Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

I agree on Stalin, but not on Hitler.
The holohoax is a lie.

Not all Australians talk like that, but I assume he’s a former military, so he understands something of wars. Nonetheless, he’s forgetting that Putin will never negotiate with Zelensky because he is no longer the legitimate President.

Russia doesn’t care if Ukraine joins the EU (what a disaster it will be for the EU countries to pay for all the reconstruction, etc) but Russia’s concern is its own security, and not details about minor parts of the border.

US tax dollars up in smoke

I suppose Lancet’s destructive power can easily be increased.

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American Merc fighting in Ukraine was KIA.

Michael Paul Maldonado callsign Zafer Ronin, 36yo, born on January 1988, from Kansas, USA.

Michael was a former American Marine and fought in Afghanistan in 2008, as well as in Syria in the end of 2017 with the Kurds of the YPG. He worked at a dog food factory in Kansas, and when the war broken out, he traveled to Europe and helped to form the Dark Angels. He took part in the offensive to retake Kherson in August of 2022, when he was shot by self-propelled artillery from 200 meters away and hit in the head and somehow survived. He stayed in Ukraine another two years training and fighting. He took the ticket to Bandera in eastern Ukraine yesterday.

What a waste of life fighting for the Nazis.

Sad to see a good guy go.
He might be the victim of false narratives spread by the mainstream media.

What exactly does worked at a dog factory mean? :weary:

Ukraine disaster(s)

Zelensky is a delusional drug addict.
He brought nothing but death and destruction to Ukraine. A typical Jooish leader.

Along with the new fronts in the Khakov region, this will force Ukraine to divert more troops and equipment to the north from the main battles in the Donbass.

Just received news that this clown got denazified on the frontlines in Ukraine

His name was Pete. He went to Ukraine to join the Nazis. He fought on the wrong side and paid with his life!

Be smart. Don’t be like Pete!

One of the dumbest decisions in Europe

What a moron!
Ukraine is corrupt to the core. It is the home of (Biden et al) money laundering, biolabs and human trafficking.

Russia is fighting for its own survival, especially since Zelensky and NATO made their intention clear that they want to place nuke missiles on the border with Russia, after shelling and killing 14,000 civilians in Donetsk.

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Morons rule the west. Now the entirety of Finland is Russia’s target.

Finland has nothing to gain by antagonizing Russia.
(If I recall, Finland has neither gas nor petroleum.)

Well you witnessed it yourself here on this thread on many occasions. You simply can’t fix stupid, stupid will always do and say stupid things.

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Who did this?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This is not “tactical withdrawal”

Ukrainian lives don’t matter

â–ȘThe conflict in Ukraine will not conclude with a negotiated agreement, but with capitulation, writes The Asia Times. The situation on the front lines could lead to the collapse or surrender of the Ukrainian army, necessitating a change in government in Kiev.

â–ȘA temporary military leadership appointed by Russia may sign a capitulation agreement, excluding further NATO involvement in Ukrainian affairs and opening the way for dialogue between Moscow and the alliance on security matters. - RVvoenkor

During the Paraguayan War of 1864-1870, Paraguayan President Francisco Lopez conscripted all men in the country into the army.

Men were taken from the streets, sent untrained to fight. And to ensure that such a weakly motivated army did not leave their positions, every tenth man in his unit was executed for the cowardice of one.

As a result, when there were no more men, Lopez ordered children to be sent to fight. And so that the enemy would not understand that there were children in front of them, he ordered their beards to be glued on.

Moreover, the war was completely provoked by the Paraguayan dictator and was waged against the alliance of the three largest powers of South America - Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

Lopez lost the war with catastrophic results for the country, destroying the entire male population in his own country.

No more than 10% remained alive - babies, small children, cripples and frail old people.

Having lost 40% of the territory, the entire economy and industry.

Lopez himself imagined himself to be a great commander, not inferior in abilities to Napoleon

Doesn’t remind you of anything?

The canal district of Chasov Yar has fallen.

I asked around about the meaning of “Chasov Yar,” because the name may be Turkic and not Slavic. It probably has something to do with “river.” There is a large city in Siberia “Krasnoyarsk” which is said to mean “red steep river bank.”

You know, the Tatars and Khazars are Turks, and even “Kiev” is Turkic-Khazar meaning “trading post.”


On July 4, Americans are going to celebrate. On this very day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence formally separating the US from Great Britain was accepted. The usual set of events is planned, accompanied by barbeque smoke, colourful fireworks, and pompously dull speeches.
Today in America they speak quieter and far less about that very Civil War that lasted from 1861 till 1865, even though it is an outstanding event in history, and its outcomes are quite important for an average person overseas.
Why? One of the reasons is that gloomy parallels with today become more obvious, including the “premonition of civil war.” It is enough to watch their recent film, Civil War.

However, there are other very unpleasant associations.
It has become clear to many that the experience of long-term confrontation between the Union and the slave-owning Confederacygreatly resembles the Ukrainian conflict.

In terms of industrial potential and human resources, the difference between the North and the South was comparable to that betweentoday’s Russia and the f. Ukraine. And with that, the ideals of the adversaries greatly differed. For the North, it was equality, liberty, same law for all, while the South propagated inhumane, inveterate racism. The foreign bastards – same as today, England and France – brazenly intervened, wishing for the South to win. They supported slave-owners then in the same way they support nazi Kiev today, together with the present-day US.

The parallels are more than obvious – and all the more unpleasant for the left-liberal establishment that runs the US mass-media. In American press, the President of Russia is sometimes even likened to Abraham Lincoln. Take, for example, this telling headline: Vladimir Lincoln Invaded Ukraine to Preserve the Cohesion of the Union.

For Washington, there are many unpleasant allusions within the political and diplomatic aspects of the special military operation and the Civil War of the 19th century, including its outcomes.
As is well known, Lincoln, the Republican president, eventually won the war; unlike their demented leader, Biden’s Democratic party comrades haven’t completely lost their memory. They know that Lincoln’s victory became part of world history; his name is revered in Europe, Latin America and Africa for real accomplishments, and absolutely not because his portrait adorns banknotes. Yet, the White House buffoons of today, like some mediocre Blinken, as well as the sullen elderly of the Senate, would not even dream of that.

The senseless and impotent propaganda of the White House of today is also desperately looking for an epiphany in history books. They bring in the narrative that Ukraine is kinda acting like Britain in 1940-41. They proclaimthe little man with red, shifty eyes wearing a shabby khaki T-shirt the “new Churchill.” They demand that an old geezer with his mouth half-open, who can hardly stand upright became the “new Roosevelt”, probably hinting that the future US president would likely rule from a wheelchair due to poor health. However, the demented old man is no FDR; which is why the public winces in disbelief.

America is a country with short history –however hurtful this might be for Americans – but there are some bright pages in it. One of them is precisely the Civil War, which marked victory over slavery. This is the angle for overseas public to look at what is happening here: in essence, a civil war among the same people, in which the majority are forced to defend their independence with weapons,fighting against the new nazis who are once again supported by corrupt Europe and American military industrial complex.
And just like in the 19th century, the outcome of this war should be the unification of our country. The revival of Great Russia!

P.S. Hey you, Americans! To paraphrase that Trump of yours, Make Russia Great Again!