Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates šŸŖ–

Just when you couldnā€™t get any dumber you manage to outdo yourself yet again! You thinking that Putin acts within a vacuum is pretty hilarious and shows that you have zero comprehension of what is actually happening in relation to NATO, US and the actions that they taken so far to instigate a third WW with Russia. You obviously also have no comprehension skills to read nor grasp the context to which led to these actions, which is why you keep coming back here with more shit posting and nonsense that has no basis in truth whatsoever!

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Isnā€™t it obvious already? None whatsoever!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Shameless. The US Govt killed over 20 million people in 37 victim nations since WW2 not including millions who died from US sanctions or US made Covid-19. Most recently the US Govt has wasted over 600k Ukrainian lives by threatening the security of Russia.

Tony Blinken is a psychopath, as well as being a terrible guitarist. Luckily, everyone knows that.

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Then ask yourself

Why are we still in Korea 70+ years later

There is no plan in Ukraine, just dumping billions into a shithole corrupt country

Clearly a European issue not a us issue

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The hostilities in Korea are clearly defined.
Communist north vs capitalist south.

In Afghanistan, the line was very vague. Combats erupted sometimes along traditional tribal disputes or maybe religious Sunnis vs more liberal Kabul forces. You could be allied with some groups yesterday and today you could be fighting against them. Tomorrow is another story.

I post things here from You Tube videos such as Dennys Davidov, Divine Justice and Paul US Combat Veteran.
Dont tell me that Dr Manhattan isnt CHEETLEADING for his hero TSAR RASPUTID 1!!!

       SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!

How is being a MODERATE REPUBLICAN a Leftist. Being a Moderate Is better than a FAR RIGHT RIGID CONSERVATIVE.
You must have forgotten about our posts on other threads where we have similar views. You must be having MEMORY PROBLEMS on your old age.Try some PREVEGEN it may help.You also need help with your DELUSIONS over your hero TSAR RASPUTRD 1

If a US combat veteral says that Ukraine is winning, he must have had his head banged against the wall of a tank as it hit a landmine and he never recovered fully.

Or maybe he is being paid a lot of money making such videos by the usual suspects such as the George Soros group.

Scott Ritter and Larry Johnson donā€™t seem to have such lucrative money sources. Ritter has had his passport seized this month by armed federal agents at JFK moments before boarding a plane bound for Turkey for a further flight to Russia.

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Ukraine has destroyed another Su 24 and damaged 2 Su 57s further weakening Russias air power. It is estimated , Russia has lost10% of its air force in Crimea.
Ukraine has also made Russias Black Sea fleet impotent sinking landing ships that transports military supplies to Crimea.
Ukraine hss stopped Russias drive on Kharkov and is in a heavy fight in Voychansk.Russia has been reduced to a paper pussycat militarily loosing on average of 1200 soldiers a day in May. Russia has resorted to using killing squads to shoot soldiers that attempt to surrender and have shot their wounded soldiers who attempt to surrender. What a group to support.

        SLAVA UKRAINE!!!!!!


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You prove once again what a dumba$$ you are. You are no longer worth the effort in responding to your retarded posts. You add nothing of substance to this thread, only regurgitated propaganda leftist media talking points that is not substantiated because your are too ignorant or lazy to cite any sourced material, so anything you claim, state, is not credible. In fact, you are the only one here who claims that Ukraine is winning the war, how dumb is that?

Now you are trying to conflate issues and make them into one. You lost this debate a long time ago with your childish antagonistic posts designed to brag and taunt your brand of outdated nationalism dating back to the cold war. You are not capable of having an objective discussion on the facts, you have proven that so far in this thread each and every day.

And I no I donā€™t have memory problems, I am young, healthy as I exercise daily and actively play sports and work. Maybe its you that is projecting and who needs to step away from the keyboard and get out of the house more.

Donā€™t you have a dog to walk? Maybe that is a more positive contribution than shit posting here all the time.

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Ukraine Military Sitrep, Kiev Regimeā€™s Geriatric Conscript Army, Kiev Regime F-16s to Be Kept ā€œSafeā€ in NATO Bases, Russia Says it Will Hit Them Anyway, moreā€¦ (

Russia will attack the airbases in Romania and Poland if the F-16s that participate in the war land there.

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Do you know how to copy and paste? Itā€™s pretty easy and you could prove your point by doing so. I have never seen anything in this thread that was a provided link from you, so I have no idea what you are referring to. I would like to see where it is that you get your information from.

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Been asking that from him since we started this thread. Its useless, he will just come up with another bullshit excuse!

Fair game I guess! If they decide to go through with their threats things could escalate real quick!

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Duly noted, but I really would be interested to know because I see nothing here that he claims he posted and I wonder what is actually being reported vs. what western main stream media is putting out as misinformation.

They are in cahoots with the Biden crime family.


I didnā€™t know today (12th) is a Russian Nattional Holiday.

Instead of souring the holiday mood in Russia, Ukraine keeps losing territory.

Yeah sounds like Ukraine is really winning the war. Wink wink!

:joy: :joy: :joy: