Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Sinking USS Ford will be a good idea.

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Massive Ukrainian casualties. Need to say more?

Speaking the truth is a forgotten commodity these days that makes for living dangerously and on the edge.

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A lot happening.

He seems to rely on too much info from Ukrainian sources, but it’s a perspective.

I like his videos because he clearly defines territories that changed hands as far as he can identify.

NATO isnt a threst to Russia unless a member country is attacked. Ukraine has a history of resisting Moscows dominence and joining NATO would be in its best interest given the size advantage Russia has.Yes I lknow some Ukrainians aided the Nazi ocupation in WW2 so I dont need you yo remind me.
Zelensky though not perfect is trying to root out corruptiom which isnt easy. Just look at DC. At least give him some credit for trying.
More good news, secret electronics research facility near Moscow caught on fire today. What a shame!!! Ukraine has destroyed nearly 30 Russian oil refineries. Looks like long lines at the pump soon! Good news for Ukraines Army. An imcompetent General was replaced . Russias Air Defense in Crimea is continues to be beaten like a drum.

         SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!

I am absolutely convinced that you are not a conservative, a Trump supporter nor a person to be taken seriously. You are a person who is a paid shill, leftist moron who is cheers for death and destruction and a disgusting fat body who overdoses on on donuts and cheetos while watching Fox news.

Your statement was taken verbatim (if you even know what that word means) from Boris Johnson’s statement. How original! Like Johnson, you are an evil disgusting clown that the world needs to be rid of. I am sure you two will keep perfect company in Hell! You’re a POS scum of the Earth! PERIOD!


Grind out that wet pussy of that wife yours Dr M! Play with her soft tities of hers than wasting your time on imbeciles sitting in front of a computer jerking off to kiddy porn somewhere pretending they are doing something worthwhile by mouthing off a buzz words narratives of main stream media horn blast. Days are ending might as well go get ya some!

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Once they decide to surrender, the biggest risk is being killed by the Kiev army.

The usual war mongers in the west are responsible for the unnecessary deaths and destruction.

For your information, I never read Boris Johnsons statement. Yes Im a moderate conservative , not a RIGID FAR RIGHTIST like you.Your CHEAP PERSONAL INSULTS dont matter to me, but they make a statement about YOUR INTOLERENCE of those who dont MARCH behind you like MINDLESS ZOMBIES.I voted for Trump in the last two elections and I will vote for him again. So go BLOW YOUR SMOKE UP SOMEONE ELSES ASS.
My posts on UKRAINE must really bother you that you cant INDOCTRINATE me to your RIGID view on Ukraine. Your KGB or FSB training isnt working on me.
This war could have been over if RUSSIA Officers werent that ICOMPETENT to take and occupy KYIV at the start.They could have taken KYVIV in 90 days.

Sure you haven’t! (Sarcasm) You are still a scumbag whose dumb posts in this thread doesn’t further any semblance of dialogue with any degree of objectivity here. Zero! Anything you say has zero meaning in the bigger picture!

You simply can’t read and you must be an illiterate buffoon who knows no better than to hear themselves talk because most here don’t and shouldn’t take anything you say seriously! You are just a MSM shill with no original thoughts of their own!

Go create your own fking thread!

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Do people your age don’t get any poontang anymore? You sound like you are in desperate need to getting laid. :laughing:

No. Russia had no intention of occupying Kiev or Kharkov. The size of the Russian forces was too small to occupy these two largest cities of Ukraine.

Some say the idea of the Russian incursion was to force Ukraine to the negotiation table — which actually happened until Boris Johnson sabotaged it.

But the real purpose was — I forgot who said it, either Scott Ritter or Col MacGregor — to divert the attention of the Ukrainians from the south to the capital, while the Russian troops moved in swiftly and occupied southern Zaporozhia and Kherson on the east and west banks of the Dnieper, thus establishing the land bridge to Crimea.

atta boy Joey, love it when a plan comes together.

Russia promises retaliation against US for Ukraine strike on Crimea

By Dmitry Antonov and Guy Faulconbridge

June 24, 20244:44 PM MDTUpdated a day ago

MOSCOW, June 24 (Reuters) - The Kremlin on Monday squarely blamed the United States for an attack on Crimea with U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles that killed at least four people and injured 151, and Moscow formally warned the U.S. ambassador that retaliation would follow.

The war in Ukraine has deepened a crisis in relations between Russia and the West, and Russian officials have said the conflict is entering the most dangerous escalation to date.

But directly blaming the United States for an attack on Crimea - which Russia unilaterally annexed in 2014 although most of the world considers it part of Ukraine - is a step further.

“You should ask my colleagues in Europe, and above all in Washington, the press secretaries, why their governments are killing Russian children,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

At least two children were killed in the attack on Sevastopol on Sunday, according to Russian officials. People were shown running from a beach near Sevastopol and some of the injured being carried off on sun loungers. Kyiv did not comment on the attack but denies targeting civilians.

Russia said the United States had supplied the weapons, while the U.S. military had aimed them and provided data.

You and your MINDLESS MINIONS deliberetly IGNORE the staggering loses Russia is taking.It must be ok in your mind that the RUSSIAN COMMAND is totaly INCOMPETENT. As a former military person , you should easily see the REDICULIOUS tactics of HUMAN WAVE ASSAULTS . This isnt WW 1 . Are your personal attacks on me give you great pleasure.
I hope your passport is valid so you may continue to visit Moscow and Beijing.

     SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

Sometimes you’re right.

It hasn’t happened since the Korean war.
I really wonder what channel you’re watching.

Sometimes the numerical advantage in troops doesnt mean much. Ukraine defended KYIV with second line troops against a numericaly Russian Army that had better weapons than the Ukrainian defenders.
Why wouldnt Russia " OCCUPY " the capital.and install a " RUSSIAN FRIENDLY " goverment.

Exactly. It will happen, but the question is the timing.
I think Russia is getting Yanukovich, the constitutionally elected President, ready.

Will it happen this year? I don’t think so.
Maybe 2025. I sure hope so.

You are living in FANTASY LAND if you believe Russia will defeat Ukraine.It will only happen if the WEST stops its support of Ukraine.
2025 will be the time Ukraine goes on offense against Russia. Ukraine is removing the INCOMPETENT OFFICERS and hopefully root out most of the corruption.
Russias drive towards Kyiv stalled because of a lack of resources which Ukraine is constantly attacking. Ukraine is making good progress in Vochansk and across the northern front.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Holy crap! Can you project any harder loser? You are the one and the only one here waving the Ukrainian flag like a little woke liberal bitch making up facts as you go along when everybody else knows that Ukraine is and has been losing. Fantasy land! Ha ha ha! Good one! Go back to sleep grandpa!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: