Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

Suit yourself, but just be ready to lower your expectations and perhaps playing down a few levels of mental intelligence!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Interview with Scott Ritter is an interesting one.

Yep, it’s all about minerals and resources in Ukraine.
Making money at the expense of the Ukrainian people.

The Russian Revolution was financed by the Rockefellers (crypto-Joos) and the Bolsheviks were a bunch of Joos who murdered 66 million Christians (according to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn). The Cold War was a hoax.

Boris Yeltsin was a very corrupt Joo working hand in glove with the Joos in the west, stealing all the wealth from Russia.

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ROTFLMAO, your reality is simply excuses for our stupidity in dumping bilkions into a shithole corrupt country.

Adolph, once again your misdirection a shit is smelling up the site.

No. I wouldn’t call the US a shithole corrupt country. It applies only to the US under the Dems and other Joo-loving neocons.

Ukraine is losing big time in Kharkov region as well.

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Young Ukrainian girls are being forced into the military to fight the war against Russia. This is truly sad. Why? Our most precious resource as a nation is Women and children. If you don’t have a problem with this concept then you are a bonafide asshatted retard! They must be protected at all costs!


Goes to show Joos on both sides of the Atlantic rule Ukraine.

You don’t have an argument when you have no evidence to produce. It seems you practice a double standard while trying blame others for your own deficiencies.

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This is the genocide no one wants to talk about. How any one can look at the west as the good savior anymore after this will be shameful.


MSM is mostly to blame for that. They are afterall an extension of the DNC.

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Two narratives.
I don’t know which one right.

The Ukrainian narrative: There are hundreds of Russian troops trapped and isolated inside the aggregate plant in Volchansk (Kharkov region).

The Russian narrative:
Au contraire. It’s the Ukrainian units that are encircled in northern Volchansk.

Every time Ukraine (the west) rejects a Russian proposal, things get worse for Ukraine.

Reading is fundamental understanding for you impossible.

Allowing Ukraine to use American weapons to strike targets in Russian territory increases the risk of escalation without meaningfully aiding Ukrainian capabilities.

The potential for direct engagement with Russian forces, whether intentional or accidental, could have far-reaching consequences. The escalation of the conflict would not only endanger the lives of U.S. personnel but also risk drawing the United States into a broader confrontation with Russia.

If you read a few posts up in this thread I have been sounding the alarm bells for quite some time. It goes without saying that adding insult to injury that no negotiations for a peace settlement has been pursued by the US, UK or anybody else in the G7 and it seems that they are only interested in keeping this war going. Why? That is another rabbit hole to go into. Thanks to Lindsey Graham at least we know its not about saving Ukrainian lives.

US personnel shouldn’t even be there in the first place! We as Americans also shouldn’t allow it. If we sit back then we will only have ourselves to blame.

That is what the war mongers want right? I mean if you add in the fact that everything that is going on and wrong in the US right now and with the most important election in our history fast approaching, having a war to distract the public from the failures of our and world leaders around the globe seems like a perfect time to have one. (Another rabbit hole to go into! )

Speaking of rabbit holes, I have been throwing people in a lot of them lately, not necessarily you, but you catch my drift.

Another thought I might add and ask you at the same time, I am sure you were alive when James Baker III was negotiating with adversaries to cease hostilities. What ever happened to diplomacy? It seems that pursuing such is not in the interest of the greedy politicians who are bought by the MIC lobby who feed at the trough of the US treasury.

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