Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Most of this is pretty accurate, however there are other factors that weigh more heavily in Russia’s calculus that very rarely gets talked about but we posted such topics in this thread previously such as: US funded Bio-labs, CIA black sites in various locations throughout Ukraine and of course NATO’s nefarious ambitions. Germany (Because essentially it acts a de-facto state for US military base of operations for all of Europe) and its favorable logistics is what is also funneling a lot US operatives into Ukraine which is only separated by Poland and is an 11 hour drive or depending on mode of transportation that would reduce it to be a shorter time to travel to.

Recently as Didge just posted that a US Airforce general stating the US will be at war with China by 2025 poses another interesting problem for the US military. If for some reason should the US commit ground troops and decides to go all in with a war with Russia, then China no doubt will probably see an opportunity in the SC sea and invade Taiwan, or at the very least start exerting control of the commerce lanes to which will create another frontal conflict with US military in the pacific and will create a broader conflict that will end badly for the US.

When you consider our population has recently been decimated by COVID, and Fentanyl the numbers game will heavily favor the other side, especially when you add in the woke nonsense that the US military is insistent on carry through with. Our military is no doubt at its weakest point in all of its history and something tells me that its by design when considering our betrayal is from within thanks in large part to Obama’s minions, WEF, and George Soros who hate America and are motivated by removing our sovereignty to which opens the door for such figureheads with “God” complexes to institute a more autocratic rule world wide. Removing America from its perch is part of the plan either through war or economics by decimating the US dollar.

Of course this is speculative conjecture on my part when it comes to future escalations between such super powers, but I am basing this perspective on the current sabre rattling that is taking place as well as what I know is going on in Germany with the US DOD contractors currently playing various roles there, as well as the food shortages, our National “out of control” debt, and the green movement graft nonsense. All indications is the “neocon Hegemonists” that you so aptly and accurately articulate is poking the bear in hopes to get this party started.

Watching the US economy is one indicator that will be a tell if we get active kinetically in Ukraine and other places.

And BTW, thanks for putting forth a thoughtful post that encourages a more robust conversation on this topic.


Blackout is one thing, and telling lies is another.

Russian troops are not murdering Ukraine troops nor are the Russians storming the front in the human wave fashion.

The Soviet Union was a slave state of the international banksters doing whatever it was told to do by them and, after its planned collapse, Yeltsin was the agent of the same banksters who sold them the Soviet assets for a song at the expense of the Russian and Ukrainian people.

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I found it most interesting that the Russians wanted to integrate into the European world yet we prevented that.

The US pressed expansion of NATO to their front door step. We know how the US reacts, Cuba and Castro, Bay of Pigs is a example.

And the real aggressors?

Who caused the Crimea to be taken by Russia?

American Imperialism lives.

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He was red-pilled in the 1980s.
I myself around 1990 when I watched Bill Cooper videos.

You don’t need intel drops from CIA or other agencies to understand the lies of MSM. You only need the abilities to put 2 and 2 together by listening to different, appropriate sources.

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No doubt!

How many military bases does the US have around the world? 700, 800 that requires the highest military spending in the world compared to other countries? I would think that is by definition imperialistic!


Crimea has always been Russian territory since Catherine the Great. Russia paid dearly for this island (almost, although connected with the continent).

Only the drunk Soviet leader Khrushchev, who happened to be Jooish, drew a line which incorporated Crimea nominally into Ukraine and it meant nothing within the Soviet Union.

The majority of Crimeans are ethnic Russians who saw what transpired at Maidan, Kiev, and decided not to have anything to do with this new junta.


I found this to be very interesting. Not from a traditional source mind you, but it left me wondering if this is actually true.

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Japan already has nukes (secretly).
Japanese air force used a neutron bomb missile to down a Japan Air Lines plane over central Japan, so that the luggage of the passengers (engineers who were developing the advanced technology of 1980s equivalent of today’s Google) could be examined by CIA.

Russia repeatedly offered to return two of the islands, but it’s the stupid Japanese government who has been refusing to accept the offer (so that it can always blame Russia).

Yes, the 2011 March tsunami was caused by a thermonuclear bomb buried deep in seabed. Benjamin Fulford said it was an old Russian bomb, but he is full of shit.

Fukushima was blown up by Israel.

Russia had nothing to do with it. More Jooish BS propaganda. Why should Russia contaminate its shores which are so close?

Over 750 military installations overseas, around 173,000 troops deployed in 159 countries as of 2020.

American imperialism at work.


I think they said the test that caused the 2011 tsunami didn’t involve Uranium

I don’t quite understand the physics of nuke bombs, but thermonuclear (hydrogen) bombs are somewhat different from original A-bombs.

The sea water of the tsunami was radioactive, causing the debris from broken houses to be radioactive as well. (Nothing to do with Fukushima whose reactors were blown up one by one over several days.)

The earthquake and tsunami happened on Friday (March 11th) and Fukushima reactors started exploding a few days later. The worst explosion at Fukushima happened on Wednesday (16th) which was Reactor 4. As Jim Stone points out, Reactor 4 was under regular maintenance shutdown, and the top of the reactor had been removed.

So there was no rhyme or reason for Reactor 4 to explode, unless of course there was a small Israeli nuke bomb hidden.

We are in a 4th turning. What does that mean? Usually after every 80 years a major event follows. For America it means war. As the saying goes, plan your affairs accordingly, especially as it pertains to Americans.

Summary of very recent events surrounding (No pun intended) Ukrainian war front.

German and American tanks useless?

Alexander Mercouris

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That is a lot of resources committed to interfering with a lot of countries. Is the US the worlds police force still?

Whose police?
Has anybody heard of President Monroe?

Check out the new weapons that Zelensky is getting from the US. Defense contractors are raking in the dollars. This is disgusting!

Think why Pundits are now chiming in with this kind of rhetoric.

This is the 4th turning

With our debt, the game will end.

The Fed was created in 1913 to make WWI feasible.

With this system, the corrupt Dem government can print money for wars out of thin air, no matter how much. And they can charge the cost to American citizens for generations to come.