Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates 🪖

You still here? I thought you died already! Oh well not everyone is adept at playing fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons!

This article is talking about morons like you who believe the propaganda you are being fed only to repeat it here.

Just in case your high school drop out education was wondering what posting a link to a cited source looks like!

Go back to sleep you dumbass!

Russian assault units found chained Ukrainian soldiers in the captured AFU dugout in the Zaporizhzhya direction. This is pathetic!

One is still alive.


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The Russians, despite their harsh language, had the humanity to call the medics.

Right, the Ukrainian was wounded and chained like a dog, like the Russians said.

It’s not clear but the other Ukrainian may be dead.

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Yeah its messed up to see soldiers being treated by their own countrymen only to be rescued by the enemy to be given better treatment!

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So is Romania and Poland now fair targets if they are allowed to do this?

Some F-16 fighters will be likely based in Romania and Poland. → Looks like a legal trick to base F16 jets outside of Ukraine. So the jets will be based in Romania, fly to Ukraine to load missiles and then fly for combat missions and fly back to Romania. 🗣️ “Some of them will remain in those centers where our pilots and aviation personnel are trained. There is a certain number of aircraft that will be stored at safe air bases, not in Ukraine, so that they will not be targets here. And this will be our reserve in case necessary to replace faulty aircraft during routine maintenance. That is, so that we can constantly have a certain number of aircraft in operation, which will correspond to the number of pilots we will have. There will be more aircraft in Ukraine." — said Chief of Aviation of the Air Force Command Sergei Golubtsov.

The carrier of the Zircon hypersonic missiles, the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, arrived on the shores of the United States in Cuba.

Computer generated translation is a bit weird.

Armored vehicle duel

New front in the Sumy region?

Ukraine is a big country. The distance from Kharkov to Sumy is about 90 miles, which means Ukraine has to further disperse its forces.

The Kerch bridge is important to Russia to supply troops in Crimes and the south. Ukraine will destroy the Kerch bridge soon especialy the rail bridge as Ukraine has destroyed 2 more S300 and 1 S400 missile systems along with the Air Defense Radar systems. This has made Russia transfer ADA crews to Belgorod.
When that bridge is destroyed , Russia will have to supply troops in Crimea and the south by sea , air and land ( Rostov to Crimea rail line).Ukraine has made Russia feel the sting of the atacam missiles. The loss of the Kerch bridge will deal a serious lossof morale to Russia.

FUK YOU , Im not going anywhere you RASPUTRID CHEERLEADER. ARENT YOU LIVING IN MOSCOW YET, drinking vodka with your hero??
You are blind to the OUTRAGES LOSSES Russia has taken and the waste of lives with their MEAT WAVE stratagey similar to their tactics in WW2 along with no regard for the soldiers lives.
You live for the day when TSAR RASPUTRID 1 reestablishes the former WARSAW PACT tithreaten Europe .

If Ukraine (Read US neocon Joos) destroys the Kerch Bridige, Russia will destroy all bridges across the Dnieper (among other options). See how that will work out for Ukraine.

The Kerch Bridge now has civilian traffic only.

Before the Bridge was built, Russia relied on ferries and air traffic to supply materiel after the referendum in which the people in Crimea voted overwhelmingly to go back to Russia to which they belong and have always belonged.

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If ignorance and stupidity can be summed up in one post this would be it. You just prove me being right yet again! You are a moron and there is no disputing that as being fact!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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There’s a Russian naval group, including a nuclear submarine, off the coast of Florida right now.

I guess you are right all the time. We each have our own opinions .I will stand by UKRAINE un their fight against Russia. If they loose , I will be disappointed but wont be suicidal.

    SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

You stand with Ukraine because you are a leftist moron moonlighting as a conservative! Don’t even deny it, because your shit posts can’t be any dumber!

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Are they in INTERNATIONAL WATERS?? Is this a surprise by Russia .Are you happy for this. What would you say if US Navy ships were near St. Petersburg Russia.
This is a CHILDISH RASPUTRID to intimidate the US.

Im not a leftist with your STUPID LABEL on me . Im a moderate REPUBLUCAN. Your label is FALSE as you know from other threads that wr have similar opinions and DONT LIE ABOUT IT!!!

You are the only one here in this thread who posts things to get a reaction from people. Almost as if you want to antagonize. You supporting Ukraine is the only cheerleading going on. Maybe you have no self awareness to know the irony of your remarks?

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It’s almost like religious conviction.
Truth doesn’t matter.

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Could you get any dumber than this self proclamation? This is essentially you admitting that you are a leftist! Holy crap! Go back sleep grandpa!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: