Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

I tend to agree with you more than you might think. I am old enough to have witnessed the Cold War era as a kid and into my very early 30’s
 I know Putin is a Cold War relic and former KGB. I know he wants to bring back the glory days of Russia. The Cold war has been over for 33 years. Putin is not going to bring back those days regardless of what happens in Ukraine.

When Trump is reelected, things will change. Putin has respect for Trump/power. He will cool off and we will have a respectful relationship with Russia again. Putin is only pushing the envelope because we have a raging pussy in the White House and a fucked up Liberal, men with tits regime in power
 for now.

I do understand your position on Ukraine
 I just don’t agree that we should be funding this dirty little war when we have so many more greater needs in our back yard. I have no use for Ukraine
 it’s a filthy, corrupt country. That doesn’t mean I want to see the people decimated. I really don’t give a shit about Russia either, but I feel the same for it’s people.

You have to know that Ukraine has absolutely no chance of defeating Russia
 unless the USA decides to put boots on the ground and interject itself in another little war it should stay the hell out of
 yet again. You might get your wish because war always improves our economy, but I doubt it because Trump is smarter than that
 and Trump IS going to POTUS be agian.

What? Was I responding to you? My mistake if I was.

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Yes I know that Russia has a clear manpower and resource advantage over Ukraine. Russia is wasting its manpower and weapons advantage in its use of human wave tactics. Ukraine has a clear advantage in tactics over Russia which is using WW1 style tactics.
Inspite of what some may think Im not in favor of US troops in action in Ukraine. Ukraine is receiving the dollar value in equipment. No strings should be attached to the use of missiles.
Thank you for your answer which is better than alot here.

The more Ukraine receives money (most of which winds up in the pockets of corrupt politicians like Zelensky and generals) and equipment from the west, the more young and not-so-young Ukrainians will die. Yep, white genocide. Remove Slavs so that Joos can move in.


Russia has no choice, although Russians consider Ukrainians to be their own people, because Russia has to survive.

Russia had to learn the hard way: the Bolshevik Revolution was the international banksters takeover of Christian Russia; therefore the Soviet Union was run by communist Joos while 66 million Christians were murdered in the most brutal ways. The only non-Joo at the helm of the Soviet Union was Gorbachev, whose job was to finish off the bankrupt Soviet Union because socialism was a failed experiment which the international banksters no longer wanted to finance while the Cold War was a military / political hoax.

The west, the US in particular, is run by Joos. What part of it is so difficult to understand? Even Trump can’t run without the money coming from a Joo Zionist Las Vegas tycoon. And all the woke, liberal movements are run by Joos as well: BLM, Antifa, LGBTQ etc etc

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Ukrainian lives don’t matter.

You can’t lead a blind horse to water or bring water to a thirsty one. Its just the way it is.

A country has a right to defend itself and has been warning the west of such provocations for over a decade. NATO and the US are ultimately responsible with their expansionism and broken treaties that they had signed with Russia. Its no different when Russia was threatening the US with planting Nukes in their back yard during the Cuban Missile crisis. Also many have this stupid idea that Russia is vying for expanding their empire when in reality that is not the case if you account for what has been said and done since 2014. Remember Ukraine was once Russian territory and was part of Russia.

I will also be willing to bet when China finally takes over Taiwan not one person here will decry to defend that state. Why? Because not a single shot will be fired once that happens. They certainly did nothing when they took over Tibet, except the bleeding liberals who needed a cause to rally around cried about it but did nothing.

Russia which has been in existence for over a 1000 year period compared to the US who has been instigating wars and regime change for over 200 years, almost for its entire existence, so I hardly think the US has a moral leg to stand on when trying to vilify Russia. Russia is the USA’s favorite boogie man when trying to exploit a country like Ukraine for its natural resources. That is what it comes down to. Facts, something that some here like to ignore but instead choose to feed their own confirmation biases.


I doubt a morally bankrupt country like ours can be saved. Just my .02. The world is changing pretty fast and by the time and if Trump wins (I say “if” because I have doubts we will get there) and takes office he is going to have his work cut out for him. That being said, Putin is going to be Putin no matter who is in the White House. We just need to mind our own dam business for a change and stop our shameless interventionism in other countries affairs.

I think it was the US which started the crisis by placing nukes in Turkey, right next door to the terriroty of the Soviet Union.

Yes, the US (quietly) withdrew the nukes from Turkey when the “Cuban” crisis was settled.

It’s even in the UN Charter that a country has the right to take military actiona when its enemy is preparing for a war. Ukraine was definitely preparing for a war against Russia and ethnic Russians in the Donbass, after massacering over 100 in Odessa and downing a Malaysian passenger plane while blaming Russia for it.

It was only a few weeks prior to the Russian Special Military Operation (in Feb 2022) that Zelensky was preparing to place nukes along the border with Russia.

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For those who keep trying to say that Russia doesn’t have advance weapons technology!


The Yemeni Houthis can use a few of these to fight the Zionist criminals in Israel and the US.

Pretty funny how that issue as of late has quieted down due to recent developments? I wonder! But that would a bold move should NATO decide to move in next door and threaten Russia by escalating the war to another level by using US weapons. A lot of US mercenaries operating in the field are meeting an early demise too.

A lot going on.

Russian advances everywhere.
Alexander Mercouris in London.

Front changes. (Get English translation on PC)

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Zelensky wants to introduce the peace plan after the US election.

So he decided to wait it out until he knows who wins and act accordingly.

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Ha, Ukraine as we know it may not exist then.

Scott Ritter’s take.

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This is not in any anybody’s news feed. Why?

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The western media is finally admitting Russian advances.
What a surprise!
Press-ganged Ukrainian soldiers don’t want to fight.
F-16s will not save Ukraine.

F-16 is more symbolic than militarily significant.

Former US soldier dies in Ukraine weeks after arriving.

Sgt. Cruz Michael Bryan, 34, who was honorably discharged from the Oregon Army National (ORNG) in May after 14 years of service, was killed on July 15th while volunteering in Ukraine, just weeks after arriving in the country.

Bryan, who previously served with Oregon’s 41st Infantry Brigade, previously served combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan, according to sources close to him.

“We got news today that my cousin Cruz Bryan was killed in the Ukraine on July 15th after being shelled while fighting with the Ukrainian Foreign Legion,” said Christina Adele Hon via Facebook.

“He was an infantryman, he was super passionate, very into the military, but an all around great guy,” Warburg told the Prineville Review by phone early Monday.

“A few years back, this was a young man who was learning the Russian language because he dreamed of moving to Russia someday and experiencing it for a few years. He had nothing against Russians – he respected them deeply and wanted to learn more about them and their culture,” said Warburg.

“He wasn’t in Ukraine to fight Russians. He was there to fight Putin,” Warburg also remarked on Facebook.

Go figure.

Victim of Joo propaganda.
Need to think before swallowing it hook line and sinker.