Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

FDR was hell bent on destroying as many Christian lives as possible.

Maybe, maybe not, but it doesn’t matter in the bigger picture because neither you or I can do anything about it. We have an apathetic public who can’t get off their couches to challenge rigged elections or simply hold Media accountable for not asking the hard questions to people like Lindsey Graham, Crenshaw and the war mongers in Congress or when an administration like Biden’s make such disastrous decisions. The point is if a nuclear war happens there is little that the commoner will be able to do about it.

There’s always duck and cover. The duck and-cover campaign remained a standard response to potential nuclear attack throughout the 1950s and into the '60s. Eventually, it waned, however, partly because of thaws in U.S.-Soviet relations.

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Posts of a military enlistment field office at bus stops in Kiev on the photo

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Ukraine will readily assassinate politicians who are not desirable for the Zelensky regime. Great democracy huh?

The great Ramstein meeting.
(Ramstein is a city in southwestern Germany where the US holds a major military base)

In English

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The NATO states already lost the war.

Realities of the Russian military

This was a peculiar read with unusual insights. Is this a prelude to the dystopia that we see now? Who would be safe from Nuke war?

It certainly was not Putin who started the talk about nukes.
He merely said that Russia would retaliate with nukes if attacked with nukes.

Who wants to use nukes first?
Neocons. (Monied Zionist Joos)
They are itching to count the dead goyim, and they don’t give a damn about their own people who will also suffer.

The neocons are satanists and they hate God.

An interesting take on western tanks.
These NATO nations are flunkies of Gog and Magog (neocons).

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Germany is just one giant base for the US crawling with contractors in IT.

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The sooner Ukraine — secret base of the Khazars for their nefarious activities — disappears from the face of the earth, the better for humanity.

The Khazars know that they are hated by the entire world but fake paper money and fake news MSM still are their effective weapons.

This Polish lady is very critical of the Polish government and the entire west.


The scenes of leafless black dead trees it looks like WW1 movie.



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No room for negotiated peace in Ukraine.
The west blew it.

Military realities.

Inside Ukrainian-built trenches, Ukrainians surrender and are taken prisoners — lucky them. The narration is in Indonesian. (The channel is very pro-Russian, perhaps because of their coreligionists Chechens.)
The Russian guy is yelling to the Ukrainians: Drop your weapons, Raise your hands, Lie on the ground and remain still, etc.


The west has been deliberate in their media blackouts in the coverage of this war.

How did we get here??
After the Soviet collapse in 1991, Russia wanted peaceful integration into the European economic, political and security system. No knowledgeable person at the time doubted the sincerity of this wish; and no one in the 1990’s saw prostrate Russia as a threat to anyone. It was the US military industrial complex (“MIC”) and neocon hegemonists, who rejected this desire, fervently and repeatedly expressed by both Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

Without firing a shot, in the period 1989-1991 the Soviet Union gave up an empire, more accurately, a cordon sanitaire, in Eastern Europe; and by 1994 it had withdrawn all of its troops from the region. At the same time, believing the West’s assurances that there would be no NATO eastward expansion and that Russia would be economically and politically integrated into Europe, Russia disbanded the Warsaw pact.

The promises of no eastward expansion of NATO by Secretary of State James Baker (and no doubt other Western leaders) were promptly ignored by Clinton and his gang. NATO expanded successively in two major tranches -1999 and 2004 - and thereafter the well of the West’s relations with Russia was poisoned. But that poisoning, no doubt, was the neocon object of the NATO expansions.

In 2007, in Vladimir Putin’s Munich speech, the Russian government made it plain that Ukraine was the reddest of red lines. Russia would never tolerate a Ukraine militarily aligned with NATO, stuffed with sophisticated American weaponry, on its front porch.

The final straw was US support for the violent, anti-democratic riots in Ukraine in 2014, which resulted in the the deposing of freely elected, pro-Russian Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovic. The pro-West, democratically illegitimate regime that replaced Yanukovic threatened to ban the use of Russian as an official language, and to take other steps perceived as highly adverse to the overwhelmingly pro-Russian Donbas population; in consequence, demands came from the Donbas for some form of guaranteed autonomy within Ukraine. The new Kiev government’s response was to wage a war against its own Donbas population, which, by 2022, had cost the lives of 15-20,000 Donbas residents.

When the Biden administration took power in 2021 it immediately began treating Ukraine as a defacto member of NATO. NATO troops paraded with Ukrainian in Kiev, the supply of Western weaponry to Ukraine dramatically increased, and, generally, there was every indication of an impending move by Kiev, assisted by US weaponry, to crush the pro Russian Donbas population once and for all.

Throughout 2021 Russia repeatedly requested talks with the Biden administration the object of which would be to assure Ukrainian neutrality and non-NATO membership and some form of protective guarantees for the the Donbas population. These pleas were ignored.

And the war came.