Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Agreed, but asking for non existent mods to step in isn’t going to work.

They will eventually it just will take some time. You don’t see the Jizzer here anymore because of the same shit that this guy is doing.

I wouldn’t have a problem with this guy if he chose to post his propaganda in another thread, instead he chooses to be disrespectful and continue with his nonsense here.

You know me, I try to be factually and objectively based and want to keep this thread close to that as possible and this clown has made it hard to do that.

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The only thing Im doing is supporting Ukraine and you dont like it.

Please shut down this thread. Thanks

@Patriot @KVN

No I don’t like a POS retarded a-hole like you and don’t want to have any further interaction with you PERIOD! You are just too retarded to understand the rules here and I am done wasting my time with your childish nonsense. I will push for the moderators to ban you altogether from this place because you offer nothing of value in the way of conversation which is what this site is all about. Now kindly do us all a favor and go fk yourself!


Are you the TSAR RASPUTRID here that you can determine who posts and who cant. You only want people here that agree with you.
I use language within the rules and you being the self proclaimed LORD HIGH CENSURER attempt to assert your dominance
A source is a source whether its a You Tube video or a link.

If you say that your source is YouTube, that’s fine. But as long as you refuse to say which video by proving a link, it doesn’t mean shi-t because it’s like saying “My source is a book.”

A link looks like this.

He’s a lawyer from London, so he’s long-winded. Nonetheless, he has good intel from some Russian sources.

There’s a German guy who paints a clear visual picture of war fronts mainly based on Ukrainian sources, but he’s on vacation this week. I provided his video links in the past.


This is my thread, I created it, if you don’t like it go create your own thread, its as simple as that. I suspect you don’t want to because you are lonely and are in desperate need of attention. You are a pretty pathetic moron!


Just ignore him! I will continue to flag his posts!

Can we address this poster? He fails to provide links to his propaganda claims, and has been asked politely previously to not post in this thread. He continues with thread derailment and ignore the rules here.

Can you please shut down this thread?

@Patriot @KVN

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Swedish Foreign minister resigned “surprisingly”, but it’s obviously in the aftermath of the attack on the Poltava military institute in Ukraine.

This is indirect confirmation that a big group of Swedish instructors were hit in Ukraine.

There are rumors that the Swedes in question, were a high ranking group from Saab military industrial arm.

Apparently this is a much bigger deal than what was first reported about this story.

Swedes and Finns made a big mistake of joining the NATO.

At the same time, Swedes had some karma with Potava from the time of their Charles XII about 300 years ago.

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Russia will have to eradicate the Nazi ideology in (western) Ukraine no matter how many years it may take.

I’d say give the fu–ing western Ukraine to Poland and let the Poles deal with it.

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This is totally unprecedented! We as in the world, are now on alert for a world war if the West decides to go through with their decision to allow Ukraine to use Western made long range missiles to attack Russian cities. The conditions such as EU announcing they are out of money, the US economy is about to tank are ripe for escalating a world war to act as a distraction and to reset the world economy and kill millions more people on the planet.

Interview with President Putin on the question of Western made weapons attacking Russian cities such as Moscow and St Petersberg


President’s Response on the Potential Use of NATO Long-Range Weapons Against Russia

“This would mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European nations are at war with Russia. And if that is the case, considering the fundamental shift in the nature of this conflict, we will make the appropriate decisions based on the threats posed to us,” stated Vladimir Putin.

  • RVvoenkor


Attacks on Moscow or St Petersburg have little strategic or military significance. Like Putin is saying, it is an open act of war against Russia by the NATO military personnel, more or less an equivalent of declaration of war against Russia by the NATO allies.

Yep, Joo neocons. They want WWIII while their puppet Biden is still in the White House.

It is a war of civilizations. A satanist religion (Pharisee Judaism) vs Christianity.


Kursk is a side show, involving relatively a small number of troops on either side, and yet it attracts a lot of attention.

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Now they (Blinken announces sanctions on RT) are going after RT to set up a future narrative and excuse to go after other social media networks. In other words this is their way of trying to seize the narrative to which clearly they have lost control of.


The UN Speech that Shocked the World: Russia’s Harsh Criticism of Zelensky and Western Intervention

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Trouble is, some powerful neocons and Zionists (It may be redundant) want WWIII to break out and many people to die.