Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Probably true, according to the undisclosed contactee of Alexander Mercouris. However, it is smarter and more sneaky to pretend not to know anything about the incursion in advance. Ukraine fell for it.
Again, if you can show us the source, it will be helpful.

Not true. The Chechens and (former) Wagner moved to crucial spots in a short amount of time.

Of course it has. They know they canā€™t occupy the area for more than a few weeks max.

Listen, I am going to ask the moderators to close this thread if A$$hole keeps posting in here. I suggest going to your alternative thread if you two want to continue conversing with each other. Donā€™t respond to him here.

Sorry about that. I just canā€™t stand unsubstantiated, totally outlandish comments.

Understood, but it is good that you created another alternative thread on this subject matter, so perhaps he can post his propaganda there. I would like to keep this thread strictly on verifiable sources, which I have no problem with you about, but Albert is not welcomed here and I am tired of him ignoring that request.

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I can post comments on this thread as long as I keep the language within reasonable limits regardless if I agree with you or not.So I havent posted links. Big deal. You can always go to You Tube and this should not keep me from this thread.
The sources I use from You Tube are also on Patreon.Russia has done very little in Ukraine since Feb 22.Ukraine invading Kursk Oblast was probably meant to show the Russian people that they are being lied to about this war which has embarassed TSAR RASPUTRID 1 .
The General Staff has taken troops from the Eastern areas to reinforce Kursk and I hope Ukraine will strike these areas. The west should get off their ass and double the support for Ukraine and allow them to use the long range missiles as they see fit.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

I can post comments on this thread as long as I keep the language within reasonable limits regardless if I agree with you or not.So I havent posted links. Big deal. You can always go to You Tube and this should not keep me from this thread.
The sources I use from You Tube are also on Patreon.Russia has done very little in Ukraine since Feb 22.Ukraine invading Kursk Oblast was probably meant to show the Russian people that they are being lied to about this war which has embarassed TSAR RASPUTRID 1 .
The General Staff has taken troops from the Eastern areas to reinforce Kursk and I hope Ukraine will strike these areas. The west should get off their ass and double the support for Ukraine and allow them to use the long range missiles as they see fit.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

This is a perfect example on why this poster is not welcomed here in this thread! Can you please address this poster here. He has been asked numerous times to stop posting in this thread and to create his own. Again no basis for his claims and again refuses to provide links to his outlandish false claims.

If you canā€™t address this poster then I would like to request to have this thread closed permanently?

@Patriot @KVN

You keep posting here and I will keep flagging your posts! I made it clear you are no longer welcomed here! It only takes one asshole like you to ruin it for everyone else!

Not looking good for Russia at the Seym river. Ukraine destroyed two bridges and heavily.damaged a third. Ukraine has destroyed pontoon bridges that Russia built.
You cant stand that info I post here goes against your pro Russian views. The Kursk operation isnt going according to your view.You cant deny Ukraines current success in Kursk. Your flagging me and maybe closing this down is nothing more than censorship and spitefullness. Like picking up your marbles and going home.
You see yourself as the Lord High Censorerā€¦What you intend to.prove besides intimindating others here.All you want is Pro Russian propaganda without dissent.

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!!

Dr_Manhattan requsted you not to post here anymore. Come to the other thread where I will beat you soundly with facts.

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If you canā€™t address this poster then I would like to request to have this thread closed permanently?

@Patriot @KVN


Sloppy Ukraine, I would be a bit harsher. One day the Russians will have enough and end the game and Ukraine will be no more.

The only thing Russia wil tire of is loosing massive loses of men and equipment in STUPID meat wave assaults. The Russian General Staff isnt smart enough to out think Ukraine.

      SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

A bit naive arenā€™t you. One day Russia will bring in the heavy hardware, game over. Without US weapons, Ukraine would fold like a cheap suit. As a strong supporter of a corrupt government, you should catch a flight and volunteer. But no, you just want to waste taxpayers dollars. 35 trillion and rising.

Ukraine laughs all the way to the bank at the chumps in DC.

The Pentagonā€™s Office of Inspector General reports that nearly 40,000 weapons, more than $1 billion worth, that were sent to Kyiv to help Ukraine fight Russia are unaccounted for.

More than $1 billion worth of shoulder-fired missiles, kamikaze drones and night-vision goggles that the United States has sent to Ukraine have not been properly tracked by American officials, a new Pentagon report concluded, raising concerns that they could be stolen or smuggled .

Democratic senators opposed the oversight office to audit US aid for Ukraine as part of a provision in the annual defense spending bill. AP. Sen. Roger. Making you a leftist fool.

Slava Fool!

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If you canā€™t address this poster then I would like to request to have this thread closed permanently?

@Patriot @KVN

If you canā€™t address this poster then I would like to request to have this thread closed permanently?

@Patriot @KVN

I agree Ukraine couldnt resist Russia without US aid. At least theh are willing to fight Russia without US troops . I assume in Ukraine its nearly imposible to fight corruption.
I agree as I have said before that there isnt one country where corruptiom doesnt exist . Just look at our country for example.Politcs is a dirty business where ethics and morality dont exist because of the type of people involved.
If the Pentagon cant account for the weapons sent they have a problem to solve. The Dems should be publically called out their opposition for accountability but the media is their propaganda arm.
I am not a LEFTIST FOOL.and dont let others influence your view of me. Check my posts on other threads and you will see.


@Patriot @KVN

Your plea goes unheard. No one runs this place and no one moderates it or cares, so it seems.

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Not that hard to create your own thread, or cite a source by providing a link.

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