Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

In other words the entire front has collapsed.

Sounds a lot like Trump and his voters holding their nose despite their face in order to vote for him.


It is no secret that Putin and Medvedev play “good cop, bad cop” together.

It is therefore all the more interesting to listen to Medvedev.

I still think the Kremlin ALLOWED Zelensky to do this to manipulate the opinions — NOT in the west but — inside Russia.

Yeah the Russian front near Kursk was collapsed by Ukraine. This maybe temporary but it shows that Russia is vulnerable on its border. Dont count Ukraine out yet.

     SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!

Well then, for what purpose sacrifice hundreds of Ukrainian elite troops?

Ukraines casualties arent close to Russias. This shows that Ukraine can strike Russias border areas and make them use inexperienced reserves.

    SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!

Uh no it was not, but keep doing your drugs and watching your kiddy porn you sick fk!

Duh du h duh! This is what a retarded imbecile who makes shit up here all the time sounds like!

Hey look everyone its Albert coming here to talk out of his ass again!

BLAH BLAH BLAH you Russian shill. Ukraine again has out thought Russian Generals. Russia has to figure out where reinforcements will come from and what areas will they weaken for Ukraine to take advantage of. Ukraine will always OUT GENERAL Russia. Their rigid doctrine has not made them close to winning.
Go back to Moscow and drink vodka with TSAR RADPUTRID1 and buy a home where you will be among those who you support. Maybe he will give you a job in the FSB .Keep believing Russian bloggers BS . Every inch of Russian land Ukraine holds will increase their negotiating power.

When you call people names it means you lack a substantive argument and only making statements based on emotions and not facts. I have not read one post from you here on this read that presents any semblance of an informed educated point of view that supports your liberal positions on the subject matter at hand.

Why do you continue to try to attack Dr Manhattan about things he has been right about?

Seems pretty childish on your part and shows your shallowness in your character

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Yeah I am a Russian shill! Go back to watching your kiddie porn pervert!

For someone who is in there 70’s I never knew anyone could be so incredibly stupid and brainwashed at the same time!

A perfect example of not only making shit up but propaganda of the left wing media talking points that you keep watching. Aside from you watching child porn online we know you like watching CNN too and repeating their propaganda talking points here. Its probably why you can’t bring yourself to cite any credible sources here for fear of being made a fool of even more!

Albert Beadencup the latest Clown for Clown World!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Im glad you admit to being a Russian shill. I do watch CNN only to see how they spin things compared to FOX or NEWSMAX.The You Tube videos Iwatch have credible sources .Again Im not a Liberal but have more of a Center Right viewpoint. The namecalling you and others dont bother me as I know my views anger you and others because I dont blindly follow you and others here.Im not part of your SS.
Again I dont want a full scale war.I want Russia to leave Ukraine and have Luhansk Donbas and Crimea returned to Ukraine. Let Russia stop interfering in the internal affairs there.Let Luhansk and Donbas settle their problems without either side interfering. I guess to you that is Liberal
I may not have the education you and others here have but I can see who is right and wrong.

Glad we can now discern your level of intelligence to not be able recognize nor have the cognitive ability to acknowledge a sarcastic response to your often posted horse shit here!

Sure you do, and proves you are a dyed in the wool liberal who is brainwashed to hold a certain false view. You still have not once posted a single link to back up anything you have said here, many of them so absurd I have to wonder whether or not you are mentally ill, and others here in this same thread have pointed that observation out as well.

You talk out of both sides of your mouth or mostly out of your ass every time you post here which makes you a hypocrite and a perfect example why America is hated around the world. Its not up to you or the US to keep interfering in other countries affairs and the one thing you simply are too ignorant to understand nor fully comprehend. Yet your advocacy is hating a certain race of people which makes you a racist by default! You hold fast to a myopic view and continue to do so as you post here to be the liberal cheerleader that all know you to be.

No, you are just a ignorant fool who is bigoted and close minded and is incapable of having any intelligent conversation that is rooted in facts, instead you loved repeated the CNN talking point propaganda. Glad you admit you watch CNN and it now makes perfect sense.

Lastly no matter how many times you try to post false reporting in this thread claiming that Ukraine is losing the war or that Russia has had more casualties than Ukraine as an example ( which is pretty funny because that statement by you is the most outlandish claim so far that couldn’t be further than from the truth) will not change the facts that you claim the opposite will be true.

When this war is over and the Ukraine has lost, I suspect then you will not show your face here again for humiliating liberal idiots like you will be most satisfaction I will feel from enduring your shit posts on this site!


I will stand by Ukraine whatever the outcome is and will continue to post my views.
I guess all the videos on You Tube are not based on facts despite one veteran ( Paul US Army veteran ) reporting on Ukraine.Some sources come from Russian bloggers.
You continue to manipulate my views as I only watch CNN to see how they distort news. I watch FOX more often.You present yourself as know all see all on all things with little regard for opposing views.
Im not a racist but I dont like those in power in Iran , Lebanon etc. that want to destroy a country that made a great place out of nothing.Something HAMASS
couldnt ever do.

I urge you to watch something completely different. In addition to these three, BBC and (Australian) Sky News are different in name only.

People voted to return to Russia by a vast majority. These regions historically belong to Russia, and people saw what the Kiev junta did to the people.

You’re welcome to do so, except we don’t want to hear any blind rehash of the western mainstream.

Those elections were as honest as our 2020 election.

Wrong. There were international observers including from western countries.

The US 2020 elections were absolutely behaviors of banana republics.

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Russia was surprised (maybe) but never panicked.

Like the liberal buffoon that we all know you are. Your views are not rooted in reality nor have any cited sources, you just make them up in order to satisfy your false confirmation biases.

If you want to continue posting your views please stop posting in this thread and create your own thread topic, that way we don’t have to see your braindead narratives while continue living in your own echo chamber!

This is why its a waste of time responding to this idiot! He doesn’t bother reading anything here that would give him a balanced perspective on the truth.

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