Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–


Why are they there in the first place? I sure hope serving the Joo master pays.

What do you think the Russian submarines are for? They are not targeting “US personnel.” You may be safe, though, out in the west as long as you’re not downwind from nuke blasts.

Stupid goy spilled the beans.

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Diplomacy? As we have no interest in Ukraine is of no strategic value outside of lining Joe ad Hunters pockets, why do we need diplomacy???

A Rostov ship refueling depot was hit by Ukraine. A BEAUTIFUL fire lit up the sky.Ukrsine has successfuly counter attacked Russian positions north of Karkiv pushing them closer to the Russian border
We will how good the Russian S 500 air defense system will be in its first combat action.Most likely it will join the S300 and S400s on the scrap pile.
Russia cant be allowed to BULLY any soverign country ( Ukraine ) with its invasion to bring it under TSAR RASPUTRID 1 domination.and threatening Eastern European countries.Our past isolationist polices didnt solve a thing.

       SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!

You fail to see the purpose of the Russians, who want to pin the Ukrainian troops there.

It’s another meat grinder, a rehash of Bakhamut and Avdiivka, to kill as many Ukrainian troops as possible, especially the Azov and other Nazis, to weaken the Nazi / Zionist regime in Kiev.

Not that the Russians want to kill their Ukrainian brothers, but Russia has no choice.

Ukraine is losing 1,000 men a day, sometimes up to 1,700 or more.

Russia’s main target is west of Donetsk.

This guy explains most clearly the daily front changes. He’s a German analyst who lives in Ukraine. You should be able to listen in English with PC translation.

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Didn’t the Biden regime ask Kiev not to attack Russian oil facilities for fear of raising global oil prices? LOL

Might be a good idea in order to avoid WW III. My crass aside, our relations with Russia has deteriorated so much that we are headed back to cold war era days and I am not sure we will ever get back any possible good will we established when Reagan or Bush was president. I have to bite my tongue on the latter as being a globalist shill. Lol.

My point being, war is never a justified end, and the US has played that card as if its candy to some. The problem with that, is that eventually a nations moral reservoir runs out, and we as country will suffer as a result. Our leadership is the problem not Russia.

Might be a good thing though as public support is eroding fast and by the day for this sham war.

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Our diminished relations is the results of our need for a bad guy. They fit the bill perfectly. The invasion of Ukraine should have been expected with a weak administration unable to do anything. Next up China and Taiwan as they also see the lack of leadership. They both realize that we are broke. Ukraine has drained our military of h ability to go to war.

Weak leadership is a given, but the US and NATO provoked this war by breaking an agreed treaty with Russia in the 90’s to not expand NATO territories.

Wrong. We drained our Military resources by wokeism, and willingly gave Ukraine funding that overwhelmingly the people of the United States was against.

As far as Taiwan is concerned, that is a mixed signal and if China decides to invade Taiwan, that will be the end of the Chinese economy something I am sure that is in their calculus to which I am sure they wouldn’t risk for the long term. So to me, all of their recent military maneuvers is simply psychological for the short term.


Why should China invade Taiwan?
Status quo is good enough.

Even if Taiwan is 100% independent, it makes no difference for China because there will be mutual trade and business. China just doesn’t want US interferences in China’s money making.

You are ABSOLUTELY INCORRECT!!! Russia us loosing nearly 1k troops a day. Ukraine is attacking Russian Logistic targets to reduce the supplies to Russisn troops which is the war of attrition.In case you missed it, an oil supply depot was hit in Azov Russia causing a BEAUTIFUL GLOW IN THE SKY.

        SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!

Latest numbers

241,000 Russian KIA

878,000 Ukrainian KIA

Doesn’t seem like your assumptions are correct that Ukraine is winning anything. The Russians continue to take more territory with a dwindling Ukrainian army on the run by the day.

Sources and data is provided by UN stats and analysis up to date


Well Ukraine has counter attacked and pushed Russia back from Karkiv when Russia ran low on resources. Yes ,Russia had made SMALL GAINS in Eastern Ukraine but these are small in nature.
Russia had lost 10% of its Air Force in Ukraine and Russias Navy is IRRELEVENT and will destroy the Kerch Bridge this yesr.
How can you say Russia has lost far fewer troops than Ukraine when they continue to use human wave attacks.

You can’t reason with idiots! You tell them the sky is blue and even when its the truth they will still argue its grey. As evidence by this doofus’s latest response!

“Duh’ Duh” Russia has made small gains, blah blah!"

Duh" Duh, Russia’s Navy is irrelevent"

This moron doesn’t know about the Nuclear Submarines parked on America’s doorstep! Or that its the second largest Navy in the world?

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This is you exposing your own ignorance and retardedness again. No one has to expose it for you, you do a good enough job on your own!

Hawley is on point in expressing the frustration that most Americans who have common sense and don’t give a rats ass about Ukraine and its war are feeling right now.


Want to see what the Ukrainian Army is promoting? WW II Nazi symbols in their store fronts

What no one is talking about. This is huge! Russian just seized JP Morgan assets to the tune of $400 million dollars as a response to the US unlawfully seizing Russian assets and giving it to Ukraine.

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Stoltenberg just revealed what the US plan to do to punish China for supporting Russia.

One thing that will finish Ukraine and the West is if China militarily joins Russia. This scenario is something that the West has feared and has no answer to other than using Nuclear weapons.

NATO bombed Afghanistan. For what? Nothing gained.

Now NATO wants to bomb Peking? Gimme a break.

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