Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Ukraine has also hit an airfield and oil storage areas in Krasnodar.

      SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!@

Not sure how practical the use of this bomb is for reasons stated in the article, but if it gets used with regularity then it will be a game changer and will pose huge problems for Ukrainian forces that is already depleted beyond repair!

You might as well talk to a donkey, you’d probably would get a better response. The a$$hat complains about Russia’s invasion, but its OK if the US does it by its regime change and interference in sovereign countries political systems since WW II. Right?

Shameless. The US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2 not including millions who died from US sanctions or US made Covid-19. Most recently the US Govt has wasted over 600k Ukrainian lives by threatening the security of Russia.

The hypocrisy by some is astounding at times.

BTW, just to correct the misinformation that is being propagated by the closet liberal here; it was the US and their foreign policy initiatives that provoked Russia to invade Ukraine. They basically overthrew a duly elected president in Ukraine that started things off.

The US also repeatedly flies close to Russian airspace, creep up in their waters with Nuclear Submarines to listen in on their communications over the years well before this war started. Imagine if Russia was doing the same thing around US waters? I love our double standards regularly practice by the DOD and other bad actors of the intelligence community. As the saying goes don’t throw stones when living inside a glass house, and I think that appropriately fits when we have to listen to morons claim that Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked.


If such bombs make nuke bombs obsolete, then maybe it’s a good thing.

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Absolutely correct.
The cookie monster, aka the angel of death, staged the coup at Maidan in 2014, forcing the ouster of the constitutionally elected President Yanukovich. She has blood on her hands.

Other than that, Kiev troops shelled Donetsk city from its proximity, namely Avdiivka and thereabouts, killing 14,000 innocent Russian-speaking citizens since 2014 until Russia got rid of the Kiev troops this year

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Lets not forget Victoria Nuland’s provocative actions to stage coups and Hitlers Daughter Angela Merkle who basically admitted that the Minsk accord agreements was a big giant lie in order to buy more time. (another Rabbit hole mind you)

I will also say this, I am not a Putin apologist, but I do take exception with US interventionism foreign policy that is pretty hypocritical when they try to label Russia as the boogie man when its been the US all along. My stance on this is Russia has a right to defend itself despite what Western media propaganda tries to sell themselves as; such as being the morally superior knight riding in on a white horse to save the world while throwing around words like “Democracy” and Human rights BS when their past actions have spoken otherwise.

The bottom line is Russia, China, and an entire host of other nation states want to live in a multi-polar world with economic stability. While the West with the US as their henchmen, is a crumbling empire that is threaten to see their hegemony of economic control being challenged and diminished. Throughout history this is the reason why wars have been started and fought over, and we are witnessing such a moment in history.


I don’t think Nukes will be obsolete and they only serve as a deterrence from adversarial threats. This bomb in particular could be pretty devastating if they intend to use it regularly, but I am skeptical that they could given the size of these monsters and has to be carried by a specific plane that the Russians don’t have a rotational supply of. At least that is according to the article and I am not sure how accurate those claims are.

In case there is any doubt this is what Trump said about NATO and US provocation.


In this interview with President Trump made a number of important comments on Ukraine. First, Trump guaranteed that if he becomes the next commander-in-chief, he will not put American boots on the ground in Ukraine. If France were to do so, as French President Emmanuel Macron has been advocating for, they would be on their own. Second, President Trump acknowledged the role of NATO expansion in causing the war: TRUMP: “So for twenty years, I heard that if Ukraine goes into NATO, it’s a real problem for Russia. I’ve heard that for a long time. And I think that’s really why this war started. I’m not sure that this war would have started. Biden was saying all of the wrong things. And one of the wrong things he was saying, “no, Ukraine will go into NATO.” … It’s always been understood. And that’s even before Putin. It’s always been understood that that was a no-no. And now you can go against their wishes, and it doesn’t mean they’re right when they say that. But that was very provocative, and now it’s even more provocative. And… I hear routinely they’re now talking about Ukraine entering NATO, and now I hear France wants to go in and fight. Well, I wish them a lot of luck.” Overall, President Trump demonstrated an understanding of the conflict and how to avoid war with Russia, whereas President Biden continues to escalate us towards WWIII.


Absolutely. Even Zelensky spoke of getting nuke missles in Ukraine as late as 2021, just prior to the Russian invasion which started in February 2022.

Putin would be crazy if he DIDN’T take military actions.

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Long live the one of the most corrupt government in the world.

KYIV, Ukraine — Several top Ukrainian officials were fired on Tuesday amid a ballooning corruption scandal, in the biggest upheaval in President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government since Russia’s invasion.

Ukraine’s cabinet ministry, which announced the firings, provided no reasons for them, but they followed a number of allegations of government corruption — including reports that Ukraine’s military had agreed to pay inflated prices for food meant for its troops — and vows by Mr. Zelensky to root it out.

On has to wonder with the Biden ties how much do the Bidens receive.


Exactly. It’s well known that the Bidens have ties to this corrupt POS country… as do, I’m sure, many of our politicians… for the ease of laundering their ill begotten money.

I have no love for Russia or Putin. I also don’t live in the ‘cold war’ era anymore. I am also old enough to remember it being plastered all over the TV every evening… until Reagan ended it. I’m in the camp of ‘leave Russia alone’… unless there is a reason not to. The past is the past.

There is so much need in our own country for all the money being given to Ukraine for a futile attempt at defeating Russia… which I couldn’t care less about. Take care of your own! MAGA!


More and more prominent figures are saying the quiet people out loud.

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US sanctions have not worked economically or diplomatically.
North Korea may be invited to BRICS.
Ukraine is losing 2,000 a day, which is not sustainable.
The war in Ukraine is all about Nov 2024 for the Dems.

Other than that, I doubt Russia and the BRICS states, especially Iran, will sit idly if the US gets involved in a war in Lebanon.

Sunack is purposely throwing the election. Californiacation! :joy:

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Sergey Karyakin, FIDE international grandmaster, participant in the world championship match play, plays chess with Russian soldiers at the front.

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Farage is not backing down for telling the truth about who started the war in Ukraine!


Vovchansk (north of Kharkov) is another meat grinder, kill zone created by Russian forces.

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This guy (He sounds like an Australian) is too pro-Ukrainian to my taste, but it’s useful to get a broader perspective of things.

Russia is certainly playing cat and mouse north of Kharkov, advancing sometimes and withdrawing sometimes, in order to entice more and more Ukrainian troops to be engaged so that they get eliminated in the end.

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JUST IN: 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Russia says “a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads. Four US-made ATACMS missiles were intercepted; The detonation of the fragmentation warhead of a fifth US-made missile in mid-air resulted in numerous casualties among civilians in Sevastopol. All flight assignments for US ATACMS operational-tactical missiles are entered by US specialists based on the US’s own satellite intelligence data. Therefore, responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with the United States, which supplied these weapons to Ukraine, and with the Zelensky regime, from whose territory this strike was carried out. Such actions will not go unanswered.”