Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

You are a Cold War relic if I did ever see one. The world is changing and leaving people like you behind.


uh. duh, duh my name is Albert Buttercup and I am becoming the same color as my word frayed couch I sit upon!

We will start calling you “rump wrangler”

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Your stupid name callimg doesent bother me but it may satisfy your ego. Yes I agree the world is changing and not always for the better. Your hero is Stalin reincarnated and lives in the path of cold war Russian thinking.He believes he can bully the West and NATO which will affect the weakling leaders. The West needs to call.his bluff and his threats of nuking Europe and the US is BS.
Yes I may be a dinosaur waiting to become extinct but I see Ukraine and Communist China alot better than the Left and some on the right as threatsto the world.
I would hope our man MONTY would reappear here just to PISS YOU OFF.

When Trump is POTUS again, Putin will tow the line
 as will Ukraine, China, Israel, Palestine
 and everyone else.

Putin will not cede to the terrorists of the US and NATO.

If you weren’t so stupid with your cold war era posts I wouldn’t have to give you stupid names. Apparently you only see the world through your square lenses that was fed to you by the liberal media sources that have been brainwashed by and not the truth nor the facts with an once of objectivity! Go back to your potato hole grand pa, your posts reflect your lack of intelligence in this thread once again!

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Yeah that is real intelligent. Why don’t you root for WW III some more egg head! Apparently you don’t know how to read nor have the critical thinking skills to know who has been making overt threats. So why do you continue posting your bullcrap in this thread? Does it help your ego or are you trying to convince the rest of us that your low level intelligence has no shame? What discussion have you engaged in here that suggests you are capable of providing in depth analysis of the very subject matter that you are trying to subvert your stupid comments or besides being a cheerleader for the war monger and the Zionist Democrats? Please tell us some more Rump Wrangler!


What exactly does “toeing the line mean in contextual terms?

I would think he wouldn’t be as eager/bold to ‘go against’ Trump’s wishes. Toeing the line is probably the wrong term.

RASPUTRID is the one bringing back cold war thinking. By prolonging the war despite massive losses in men and equipment he hopes to wear down the Wests support of Ukraine and make them negotiate ( capitulate ) with Russia to his advantage .There isnt an agreement that he wont break and is a SERIAL MURDER of his opponents like Stalin.Having Ukraine in NATO would help to keep his EXPANSIONIST DREAMS in check.
It would be far better for Russia to leave Ukraine and meet with an inpartial mediator to resolve those issues but that is only a dream and he would see himself as weak but it would make him stronger. He has a big ego of SELF IMPORTANCE and it would mske him feel.less MANLY.

       SLAVA UKRAINE ALL !!!!!!!

It would be far better for Ukraine to leave Donbass which does not belong to Ukraine in the first place.

Decades of oppression by Kiev alienated the people of Donbass, so much so that they voted to join the Russian Federation where they belong.

I have no dog in this fight but it is clear as day who instigated this conflict from the beginning. It’s not Russia. Do you remember the downed Maylasian flight over Eastern Ukraine? Yes me neither.


So let me get this straight, if people here don’t accept or agree with your media talking points, they are Stalinist and Putin supporters?

You are grasping at straws with such false equivalences.

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They blamed Putin’s Russia from day one without any shred of evidence.

Actually, more and more evidence points finger at Kiev.
The plane, Flight MH 17, was downed by a Ukrainian Sukhoi which shot at the cockpit to kill the pilots.

Additionally missiles were fired at the Boeing.

How come the west is hiding the black box, which is in the UK?

That is the question I have been wondering all these years. Trust me I know what it’s like to lose friends to terrorist bombings and not getting answers to what is obvious a cover up. It is a cruel joke by governments henchmen.

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The name of the Ukrainian pilot is also known. I think he defected to Russia and later committed suicide. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes
 killing innocent travellers even if it was an order. He must have felt awful.

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Thanks Rump Wrangler! You just proved my points on all fronts. You are simply ignorant of the facts only because you can’t let go of your dumb confirmation biases to know what facts and truth actually is! Do you even know what your own words are and how the rest of the world reads them? APPARENTLY NOT!

Thanks for the Entertainment Rump Wrangler!

:joy: :joy: :joy:


As for the Malaysian flight MH 17, Russia knew its flight pattern and how it was shot down by Ukrainian military planes. (People on the ground also witnessed 2 military planes after the Malaysian plane went down. But these Donbass civilians, women at that, couldn’t tell if they were Sukhois or MiGs.)

Russia did not publish its radar data then, for fear of compromising its secrecy. 10 years later today, what good is it to publish what Russia knew then, because sheeple in the west buy the joo media lies hook, line and sinker anyway.

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I knew a friend that was on that flight. No one was ever held accountable for that accident

I said RASPUTRID is like Stalin reincarnated. He is a serial murder of his opponents and has control over the news media.I only say those here support his dictatorship like his is Lincoln.There isnt an agreement with the WEST that he.likes unless its on his terms.As a former KGB agent he knows how to manipulate his people and those in government.Are you hoing to tell me that his " reelection was fair and honest.It was about as fair and honest as the one that had Slow Joe elected.
RASPUTRID is put on a pedestal here and those here believe is a great leader towards the west . I know Zelensky has his faults like all.of us and is fighting entrenched corruption. He has his own DEEP STATE
 He knows how much better it is to be closer to the West for Ukraine. Look at those other great countries like Iran , North Korea and Communist China. Really great countries with " freedom " for all its people. Only the freedoms they allow.