Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Mark Sleboda said it all.

Ukraine’s actions (ordered by Zelensky) are comical and tragic at the same time. Zelensky doesn’t give a damn about the Ukrainian people.

I can’t stop wondering, where were the Russian troops when the Kiev made this massive incusion? The Chechen troops of the Russian Federation had been making small incursions into Sumy prior to this Kursk incursion by Kiev.

I still think Kremlin purposely allowed Zelensky to make this incursion/invasion into Kursk.

Ukraine has shown how incompetent Russia is. They have made Russia make hsrd choices where to move reinforcements from.Alot of the most recently captured Russians are the poorly trained and equipped conscripts who dont want to fight any way.
Some of the so called elite Chechan troops have surrendered to Ukraine.
All of you may continue to believe the Russian BS in Ukraine but what have they done in 2/12 yrs. Still havent threatened or taken Kiev.Their Black Sea fleet is irrelevant .
Ukraine has shown that given equipment and ammo they can out think and maneuver the Russian Army.
I here as long as I want and give my opinions and to piss you off as you know Ukraine may force TSAR RASPUTRID 1 to negotiate with them on their terms as Ukraine is digging in Kursk and may well in Belgorod Oblast.Your STUPID name calling doesnt bother me at all.Just go back to Moscow and drink vodka with your pal.

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!

Your comments are not welcomed here, again, please start your own thread! Last warning!

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Ukraine taking heavy losses in Kursk – This according to the FT

Ukrainian troops that invaded Russia’s Kursk Region have taken heavy losses in men and Western-provided vehicles, the Financial Times (FT) has reported.

The attack that began last Tuesday involved units drawn from six Ukrainian frontline brigades, soldiers told the outlet. They also claimed to have caught the Russians by surprise, but quickly came under fire from drones and FAB glide bombs.

Russian estimates of over 1,600 Ukrainians killed were “impossible to verify” and “exaggerated,” according to the FT, which nevertheless reported “many ambulances and armored medical evacuation vehicles rushed to and from the front line.”

FAB glide bombs also reportedly “wiped out some Ukrainian troops and valuable western-provided equipment.” The group of fighters interviewed by the paper on Sunday said their Stryker – a wheeled US-made armored vehicle – was hd been demaged and had to be towed back into Ukraine where it would be cannibalized for parts.

According to the soldiers, the goal of the operation was to capture Russian territory as a bargaining chip and force Moscow to divert troops from the Donbass front.

We can fight here and take their territory. And then negotiations can start, and we will have some land of theirs to trade for our land,” said one soldier, identified as ‘Denys.’

Ukraine reportedly stripped its frontline of troops to stage the Kursk incursion. According to the FT, the soldiers interviewed had fought in Kharkov and on the Donetsk front, at places such as Chasov Yar and a settlement called New York.

“These cities are already lost. They are only ours on the map. The Russians have wiped them out,” Denys said.

The invading force lost 70 armored vehicles just on Sunday, according to unofficial Russian estimates making the rounds on social media, which claimed this was a record for any one day since the conflict escalated in February 2022.

According to acting Kursk Region Governor Aleksey Smirnov, Ukrainian forces have advanced about 12km into Russia and occupied about 28 settlements. At least 12 Russian civilians have been killed and another 121 injured, including ten children. Over 120,000 residents have been evacuated from the border region over the past week, Smirnov said.

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This is insane.
From what I heard, Ukraine has no way of repairing tanks once they are hit by Russian fire.
Russia, on the other hand, can tow damaged tanks and other kinds of armored vehicles to repair shops (wherever they may be, either in the Donbass or pre-2022 Russia) and immediately send them back to the front.

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Funny how their strategy to draw Russian forces away from Donbas has suddenly back fired when sustaining so many casualties.

Russia did send some experienced drone operators from the Kherson region to Kursk.
There isn’t much action in the Kherson area anyway.

I understand the Russian troops in Kursk were young and inexperienced border guards.

Where do you get most of your news regarding this war? How does one stay informed without watching legacy media on this topic?

Are you going to ban me from this thread because I have a different point of view? If so isnt that like TSAR RASPUTRID 1 controlling Russisan media?Do you only want posts that agree with your views? Do my free speech rights upset you because I support Ukraine ? Are you becoming the sole arbiter of posts on this thread and becoming a dictator?

Yours is not a different point of view, you are not offering anything to the conversation here, you are just cheer leading and posting fake news propaganda without anything to substantiate your absurd claims that has no basis in reality as it pertains to this subject matter. You were asked repeatedly to cite sources and you refuse to do so. So I am going to start flagging your posts to the moderators.

As I said previously your comments are no longer welcomed in this thread and seeing you continuously want to instigate shit with your propaganda here it is in violation of this sites rules. You have offered zero to this conversation without being objective to listing your sources and having constructive dialogue on the subject matter. This thread is dedicated to reporting the facts only with cited sources which you have failed or refuse to do so.

You are welcome to start your own thread if you feel you need to post your Hegemonic propaganda just not in this thread.

Yes, because I originally started this thread. I am not interested in shit posts from you who can’t base anything on facts, you simply can’'t follow the rules. You are either too stupid or your purposely shit posting for self aggrandizement purposes which the latter is very clear that is what you have been doing. And if you want proof, I will cite all your posts thus far that you posted in this thread.

Go start your own thread that way you will have autonomy over what you want to post. If you continue to post in this specific thread I will start flagging your posts as your rhetoric which isn’t based on anything credible is getting to be a tiresome act with you and I had enough of trying to ask you to support your assertions. This is my last warning to you!

I have given you my sources from You Tube such as Divine Justice Paul US Army veteran Denys Davidov and Georgi. You continue to deny these sources.

For the 100th time, no you have not! Its not up to me to go looking for your sources to news stories that you claim to read. Giving sources is citing and providing a direct link here, that is what this site is about! Not asking people to go spend time looking for your bogus ambiguous so called sources.

IE: for Example ( this is what posting a link or citing a source is suppose to look like)


Everyone else here is able to do that but you. I am not sure why that is so hard for you, either you are too lazy or ignorant to do that! Others here have ask you for the same thing and you failed to do that.

If you make claims about a news story the onus is on you, not your readers to support them with provided links. I strongly advise you to read up on this sites rules as it is very specific about this particular issue which you fail to do.

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Belarus has put more troops on the Ukranian border alleging Ukraine violated Belarus airspace with drones in hope of Ukraine taking troops from the Kursk area to the Belarusian border.This was reported by ORACEL EYES.
Ukraine has destroyed Russian convoys headed to Kursk with troops and supplies. Ukraine MAY attempt to take the nuclear power plant in the Kursl area.

Please address this poster for refusing to provide a link. As he has been asked repeatedly to do so and refuses. He is not wanted in this thread any longer.

@ Patriot @KVN

That took place long before the Kursk incursion.
Belarus has not participated in the Special Military Operation by Russia.

Are you making it up or can you back it up?

That’s old news. You should have said: “Ukraine MAY have attempted

Alex is saying that this guy is probably going to be Russia’s next president.

I don’t understand what is so difficult about posting links? It’s virtually copy and paste. Sheesh one has to be mentally challenged to not know how to do that.

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Well, not growing up with computers and cell phones, it took me a while to figure out how to do it.

I will say that if one is going to participate on a forum such as this, one should make the effort to learn how to copy and paste a link.


I admit to not having learned the skill needed to post links here. I do post my sources on Ukraine. So continue to beliitle me for this if it makes all of you feel SUPERIOR to me.I dont care.
CNN has reported as of today Ukraine controls about 100 sq kms of Russian land in the Kursk Oblast and advancing 1 to 2 km since the start of today and capturing about 100 Russian soldiers.This is posted on GOOGLE.Is good enough ?
In the Belgorod Oblast Russia reported 100k people have been evacuated.Ukraine reportedly wants to use the land as a security zone.
Cant wait for the feedback from the LORD HIGH CRITIC Dr M.

This poster continues to post in this thread without following the rules by not posting links or citing sources appropriately. He has been asked not to post in this thread any longer and to create his own thread. Please address this poster. He is not welcomed here in thread as he continues to instigate negative responses with more childish posts.

@Patriot @KVN