California have remained with similar narratives of leaving the Union.

Oregon is the most recent example that has pushed further with seceding part of the state which is the eastern rural part and mostly conservative have voted to join Idaho in reaction to the liberal coastal politics being imposed on them in which they claim is unfair due to the electoral vs. the Popular vote. Oregon is very much similar to Canada, where most of the liberal cities control who gets elected while ignoring the rest of the rural parts of the country.


As for the conflict in the Donbass, Russia was very reluctant to interfere, calling it an internal issue of Ukraine.

If fact, Russia recognized the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on February 21, 2022, only 3 days before the Special Military Operation — aiming at de-nazification of Ukraine, and never incorporation of these republics into the Russian Federation.

The situation in Crimea was different. Russia did not wish to lose control of the important naval base there, which Russia was leasing from Ukraine, and it was so obvious that the new junta in Kiev would cancel the lease, and let the NATO (Read American) fleet, armed with nukes, in.

Besides, the vast majority of people in Crimea (over 95%, if I’m not mistaken) were Russians and they never wanted to have anything to do with Ukraine, and they simply voted to re-join Russia.

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What are Poles doing there?
Polish megalomania — From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea?

Nikita Krushchev gave Crimea to the Ukraine SSR about 1954 probably to atone for Stalins forced starvation of the Ukraine and to lessen the economic burden on the USSR and not because of the Russian speaking people.
There are many theories about his motives doing this but are complicated.
Crimea became a semi- autominous state and voted to re join Russia which in his " infinite wisdom" Vlad The Great Ras Putin made possible.

They are part of NATO are they not? Might answer that question as to why they are there, and they may also be acting as the provocateur as well.

Poland may not have forgotten what happened after WW2 and don’t trust Putin at all.

Poland is a puppet for the US and the UK.


Poles are prisoners of their megalomania.
They are dying to re-own Lvov, forgetting the fact that Ukrainians there hate their guts.

Khrushchev was Jooish. Few people know that.
He did everything the Rockefellers ordered him to do.
He was fired when he did not import Rockefellers chemical fertilizer.

The Ukrainian Army will split the Russian Army in the East , retake Bakhmut and will isolate Crimea and the Wagner PMC will become irrelevant.

What do you base that opinion on? There is no evidence to suggest that will be true. Ukrainian forces are just about done.

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You willing to sacrifice more US soldiers lives to insure a Ukrainian victory? What does or what the US get in return?

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The American ego was hurt in the Afghanistan debacle (courtesy of Biden folly), and hates to see Russia succeed in Ukraine.

Of course the American presence in Afghanistan (for 20 freaking years!) and the Russian presence in eastern Ukraine have different reasons and historical backgrounds.

Russia is fighting for its own survival, because a NATO presence with nukes on the Russo-Ukrainian border is a red line. Even Zelensky said in 2021 in Vienna (I think) that Ukraine was going to acquire nukes. Add that to 14,000 dead ethnic Russians killed by random Ukrainian shelling in Donetsk.

If you corner a mouse, it will fight back. Same for a bear. (Luckily, I never cornered a bear, but you get the picture.)

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Fk no! Why would we do that?