Ukraine Russia War Front and Updates đŸȘ–

Where is Bill Clinton?
Hillary (today) is an actor / body double.
Biden is a mask-wearing fake.
Where is Hunter?

I agree with you along with Mr Peabody and Snidely Whiplash.

A Ukrainian family struggles to prevent their man from being thrown into the van. They know that van means he will be on the front lines days later, without training. They know that van means death.

Should the US tax payers be forced to fund this atrocity?

More news about Ukrainian losses

Russian-speaking Ukrainians are discriminated against in western Ukraine. Even in Kiev. Why should they fight against Russia?

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I don’t know the answer to that, logic would say no, but no matter how to slice this War is immorally wrong. What is so frustrating about this is that no Western country is even talking about diplomacy or trying to set up talks in order to deescalate this mess to bring about stability throughout Europe. Its as if they want war to continue, which essentially that is exactly what they want. People need to start rising up to protest our Government to stop funding this madness, if the US stopped funding it, the war would probably end tomorrow.

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Good news in Crimea. Ukraine damaged ferry depot. In Krasnodar, a Ukranian drone struck an oil depot.Bad news is Russia deploying S 300 missile launchers in RESIDENTIAL AREAS. HOWS THAT FOR HUMAN SHIELD USE .But will be easier targets for Ukraimian partisan strikes.
Ukraine is making Crimea untendable for Russia eavh day and winning the war of attrition against Russia.
Russia has more solders surrendering to Ukraine each day because of the poor treatment by their commanders.

      SLAVA UKRAINE !!!!!!!!!!

Ukrainian citizens have had enough as they clearly are running out of soldiers and next step is NATO intervention!

Ukrainian mothers storm a cĐŸnscription office after a young man was kidnapped and torturĐ”d to dДаth in the basement

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Douglas Macgregor


SHOCKER: NATO Readies 300,000-Troop Deployment for Russia Crisis
 -POLITICO NATO is developing plans to deploy 300,000 US troops to the European frontlines in the event of a major conflict with Russia. The strategy involves creating ‘land corridors’ to bypass local bureaucracy and ensure a swift response to Russian aggression. These corridors would facilitate the rapid movement of troops from key ports to pre-planned routes across Europe. The move is part of NATO’s efforts to deter Russian aggression and prepare for potential threats, amid concerns of escalating tensions in the region.

Putin was asked about the use of Nuclear weapons.

We have no illusions in this regard,” Putin added, repeating his prior comments that Ukrainian troops might be pulling the trigger but the US and its allies are providing the intelligence and targeting information.

Russia will respond by boosting air defenses and destroying these missiles, Putin said.

“Secondly, if someone deems it possible to supply such weapons to the war zone, to strike our territory
 why shouldn’t we supply similar weapons to those regions of the world, where they will be used against sensitive sites of these countries?” the Russian president added. “We can respond asymmetrically. We will give it a thought.”

If the West continues to escalate, such actions “will completely destroy international relations and undermine international security,” Putin noted.

“If we see that these countries are being drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against Russia, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way. This is a recipe for very serious problems,” he warned.

This has gotten pretty pathetic to the point the women are being asked to fight for the men who essentially hide behind their skirts.

The women will be captured and raped because that is what happens in war when men fail to protect their women.

“Counter offensive”

Zelensky is a Joo and war mongers in DC are Joos too.
Ukrainian lives don’t matter.

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The Cuban missile crisis again.

Do we have politicians like JFK and Khrushchev today who were willing to negotiate? Biden is brain-dead and Blinken and other psychopathic neocons want a war with Russia.

I don’t think Nikita Khrushchev was an idiot like the Russian joke from the Soviet era would have you believe.

A man was arrested at the Red Square right next to the Kremlin for shouting: “Khrushchev is an idiot! Khrushchev is an idiot!”
He was promptly tried and sentenced to 15 years and 15 days in prison:
15 days for insulting the First Secretary of the Communist party.
15 years for revealing a State secret.

And you’re a fucking idiot.

Adolf Hitler reborn.

This time you spelled Adolf right.
Is the vax helping you?

This was a very poignant interview with Alexander Mercouris from The Duran.

Russias NATO neighbors already have advanced missille systems that isnt escalation.Belarus has also so itsa standoff.
What will be an escalation would be is if the " MIGHTY BELARUSIAN ARMY " invades Ukraine creating a second front.This would make you happy beyond belief and another thing for you to CHEERLEAD for you hero TSAR RASPUTRID 1.