Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Orban in Moscow is not representing the EU.
We know that. The EU bureaucrats won’t allow him anyway.

One thing he may be discussing with Putin is, how to bring the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine inhabited by the ethnic Hunganrians (I think something like 400,000 of them) to Hungarian rule; in order words, border change.

These ethnic Hugarians have been forced to use the Ukrainian language while Hungarian is forbidden, and they have been force-drafted and killed in the trenches in the Donbass.

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I’m sure there are heroes on both sides.

Interesting analysis, while I am not that inspired by this guy’s delivery, he does have his facts straight.

This war is constantly evolving and Russia is keeping up.
Not so with NATO.

The war is getting more and more sophisticated.
Therefore, I still think it’s a good idea to bring North Koreans in to let them learn.

The Russians don’t want to have anything to do with Lvov in western Ukraine because they are anti-Russia and don’t want to have anything to do with Russia.

Great. Let North Koreans do the fighting there and occupy Lvov. See how nicely they will treat the “resistance.”

This is definitely a war crime which is against the Geneva conventions!

This is the west striking Kiev with their own missile defense system. Why? To provoke a war in which the West gets involved.

Here is the original video in slow motion.

That is definitely not a Russian made missile!

Russia’s new front in the Kharkov region was a diversion (to divert Kiev troops from vital spots along the long front line), but now it’s more than that.

The can’t hide it any longer. It was a war between Russia and NATO from the get-go.

This Alex lives in Florida.
He never said it, but I assume he’s a Russian.
(Still learning English, because he pronounces “bomb” wrong. LOL)

It’s unbelievable how much lying is going on with these clowns. The US military is a cancer to the world.

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Its the MIC that is the real cancer both at home and abroad. They fuel the assassinations and regime change in sovereign countries.

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Yes that is true, and their only commodity they sell is death.

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By supplying weapons to Ukraine Biden is putting us in the same position as Ukraine.which is already a communist country run by a sawed off dictator. We should have never got involved with that corrupt money laundering country. If Biden succeeds in starting WW3 .Just like Zylinski he has no problem sending all of us to die to start up the war machine boost the economy and keep us living in fear. This is all about money and control and these dictators in our government are losing control and will sacrifice every citizen of this country to remain in power.

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I have to wonder

What does a sawed off dictator actually look like in a comparative context?


5’ 5" claiming 5’ 6" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Interesting read and a ominous one to which reflects on the patterns of history, and the current predicament that we find ourselves in suggests we are about to repeat our past once again, but with consequences so big, we will never recover from.

This certainly is a game changer.
Now they’re talking about FAB-5000.

Interesting. Not exactly breaking news but the type of airplane was something of a unknown question. So this could change the trajectory of the war in more wars than one.

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His name is RASPUTRID !!!