Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

You are pissed because I dont blindly fall in line with your PRO RUSSIAN propaganda.You apparently support Russias use of MEAT WAVE attacks causing thousands of needless casualties and their utter disregard of soldiers lives.You may have people with minds of SILLY PUTTY follow your BS , but I dont.Just wait till Ukraine destroys the Kerch Bridge then the ROSTOV RR will be next.
If the Russian Navy is relevant, why werethey moved farther from possible Ukranian sea drone strikes. Their only relevent where there docked.
Your hero TSAR RASPUTRID 1 is a worse military genius than Hitler .With continued Westrrn support he will be eventualy be cornered and try to save face in leaving Ukraine.The Russian economy is hurting ftom a lack of jobs being filled by soldiers in Ukraine and in cemetaries.

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!

No I am not pissed because you falsely accuse me of something I am not, I am pissed because you simply refuse to educate yourself on the facts and then shit post misinformation in this thread. You are basically illiterate and can’t or refuse to read the facts that is regularly posted in this thread. You don’t engage in any objective discussion here regarding a subject matter you have no comprehension about. You simply propagate your old cold war views, or out touch retarded talking points by showing your age of hegemonic brainwashed nonsense. Do us all a favor and stop with your retarded ignorance and leave the discussion for those who are actually engaged and educated about this particular subject matter, as its evidenced you contribute absolutely zero to this discussion!

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That is whats happening though.

Maxim Likhachev, a Ukrainian soldier who fled to Russia in a Ukrainian tank, applied for Russian citizenship. He has no plans to return to Ukraine.

The stolen Ukrainian tank is a significant boost for his application for a Russian passport.

WOW: A Ukranian soldier ran in a tank to the Russian side!

Maxim stole the Ukranian T-64 tank because he thought it would be safer to get to the Russian positions, where he was expected in advance by prior agreement.

No one shot in his back, since for the Ukranian officers in the forward positions, everything looked like an ordinary tank combat exit.

He will be giving interviews shortly:

  • about who Maxim met in Poland
  • why every brigade of the Ukraine army where he appeared suffered losses
  • what he will do in the Russian army

Ukraine is winning the war so much that their own soldiers are defecting to the Russian side.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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It’s not me saying it, it’s the reporting of several agencies that record such statistics. Are you disputing the IOC and UN reporting data?

It’s fairly obvious to any layman looking from afar that if Ukraine was winning the war they wouldn’t be trying to beg borrow and steal from the US and other western countries to fund their war.

Sure would like to see your source to which you get your information from. I have asked you before too so not sure why you won’t simply provide it so we can compare.

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I find it very strange that he would post on a fairly consistent basis an alternative set of claims that run contrary to almost every media outlet that has been covering this war. Just weird.


I have to agree with the author

Wrong. We drained our Military resources by wokeism, and willingly gave Ukraine funding that overwhelmingly the people of the United States was against.

Ukraine: U.S. Military Aid Exceeds Costs of Afghanistan

The U.S. has supplied weapons and equipment worth over $5 billion.

Last years figures
Feb 23, 2023


Who has the larger population???

You should head over and fight instead of being a war monger. Before you leave all your wealth confiscated to help pay for their war.

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It is not 100% clear what’s happening in Vovchansk.

We didn’t know what was going on in and around Bakhmut and Avdiivka either, because both sides (Russian and Ukrainian) claimed different situations.

Turned out the Ukrainian claims were BS.

Remember, Kharkov is just a side show for Russia.

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I believe in helping a country that was WRONLY invaded and that is willing to fight without US troops on the front lines and only asking for material support.
TSAR RASPUTRID 1 has ILLUSIONS of recreating the former Soviet Empire.How can any Western country support a former KGB agent and a murder of opponents.

I’m not supporting him. I just see that my country shouldn’t be involved in this little war
 especially when there are so many that need the money and help in our own country.

You say you aren’t a Leftist
 and I believe you aren’t. So
 why do you support Biden and the Left in this ‘conflict’ that we should not be a part of? Surely you must know that when Trump is back in the White House this will not end the way you want it to?.. and I assume you will be voting for Trump?

Albert just regurgitates the Western propaganda media talking points. He lives in his own set of realities where he gets to make up his own set of facts. He is a closet liberal despite contrary to his claims of supposedly being a “moderate conservative” which BTW is an oxymoron. His actions such as refusing to properly cite sources (though we live in the 21st century where even the most mentally challenged people know the basics on how to copy and paste links to youtube videos) is consistent with the actions of leftists ideologues, who when challenged on the absurd claims they regularly clamor about become obtuse with their responses. Its time to put this turd on ignore!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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This is fking crazy! This war is basically between the US and Russia.

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I’d say it’s a war between two financial systems:

One fake, paper-money based, debt- and interest-bearing, elite-run ancient Babylonian banking slavery system vs more food-, resources-, and people-based economic system.

All wars are over the control of commerce, which is about power. One is the old hegemony opposing the new emerging economic system. The West with their fake soyboys leadership is diminishing pretty drastically in recent years, while other countries are jumping ship to join the new.

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The myth of Ukrainian offensive (again)


How are YOU doing anything???

What is being done is sending billions to what end? Adding to the debt will not end well. Europe and the rest of the world laughs as we dump money into a never ending black hole. Already Ukraine has cost us more than the decade in Afghanistan which ended so well.


More GOOD NEWS in Ukraineas per PPR GLOBAL. Ukrainian drones successfully struck an AMMO train in Belgorod , a FUEL train sabataged in Volgorod, Ukrainian partisans struck an RR line in Smolensk and a drone strike on an industrial site in Leptsk. GREAT WORK , MORE TO COME!!!

    SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

This is what silly Ukrainians get in return.